10 December 2018 - Libya has presidential and parlamentary elections.

In early 2011, Libyan citizens took to the streets calling for an end to Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year autocratic regime and a transition to democracy. Following the Gaddafi regime's defeat, the National Transitional Council (NTC) set in place a roadmap for political transition. On July 7, 2012, Libyan citizens voted in historic elections for a General National Congress (GNC), an interim legislative body tasked with overseeing the work of a new government. Multiple governments have been established, including an internationally-recognized, United Nations-backed unity government, the Presidency Council, headed by Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj, that was installed in Tripoli in March 2016. New and diverse political parties and CSOs continue to emerge, many of which are asserting their voices and building grassroots support for their causes. Despite continuing struggles and pervasive violence across the country, the political transition has dramatically reshaped relationships between citizens and their leaders. NDI continues to support CSOs in Libya during the country’s transition to democratic governance, offering support to activists working on issues such as legislation for people with disabilities, and supporting legislative strengthening efforts.



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