The Global Coronavirus Susceptibility Index* from Knoema offers an experimental look at the vulnerability of countries to the spread of coronavirus based on some of the factors currently understood to affect countries' exposure and ability to respond to the virus. The underlying data is sourced from a variety of global health, development, and governance organizations.  This index can be used as a tool to balance considerations for responses at the country level, but like all other indices, we cannot guarantee the trajectory of events based on this data. In general, where risk was low-to-medium and yet COVID-19 cases/deaths have in grown exponentially, it's reasonable to conclude that governments have not responded with timely, comprehensive measures


The following indicators were considered in building this index:

  • Health expenditure per capita in PPP
  • IHME healthcare access and quality
  • Physicians (per 1,000)
  • Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people)
  • Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)
  • Manufacturing and trade to GDP ratio
  • ICT Development Index
  • Urbanization
  • Population density
  • Population 80+
  • Government effectiveness
  • Rule of law

* Methodology notes are offered at the bottom of the page.

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Mexico: COVID-19 Cases Untitled Mexico: COVID-19 Deaths Untitled
Most Susceptible Countries Untitled Less Susceptible Countries Untitled
Coronavirus News Feed Untitled Index Methodology Notes Untitled Reference Data Untitled
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