
  • Capital:Kōchi-shi
  • Governor:Masanao Ozaki
  • Total Population (Thousand Persons):745 (2013)
  • Total Land Area (Sq.km):7105,2 (2013)
  • Population Density (Population per Sq.km):648,0 (2012)
  • Gross Prefectural Product (Million Yen):2164634 (2011)
  • Annual Increase Rate of Gross Prefectural Product (%):-0,4 (2011)
  • Prefectural Income per Person (Thousand Yen):2199 (2011)
  • Annual Increase Rate of CPI (%):-0,3
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Unemployment Rate (%):7,7 (2010)
  • Wages, Male (Monthly Average, Thousand Yen):307,1 (2011)
  • Wages, Female (Monthly Average, Thousand Yen):220,8 (2011)
  • Monthly Living Expenditure per Household (Thousand Yen):314,1 (2011)
  • Passenger Cars for Private Use per 1,000 Persons (Number):517,5 (2013)
  • Total Fertility Rate (Children per Woman):1,47 (2013)
  • Crude Death Rate (Per 1,000 Persons):13,75 (2013)
  • Rate of Natural Increase of Population (%):-0,56 (2010)
  • Elementary School Pupils per Teacher (Persons):11,56 (2011)
  • Total Real Length of Major Roads (Km per 1 Sq.km):1,95 (2012)
  • Crime Rate (per 100,000 Persons):51,8 (2010)


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    • Апрель 2022
      Источник: Japan LP Gas Association
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 сентября, 2022
      Consumption of petroleum gas for household, industrial, automotive and electricity generation use by prefecture.