Texas Department of Transportation

The Texas Department of Transportation is a government agency in the U.S. state of Texas. Though the public face of the agency is generally associated with the construction and maintenance of the state's immense state highway system, the agency is also responsible for overseeing aviation,rail and public transportation systems in the state.

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  • G
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Texas Department of Transportation
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 декабря, 2023
      The Texas Department of Transportation issues federal and state financial assistance grants to publicly owned general aviation and reliever airports included in the Texas Airport System Plan (TASP). These Aviation Facilities Development Grants are provided for capital improvements for items such as pavement improvements, land acquisition, runway extension or relocation, terminal buildings, control towers, weather observing systems, construction of new hangars, installation of new fuel facilities and new facilities. These grants require a 10% local match except for terminal building grants that require a 50% local match and weather and fuel systems require a 25% match. Eligible local governments request funding through a letter of interest that details the proposed scope of services for the grant. Additionally, TxDOT provides financial assistance to publicly owned TASP general aviation, reliever and non-hub commercial service airports through the Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP). All eligible airports can receive up to $50,000 anually in state funds for airport maintenance. The RAMP grants require at least a 50% local fund match.