United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNECE's major aim is to promote pan-European economic integration. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. However, all interested United Nations member States may participate in the work of UNECE. Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.

Все наборы данных: G L M N P R
  • G
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      Country: Belarus ''Lorries'' includes road tractors. ''Trailers'' includes semi-trailers. ''Light goods road vehicles'' include lorries. Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina ''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''. Country: Bulgaria Light goods road vehicles refer to all lorries. Country: Croatia For data prior to 2015, refers to all lorries Country: Cyprus Light goods road vehicles refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 3,501 kg - 7,500 kg refers to load capacity 3,000 kg - 6,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 7,501 kg - 12,000 kg refers to load capacity 7,000 kg - 9,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 12,001 kg - 40,000 kg refers to load capacity 10,000 kg - 19,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 40,000 kg and over refers to load capacity 20,000 kg and over. Country: Czechia Lorries with load capacity 12 001 kg - 40 000 kg refers to greater than 12 000 kg. Country: Estonia ''Trailers'' include semi-trailers. Country: France ''Trailers'' includes only trailers with authorized total weight > = 6 tons. Country: Hungary ''Lorries'' includes special purpose motor vehicles. From 2013, trailers includes semi-trailers and caravans. Country: Latvia Data from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data. Country: Lithuania The state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014. Country: Poland Semi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 30 001 kg - 40 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight > 30 000 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 751 kg - 3 500 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 3 500 kg. Country: Romania Semi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight up to 20 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 9 999 kg. Semi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 20 001 kg - 30 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight 10 000 kg - 14 999 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight up to 750 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 4 999 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 751 kg - 3 500 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight 5 000 kg - 9 999 kg Country: Serbia Territorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija. Trailers includes semi trailers. Country: Slovakia ''Semi-trailers'' includes trailers, 2000-2014. Light goods road vehicles includes all lorries. Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Semi-trailers refer to semi-trailers and trailers through 2010. From 2011 onward, trailers refer to semi-trailers and trailers. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain. Country: United States Lorries refers to U.S. categories ''Single Unit'' and ''Combination Trucks'' Vehicle Category: Light goods road vehicles (vehicle wt up to 3500 kg) For data prior to 2013, refers to all lorries.
  • L
    • Март 2023
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 08 марта, 2023
      Country: Belarus''Lorries'' includes road tractors. ''Trailers'' includes semi-trailers. ''Light goods road vehicles'' include lorries.Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''.Country: CyprusLorries with permissible maximum weight up to 3,500 kg refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 3,501 kg - 7,500 kg refers to load capacity 3,000 kg - 6,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 7,501 kg - 12,000 kg refers to load capacity 7,000 kg - 14,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 12,001 kg - 40,000 kg refers to load capacity 15,000 kg - 19,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 40,000 kg and over refers to load capacity 20,000 kg and overCountry: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: HungaryLoad capacity of ''lorries'' excludes lorries for special purpose. ''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: LatviaData from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data.Country: LithuaniaThe state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014.Country: PolandSemi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 30 001 kg - 40 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight > 30 000 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 751 kg - 3 500 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 3 500 kg.Country: RomaniaSemi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight up to 20 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 9 999 kg. Semi-trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 20 001 kg - 30 000 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight 10 000 kg - 14 999 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight up to 750 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight up to 4 999 kg. Trailers with permissible maximum gross weight 751 kg - 3 500 kg refers to permissible maximum gross weight 5 000 kg - 9 999 kgCountry: SerbiaTerritorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija. Trailers includes semi trailers.Country: Slovakia''Semi-trailers'' includes trailers, 2000-2014. Light goods road vehicles includes all lorries.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to U.S. categories ''Single Unit'' and ''Combination Trucks''
    • Февраль 2023
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 февраля, 2023
      Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''.Country: CyprusLorries with permissible maximum weight up to 3,500 kg refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 3,501 kg - 7,500 kg refers to load capacity 3,000 kg - 6,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 7,501 kg - 12,000 kg refers to load capacity 7,000 kg - 14,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 12,001 kg - 40,000 kg refers to load capacity 15,000 kg - 19,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum weight 40,000 kg and over refers to load capacity 20,000 kg and overCountry: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: GreeceIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: HungaryIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. Lorries includes special purpose motor vehicles. Trailers include semi-trailers and caravans.Country: LatviaIncludes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only.Country: LithuaniaIncludes new and re-registered vehicles.Country: PortugalFrom 1996 new semi trailers include new trailers.Country: SerbiaRefers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years.Country: SwedenNew trailers exclude caravans.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds.
