
  • Capital:Lhasa
  • Secretary:Wu Yingjie
  • Chairman:Che Dalha
  • Population, thousands:3370 (2017)
  • Area, sq. km:1228400 (2013)
  • Population density, persons per sq. km:2,74 (2017)
  • Ethnic composition:90% Tibetan, 8% Han, 0.3% Monpa, 0.3% Hui, 0.2% others
  • Birth rate, per 1000 population:16,00 (2017)
  • Death Rate, Per 1000 population:4,95 (2017)
  • Natural growth rate of population, Per 1000 population:11,05 (2017)
  • Official web-site of the region
  • GDP, Million Yuan:131 092,0 (2017)
  • GDP per capita, Yuan:39259 (2017)
  • GRP Index:110,0 (2017)
  • Consumer Price Index:101,6 (2017)
  • Floor Space under Construction, 10000 sq.km:352,7 (2017)
  • Number of Employed Persons:333000 (2017)
  • Unemployment rate in urban areas (%):2,7 (2017)
  • Average Wage (yuan):108817 (2017)
  • Possession of private passenger vehicles:237 500,0 (2017)
  • Number of health care institutions:6 826 (2017)

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