Starting in 2001, the Global Information Technology Report series published by the World Economic Forum in partnership with Cornell University and INSEAD measured the drivers of the information and communications technology (ICT) revolution using the Networked Readiness Index (NRI). In 2019, the NRI was redesigned by Portulans Institute and its name updated to Network Readiness Index.  

The 2020 NRI, the second edition of the renewed methodological model, places the main focus on Digital Transformation. The approach reflects a focus on effective integration of people and technology that influences our economy, society and the environment appropriately.

The redesigned model ranks a total of 134 economies based on four pillars: Technology, People, Governance, and Impact.

  • Technology. Technology is the backbone of the networked economy. This component assesses the level of technology that is a prerequisite for a country's participation in the global economy.
  • People. The availability and level of technology in a country is of interest only if people and organizations have access, resources, and skills to use the technology productively. This component assesses the use of ICT by people: individuals, businesses, and governments.
  • Government. The government component reflects the trust associated with security and privacy beliefs and the degree to which participation in the networked economy is regulated.
  • Impact. Impact measures the readiness of the networked economy by assessing the economic, social, and human impact of participation in the networked economy.

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