(19 October 2021) In mid-October the Global Hunger Index released its annual report, which estimates progress in fighting hunger in more than one hundred emerging and developing economies. According to the 2021 Global Hunger Index report, the world will fail to achieve a low level of global hunger in the next decade. Here are key takeaways:

  • The progress in fighting hunger made in recent years can be quickly wiped out by armed conflicts, climate change and the COVID pandemic. The global economy and the world's agricultural and food systems remain highly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change and contagious diseases.
  • According to 2021 estimates, Somalia is the only country currently suffering from an "extremely alarming" level of hunger.  An "alarming" level of hunger is observed in 5 countries — Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, and Yemen. The report identifies the hunger level as "serious" in 31 countries.
  • Over the last decade (2012-2021), hunger increased in 15 countries. The highest increase in hunger index score was observed in Venezuela, where the socio-economic crisis has significantly exacerbated the problem of hunger. Eighty-four countries saw improved hunger levels. Though Somalia made the greatest progress in decreasing hunger, with its hunger index score dropping from 65.1 to 50.8, the severity of hunger in this nation has stayed at extremely high levels for the last two decades.

Note: Global Hunger Index scores are calculated from four indicators: undernourishment; child wasting; child stunting; child mortality.

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