CERA is a not-for-profit organization of professionals working at all levels of education dedicated to improving the practice of instruction, assessment, evaluation, conducting and applying educational research, and using data to inform instructional decisions. CERA's services include regional conferences, publications, and networking for members.

2018  California Educational Research Association’s  97th Annual Conference will be highlighting practices and tools that individualize educational experiences for all children birth through adulthood to ensure each child is prepared to face new challenges, develop new concepts, and create amazing things in the future. This year’s conference will encourage participants to think about how to make connections spanning early learning to K12 to college so that they may consider readiness through the lens of coherent practices, tools, and processes that align to reveal extraordinary new ways to think about what readiness is and how best to support it.

The leaders in CERA community working to prepare children at every age level.

Presentations of the conference will focus on:  

  • Comprehensive descriptions of readiness that address the whole learner 
  • Research on best practices for supporting readiness and individualizing learning
  • Innovative uses of data to determine and support readiness across ages
  • Powerful tools and resources to develop a learner’s strengths and provide support 
  • Ground-breaking systems designed to improve readiness spanning ages

Date of Event: 12-14 November 2018

Venue: Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, CA

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