Trade Data Monitor

Trade Data Monitor, Inc. (TDM) is the world’s top supplier of trade statistics to governments, corporations, manufacturers, law firms, trade associations and international organizations on six continents. TDM collects monthly import and export statistics from customs agencies, statistics institutes and other sources in over 110 countries, then uses proprietary software to assemble, organize, and publish the data in user-friendly charts. TDM offers unrivaled market intelligence in real-time in a dozen languages, and all currencies, months and sometimes years before the competition. TDM databases are easy to sort and read, and richly detailed by tariff code, value, weight, price, and, when available, port and region. TDM also delivers the world’s best customer services, with offices in Geneva, Charleston, New York and Washington, staffed by world-renowned experts with decades of experience in global trade statistics, commodities and supply chains. They provide thorough training and fast feedback, making it easy for customers to harness trade statistics for their business, research, policy management, and legal cases. As global trade undergoes massive changes, TDM remains committed to keeping its databases updated with the latest software and methodology, and to providing its customers with the most accurate, up-to-date and valuable trade statistics in the world.