  • M
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      .. - data not available Country: Armenia ''Vehicle-kilometres'' for ''Lorries and road tractors'' refer to lorries. Country: Bulgaria ''Vehicle-kilometres'' refers to only vehicles with national registration. ''Vehicles-kilometres'' for ''Lorries and road tractors'' refers to only vehicles above 6 tonnes. Country: Ireland ''Vehicle-kilometres'' include exempt and other vehicles. Country: Italy Refers to motorway traffic only. Country: Lithuania ''Vehicle-kilometres, irrespective of the country of registration'' refers to transport on roads outside built-up areas. Country: Netherlands ''Vehicle-kilometres'' excludes foreign motorcycles on national territory and ''vehicle-kilometres'' of ''Lorries and road tractors'' includes special purpose vehicles. Country: Poland ''Vehicle kilometres'' includes agricultural tractors. ''Vehicle kilometres'' for ''Motorcycles'' and ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc'' exclude foreign vehicles. Country: Portugal Mainland only. Motor coaches, buses and trolleybuses refers to public transport. Lorries and road tractors excludes light goods vehicles. Country: Russian Federation For 2009 to 2011, Lorries and road tractors exclude road tractors. Country: Serbia ''Vehicle kilometres'' of ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' refer to public transport only. Country: Slovenia ''Motor vehicle movements on national territory, irrespective of country of registration'' refers to public transport only. ''Motor vehicle movements on national territory, registration in the reporting country'' refers to state roads only. Country: Switzerland ''Vehicle-kilometres'' of ''motorcycles'' includes mopeds. Country: Turkey ''Vehicle-kilometres'' for ''Passenger cars'' and ''Motor coaches, Buses, etc.'' do not include travel on urban roads. Country: United Kingdom Refers to Great Britain. ''Vehicle-kilometres'' for ''Passenger cars'' includes light vans through 2009. Light vans included in 'Lorries and road tractors' from 2010 onward.
  • N
    • Февраль 2022
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2022
      Country: Estonia''Trailers'' include semi-trailers.Country: GermanyLorries, load capacity 5,000 kg - 6,999 kg refers to 5,000 kg to 7,499 kg. Lorries, load capacity 7,000 kg - 9,999 kg refers to 7,500 kg to 9,999 kg.Country: GreeceIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: HungaryIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: Hungary''Lorries'' includes special purpose motor vehicles.Country: ItalyLorries, load capacity 1,000-1,499 kg refers to 1,100-1,600 kg, 1,500-2,999 kg refers to 1,700-3,500 kg, 3,000-4,999 kg refers to 3,600-6,000 kg, 7,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000 kg and over refers to 18,100 kg and over.Semi-trailers, load capacity up to 4,999 kg refers to up to 6,000 kg, 5,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000-19,999 kg refers to 18,100-22,000 kg, 20,000 kg and over refers to 22,000 kg and over.Trailers, load capacity up to 4 999 kg refers to up to 6,000 kg, 5,000-9,999 kg refers to 6,100-9,000 kg, 10,000-14,999 kg refers to 9,100-18,000 kg, 15,000 kg and over refers to 18,100 kg.Country: LatviaIncludes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only.Country: LithuaniaIncludes new and re-registered vehicles.Country: PortugalFrom 1996 new semi trailers include new trailers.Country: SerbiaRefers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years.Country: SwedenNew trailers exclude caravans.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds.Vehicle Category: New light goods vehiclesIncludes all lorries
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina ''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''. Country: Slovakia Light goods road vehicles refer to all lorries. Country: Bulgaria Light goods road vehicles refer to all lorries. Country: Croatia For data prior to 2015, refers to all lorries Country: Cyprus Light goods road vehicles refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 3,501 kg - 7,500 kg refers to load capacity 3,000 kg - 6,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 7,501 kg - 12,000 kg refers to load capacity 7,000 kg - 9,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 12,001 kg - 40,000 kg refers to load capacity 10,000 kg - 19,999 kg. Lorries with permissible maximum gross weight 40,000 kg and over refers to load capacity 20,000 kg and over. Country: Estonia ''Trailers'' include semi-trailers. Country: France ''Trailers'' includes only trailers with authorized total weight > = 6 tons. Country: Greece Includes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. Country: Hungary Includes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. Lorries includes special purpose motor vehicles. Trailers include semi-trailers and caravans. Country: Latvia Includes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only. Country: Lithuania Includes new and re-registered vehicles. Country: Portugal From 1996 new semi trailers include new trailers. Country: Romania From 2013, light goods road vehicles refers to load capacity up to 2,999 kg. Country: Serbia Refers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years. Country: Sweden New trailers exclude caravans. Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Semi-trailers refer to semi-trailers and trailers through 2010. From 2011 onward, trailers refer to semi-trailers and trailers. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain. Country: United States Lorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds. Vehicle Category: New light goods vehicles For data prior to 2013, refers to all lorries.
