The production of goats in India

Agriculture Agricultural Products (t in 2022)
Meat 550,614.85 FAO
Skins Fresh 1 timeseries
Agriculture Agricultural Products Dairy Products
Milk 6,248,338.34 t in 2022 FAO
Asia (t in 2022)
Afghanistan 47,562.08 FAO
Armenia 28.11 FAO
Azerbaijan Milk 1 timeseries
Bangladesh 221,210.75 FAO
Bhutan 173.69 FAO
China 2,487,701.29 FAO
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 14,311.28 FAO
Georgia 0 FAO
India 550,614.85 FAO
Japan 29.93 FAO
Kazakhstan 19,692.01 FAO
Kyrgyzstan 8,542.05 FAO
Mongolia 121,089.48 FAO
Nepal 74,241 FAO
Pakistan 532,000 FAO
Republic of Korea 1,427.09 FAO
Sri Lanka 2,680 FAO
Tajikistan Milk 1 timeseries
Turkmenistan 14,230 FAO
Uzbekistan Milk 1 timeseries
Agriculture Livestock (t in 2022)
Camels Milk 1 timeseries
Cattle 0 FAO + 1 other
Goats 550,614.85 FAO
Sheep 280,394.62 FAO
Agriculture Indicators
Production 550,614.85 t in 2022 FAO
Slaughtered 55,046,729 an in 2022 FAO
Stocks 149,994,093 an in 2022 FAO
Yield 1,893 100 g/An in 2022 FAO