Population density is the measure of the number people per unit area, commonly represented as people per square kilometer. Figures used in this page are provided by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

For the year 2015, a population density of the World has been estimated at 56.49 people per square kilometer.
Monaco is the most densely populated nation with a population density of 25,323 people per square km. China and Singapore are at 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. Five least dense countries are Mongolia, Western Sahara (2 people per square km), Namibia, Australia and French Guiana (3 people per square km).

The most densely populated continent is Asia (141,57 people per square km). Oceania, or other words Australia, has the least level of population density (4,63 people per square km). The trend remains unchanged over last 10 years.

To show the dynamics of population density for the desired countries (lower graph), select the desired country in the filter located at the top of the page.

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