    • Январь 2025
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 января, 2025
      .. - data not availableCountry: Cyprus''Petrol'' includes both diesel and petrol hybrid vehicles.Country: GreeceIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: HungaryIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. ''Petrol'' and ''diesel'' vehicles exclude hybrid vehicles.Country: LatviaIncludes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only.Country: LithuaniaIncludes new and re-registered vehicles.Country: SerbiaRefers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina ''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''. Country: Slovakia Light goods road vehicles refer to all lorries. Country: Bulgaria Light goods road vehicles refer to all lorries. Country: Croatia For data prior to 2015, refers to all lorries Country: Czechia ''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. Country: Estonia ''Trailers'' include semi-trailers. Country: Greece Includes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. Country: Hungary Includes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. Country: Latvia Includes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only. Country: Lithuania Includes new and re-registered vehicles. Country: Portugal From 1996 new semi trailers include new trailers. Country: Romania Motorcycles includes mopeds. Light goods road vehicles refers to lorries up to 2,999 kg. Country: Serbia Refers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain. Country: United States Lorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds. Type of Vehicle: New light goods vehicles For data prior to 2013, refers to all lorries.
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''.Country: SlovakiaLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: BulgariaLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: CroatiaFor data prior to 2015, refers to all lorriesCountry: Cyprus''Petrol'' includes both diesel and petrol hybrid vehicles.Country: Czechia''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses.Country: GreeceIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad.Country: HungaryIncludes both new vehicles and used vehicles from abroad. ''Petrol'' and ''diesel'' vehicles exclude hybrid vehicles. ''Motor coaches, buses, and trolleybuses'' exclude trolleybuses. ''Lorries'' include special purpose motor vehicles.Country: LatviaIncludes vehicles that have been manufactured in the indicated or previous year only.Country: LithuaniaIncludes new and re-registered vehicles.Country: SerbiaRefers to number of first time registered vehicles in the previous 2 years.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to lorries over 10,000 pounds.Fuel Type: - Compressed natural gas (CNG)For passenger cars, includes liquefied natural gas (LNG).Fuel Type: - Hybrid electric-dieselFor light goods vehicles, lorries and road tractors, includes plug-in hybrid diesel electric vehicles.Fuel Type: - Hybrid electric-petrolFor light goods vehicles and lorries, includes plug-in hybrid petrol-electric vehicles.Type of Vehicle: New light goods vehiclesFor data prior to 2013, refers to all lorries.
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 ноября, 2023
      Country: Latvia Excludes foreign vehicles.
  • P
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      Country: SerbiaTerritorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.Country: CanadaMotorcycles include mopeds. Passenger cars refers to all vehicles with at least four wheels weighing less than 4,500 kg.Country: Czechia''Motor coaches, buses, etc'' excludes trolleybuses. ''Mopeds'' includes mopeds and motorcycles with engines 50 cc or less.Country: FinlandExcluding mopeds registered in Aland. Trams in Helsinki/Helsingfors only.Country: Hungary''Motor coaches, buses, etc'' excludes trolleybuses. ''Trams'' include cogwheel trams.Country: LatviaData from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data.Country: LithuaniaThe state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014.Country: MaltaMopeds include quads and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).Country: Switzerland''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. > 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years. Until 2013, 2 > or = 5 years refers to less than 5 years.Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. > 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years. Until 2013, 2 > or = 5 years refers to less than 5 years.Country: Russian Federation''Motor coaches, buses, etc'' excludes trolleybuses. ''Motorcycles'' includes 3-wheelers and quadricycles.Country: SlovakiaFor data years up to 2008, mopeds are included with motorcycles.Country: Sweden''Mopeds'' refer only to class 1 mopeds.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesFrom 2007, passenger cars refers to 'Light duty vehicles, short wheel base'. Prior to 2007, passenger cars referred to 'Passenger Cars and Other 2-axle, 4-tire vehicles'. Motor coaches, buses, etc refer to those used on interstates only. 'Motorcycles' include mopeds
  • R
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 февраля, 2024
