Statistics Sweden

Statistics Sweden is responsible for official statistics and for other government statistics. This means that Statistics Sweden develop, produce and disseminate the statistics and coordinate the system for the official statistics in Sweden.

Все наборы данных: A E G N
  • A
    • Июнь 2022
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2023
      Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesBasic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.observations: Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities , year: 2011The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2011, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.observations: Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities , year: 2012The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2012, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.
    • Май 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryEmployees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.year2011The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2011, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.Agreed rate of employment was previously named by type of appointment. The change applies from the 2012 publication. The data is the same.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. observationsAverage monthly salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employments in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. observationsAverage monthly salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employees in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
  • E
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsEmployees in the county councilsEmployees is defined as all employees in the county councils excluding leave of absenceyear2005Values for year 2005 was corrected 2012-03-01.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.
    • Май 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Monthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryEmployed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector for whom we can report salaries for and who are aged 18-64.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.
    • Май 2004
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      observationsNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesEmployed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.Number of full-time equivalents in the primary municipalitiesThe amount of full-time employed persons in a reporting group is calculated as the total of the extent of work for those employees in the reporting group. For example, if two employments are added to one another and one is 60% and the other is 40% then the extent of work is equal to a full-time employee.
  • G
    • Февраль 2016
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Gainful employment rate - gainfully employed persons as a percent of the population of the municipality in the age group (here aged 20-64).
    • Февраль 2006
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there has been changes in the process regarding the employment data. A new source is used to identify self-employed and a minor adjustment of the method to classified employees has been made. More information about the changes is available in Swedish at our homepage status in employment A new data source to identify entrepreneurs has been used from 2004. The new data source also includes activities with deficit in the method to classified entrepreneurs as gainfully employed. level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there has been changes in the process regarding the employment data. A new source is used to identify self-employed and a minor adjustment of the method to classified employees has been made. More information about the changes is available in Swedish at our homepage level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson AB Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson AB Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Февраль 2017
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Corrected 2017-02-10. Data for the years 1993-1998 has been corrected. level of education For the 2000 version, the Swedish Register of Education underwent extensive quality improvements which led to a break in the time series and this means that comparisons with previous versions of the register must be done very carefully! -1) SUN, the Swedish Educational Terminology, was adapted to the international terminology ISCED 97 (International Standard Classification of Education) with the new SUN 2000. -2) A number of new data sources were added to the register. The most importanr new sources were: -*Total higher education points from 1993 from the Higher Education Register* -*Total KOMVUX (adult education) points from 1988* -*Foreign educational programmes which are recognised by the National Agency for Higher Education* -*The National Board of Healths register of healthcare and medical staff*. industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead. level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From the 1993 survey, the way of define gainfully employed has been modified compared to previous editions. This affects comparisons in the past. For more information about the new definition and its consequences, there is a description in Swedish at our homepage The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. region A new regional division from 1998-01-01. The county of Göteborg and Bohus (code 14), the county of Älvsborg (code 15) and the county of Skaraborg (code 16), except the two municipalities Habo and Mullsjö, forming the county of Västra Götaland (code 14). The the two municipalities Habo and Mullsjö transferred to the county of Jönköping (code 06). The municipalities in the former county of Göteborg and Bohus maintain their codes while the other municipalities get new codes. industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Февраль 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there are changes in the way we define employment in the Employment register. The changes mainly affect self employment and there is a break in the time series between 2003 and 2004.
  • N