On Monday, March 16, 2020, China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) released official estimates of national economy performance in the first two months of 2020.

  • According to NBS, in January-February 2020 China's industrial production contracted 13.5% year-over-year, services production declined 13%, investment in fixed assets dropped 24.5% and retails sales of consumer goods were down 20.5%.
  • Amid what is considered a general recession, some industries, such as production of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and high-tech manufacturing, still "manifested sound growing momentum".
  • The sharp decline in consumer and investment demand along with the decline in exports outpacing the decline in imports makes it hard to achieve the consensus 4% GDP growth in Q1 2020.

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Key Short-Term Indicators
China: Industrial Production Untitled China: Fixed Capital Investment Untitled China: Retail Sales of Consumer Goods Untitled
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