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definitions Passenger: Any person, other than the driver, who is in or on a vehicle. Road vehicle: A vehicle running on wheels and intended for use on roads. Passenger car: Road motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, intended for the transport of passengers and seating not more than nine persons (including the driver). The term passenger car therefore covers taxis and hired vehicles, provided that they have fewer than ten seats. Motor coach or bus: Passenger road motor vehicle, seating more than nine persons (including the driver). Trolleybus: A passenger road vehicle, seating more than nine persons (including the driver), which is connected to electric conductors and which is not rail-borne. Road tractor : Road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to haul other road vehicles which are not power-driven (mainly semi-trailers). Agricultural tractors are excluded. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not availableCountry: SerbiaTerritorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.Country: AzerbaijanFor 2010, data for the 2 > or = 5 years category refers to <= 5 yearsCountry: BelgiumExcluding vehicles for which technical characteristics are unknown.Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''. ''Trailers'' include ''Semi-trailers''.Country: KazakhstanLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: BulgariaLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: CanadaPassenger cars refers to all vehicles with at least four wheels weighing less than 4,500 kgCountry: CroatiaFor data prior to 2015, refers to all lorriesCountry: Switzerland''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses.Country: Czechia''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. > 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years.Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. > 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years.Country: FinlandExcluding vehicles registered in Aland.Country: Hungary''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. ''Lorries'' includes special purpose motor vehicles.Country: Ireland> 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years.Country: Luxembourg> 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years.Country: Norway> 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years.Country: LatviaData from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data.Country: LatviaFor data prior to 2014, > 10 and = < 20 years refers to > 10 yearsCountry: LithuaniaThe state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014.Country: Russian Federation''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses. > 10 and = < 20 years refers to greater than 10 years. Until 2013, 2 > or = 5 years refers to less than 5 years.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to U.S. categories ''Single Unit'' and ''Combination Trucks''Country: United StatesFrom 2007, passenger cars refers to 'Light duty vehicles, short wheel base'. Prior to 2007, passenger cars referred to 'Passenger Cars and Other 2-axle, 4-tire vehicles'. Motor coaches, buses, etc refer to those used on interstates only.Type of Vehicle: Light goods road vehiclesFor data prior to 2013, refers to all lorries.Age Group: > 10 and = < 20 yearsFor data prior to 2013, refers to > 10 years
    • Январь 2025
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 января, 2025
      Country: SerbiaTerritorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Kosovo and Metohija.Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina''Light goods road vehicles'' include ''Road tractors''.Country: KazakhstanLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: BulgariaLight goods road vehicles refer to all lorries.Country: CanadaPassenger cars refers to all vehicles with at least four wheels weighing less than 4,500 kgCountry: CroatiaFor data prior to 2015, refers to all lorriesCountry: Cyprus''Petrol'' includes both diesel and petrol hybrid vehicles.Country: Czechia''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses.Country: Russian Federation''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses.Country: Switzerland''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses.Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia''Motor coaches, buses and trollyebuses'' excludes trolleybuses.Country: EstoniaElectric motor coaches, bus, and trolleybuses refers to trolleybuses only.Country: FinlandExcluding vehicles registered in Aland.Country: Hungary''Motor coaches, Buses and Trolleybuses'' excludes trolleybuses. ''Petrol'' and ''diesel'' vehicles exclude hybrid vehicles. ''Other sources'' includes hybrid vehicles.Country: Italy''Petrol'' and ''diesel'' vehicles exclude hybrid vehicles.Country: LatviaData from 2010 onward reflect changes in rules regarding the removal of vehicles from the register. As a result, data before this year are not comparable with more recent data.Country: LithuaniaThe state enterprise Regitra of the Republic of Lithuania deregistered vehicles whose compulsory technical inspection or vehicle owner's compulsory civil liability insurance expired by 1 July 2014.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.Country: United StatesLorries refers to U.S. categories ''Single Unit'' and ''Combination Trucks''Country: United StatesFrom 2007, passenger cars refers to 'Light duty vehicles, short wheel base'. Prior to 2007, passenger cars referred to 'Passenger Cars and Other 2-axle, 4-tire vehicles'. Motor coaches, buses, etc refer to those used on interstates only.Fuel Type: - Compressed natural gas (CNG)For passenger cars, includes liquefied natural gas (LNG).Fuel Type: - Hybrid electric-dieselFor light goods vehicles, lorries and road tractors, includes plug-in hybrid diesel electric vehicles.Fuel Type: - Hybrid electric-petrolFor light goods vehicles and lorries, includes plug-in hybrid petrol-electric vehicles.Type of Vehicle: Light goods road vehiclesFor data prior to 2013, refers to all lorries.