Croatia - PK compounds

Foreign Trade (t in 2021)
Imports 36,530.97 FAO
Exports 2,421.12 FAO
Agriculture Indicators
Production 14,758 t in 2021 FAO
Europe (t in 2021)
Albania 74.53 FAO
Austria 1,480.67 FAO
Belarus 121.08 FAO
Belgium 37,829.73 FAO
Bosnia and Herzegovina 32.18 FAO
Bulgaria 4,406.57 FAO
Croatia 36,530.97 FAO
Czech Republic 2,848.61 FAO
Denmark 6,680.5 FAO
Estonia 147.29 FAO
Finland 790.18 FAO
France 295,874.84 FAO
Germany 57,068.53 FAO
Greece 2,705.88 FAO
Hungary 3,126.98 FAO
Iceland 8.96 FAO
Ireland 1,559.22 FAO
Italy 3,962.57 FAO
Latvia 1,013.52 FAO
Lithuania 6,118.83 FAO
Luxembourg 1,100.96 FAO
Malta 1.47 FAO
Montenegro Imports 1 timeseries
North Macedonia Imports 1 timeseries
Norway 1,043.63 FAO
Poland 64,051.66 FAO
Portugal 7,657.21 FAO
Republic of Moldova 6,663.97 FAO
Romania 9,203.46 FAO
Russian Federation 1,446.16 FAO
San Marino Exports 1 timeseries
Serbia 445.49 FAO
Slovakia 657.39 FAO
Slovenia 845.8 FAO
Spain 7,447.32 FAO
Sweden 3,515.78 FAO
Switzerland 11,653.12 FAO
Ukraine 24,961.47 FAO
United Kingdom 4,072.51 FAO
Land Pollution Fertilizers Compound Fertilizers (t in 2021)
NPK 84,055.9 FAO
PK compounds 36,530.97 FAO
Monoammonium phosphate 29,507.76 FAO
Diammonium phosphate 12,761.6 FAO
NP Compounds 3,738.34 FAO
Potassium chloride 3,202.83 FAO
Potassium sulphate 1,678.3 FAO
Potassium nitrate 46 FAO