Nitrogen in Malta

Foreign Trade (t)
Imports 179.72 in 2021 FAO
Exports 0.03 in 2020 FAO
Agriculture Indicators
Production 0 t in 2021 FAO
Use 332.26 tonnes of nutrients in 2013 UNSD
Europe (t in 2021)
Albania 3,095.37 FAO + 1 other
Austria 39,598.66 FAO + 1 other
Belarus 2,107.64 FAO + 1 other
Belgium 71,617.28 FAO + 1 other
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,983.45 FAO + 1 other
Bulgaria 53,752.03 FAO + 1 other
Croatia 7,133.44 FAO + 1 other
Czech Republic 35,320.23 FAO + 1 other
Denmark 66,979.96 FAO + 1 other
Estonia 59,873.54 FAO + 1 other
Finland 3,861.54 FAO + 1 other
France 285,315.98 FAO + 1 other
Germany 349,456.3 FAO + 1 other
Greece 27,892.26 FAO + 1 other
Hungary 72,012.4 FAO + 1 other
Iceland 679.28 FAO + 1 other
Ireland 63,652.83 FAO + 1 other
Italy 118,729.7 FAO + 1 other
Latvia 131,374.97 FAO + 1 other
Lithuania 16,264.04 FAO + 1 other
Luxembourg 12,227.47 FAO + 1 other
Malta 179.72 FAO + 1 other
Montenegro 476.15 FAO + 1 other
Netherlands Use 1 timeseries
North Macedonia 942.47 FAO + 1 other
Norway 13,406.86 FAO + 1 other
Poland 72,464 FAO + 1 other
Portugal 17,714.15 FAO + 1 other
Republic of Moldova 1,679.07 FAO + 1 other
Romania 35,945.84 FAO + 1 other
Russian Federation 19,143.25 FAO + 1 other
San Marino 0.18 in 2013 FAO
Serbia 8,192.38 FAO + 1 other
Slovakia 27,243.87 FAO + 1 other
Slovenia 7,933.45 FAO + 1 other
Spain 176,427.3 FAO + 1 other
Sweden 82,798.99 FAO + 1 other
Switzerland 42,257.97 FAO + 1 other
Ukraine 53,228.41 FAO + 1 other
United Kingdom 100,143.68 FAO + 1 other
Land Pollution Fertilizers (t in 2021)
Compound Fertilizers Production 1 timeseries
Nitrogen 179.72 FAO + 1 other
Phosphate 0.16 FAO
Potash 9.08 FAO + 1 other
Land Pollution Fertilizers Nitrogen (t in 2021)
Urea 2,260.63 FAO
Ammonium sulphate 174.69 FAO
Ammonium nitrate 54.24 FAO
Ammonia 2.44 FAO
Urea and ammonium nitrate solutions 0.42 FAO
Calcium ammonium nitrate 0.22 FAO