Mashonaland Central

  • Capital:Bindura
  • Martin Dinha:Governor
  • Area in sq. km:28 347 (2012)
  • Population, persons:1 197 370 (2014)
  • Population density, people per sq. km:42
  • Literacy Rate(%):96,8 (2014)
  • Unemployment Rate(%):3,5 (2014)
  • Human Poverty Index (%):36,0 (2003)
  • Food Poverty Datum Lines (%):39,0 (2003)
  • Total fertility rate:4,4 (2015)
  • Under-five mortality rate:90,0 (2011)
  • Marriage before age 15 (women, %):10,1 (2014)
  • Children Aged 0-17 Years (persons):109 413 (2011)
  • Children Aged 0-17 Years by Orphanhood Status (%):14,4 (2011)
  • Children in Economic, Child Labour (%):15,3 (2011)
  • Households with access to water source, less than 15mins. (%):27,0 (2009)
