Statistics Sweden

Statistics Sweden is responsible for official statistics and for other government statistics. This means that Statistics Sweden develop, produce and disseminate the statistics and coordinate the system for the official statistics in Sweden.

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  • A
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                  Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                             Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2009
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)year2011For the 2011 version of the Swedish register of education, there has been a revision for estimates of the level of education and field of education. This may affect some results.
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.regionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne countySmåland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyregionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne county Småland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyregionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne county Småland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyregionSouth Sweden: Blekinge och Skåne county Småland and islands: Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping county West Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland county East-Central Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanlands, Örebro and Östergötland county Stockholm: Stockholm county North-Central Sweden: Gävlebors, Dalarna and Värmland county Central Norrland: Jämtland och Västernorrland county Upper Norrland: Norrbotten och Västerbotten countyyear2010Some values for the year 2010 are not reported after 2012-06-11 due to deficiencies in the underlying material.
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • Июнь 2022
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2023
      Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables.Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 31 января, 2024
      industrial classification NACE Rev. 2J information and communication companies(..) uppgift för osäker för att redovisa.K financial institutions and insurance companies(..) uppgift för osäker för att redovisa.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Hours worked, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. P The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of hours worked is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of hours worked that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Average total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the hourly wage is SEK 98 and the confidence interval is SEK 0.50, this means that the hourly wage that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 98 ± 0.50, that is, between 97.50 and 98.50.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsAverage hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers (SLP), percentPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.type of working timeThe type of working hours is only presented by industry.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsAverage hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKThe statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKThe statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKThe statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average age, manual workers private sector (SLP)Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the hourly wage is SEK 98 and the confidence interval is SEK 0.50, this means that the hourly wage that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 98 ± 0.50, that is, between 97.50 and 98.50.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), upper quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website measurement period is mainly September from 2001 onwards.2006Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2007Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2008Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2009Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2010Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.observationsEmployeesEmployees refer to those who are included in the survey on pay, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - piece work employees, temporary employees with unknown agreed working time. - Other persons with unknown agreed working time or pay that is mainly based on the results of the company. - Board members that do not work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out over the term. - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.EmployeesThe private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Employees, 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay)Average hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (total pay), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (total pay), 95 percent confidence interval, SEK             One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the hourly wage is SEK 98 and the confidence interval is SEK 0.50, this means that the hourly wage that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 98 ± 0.50, that is, between 97.50 and 98.50.Total pay, lower quartile, SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, median, SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, upper quartile, SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Average ageAge refers to the age reached during the measurement period.observations: Employees, 95 percent confidence interval , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average age , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Total pay, lower quartile, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Total pay, median, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Total pay, upper quartile, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay) , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average hourly pay (total pay), SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average hourly pay (total pay), 95 percent confidence interval, SEK              , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)year2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), upper quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Manual workers are defined as employees belonging to The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO). Employees who are included in the employee agreement are usually defined as non-manual workers and are thus included in the presentation for non-manual workers .Employees, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average age, manual workers private sector (SLP)Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.Average hourly pay (time and incentive pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly wages (hourly wages and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed wages, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable wages. Variable wages include incentive pay and piece work wages, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average hourly pay (pay for time worked), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average hourly pay (total pay), manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Average total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval, SEK                                                                                                                                                  One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the hourly wage is SEK 98 and the confidence interval is SEK 0.50, this means that the hourly wage that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 98 ± 0.50, that is, between 97.50 and 98.50.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.Total pay, manual workers private sector (SLP), upper quartileTotal pay refers to wages for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours and weekend pay in certain cases. Overtime compensation is not included.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet.A new way of considering R&D and reclassification of branch of industry of Ericsson AB from 2016 may affect these statistics. For more information please read -RD-and-Ericsson-AB/.. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval                                                                                                                                                                        One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                 Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                            Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average total pay, non-manual workers. private sector (SLP) 95 percent confidence interval                                                                                                                                                                One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                     Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval                                                                                                                                                                        One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                 Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                            Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average total pay, non-manual workers. private sector (SLP) 95 percent confidence interval                                                                                                                                                                One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                     Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on pay, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - piece work employees, temporary employees with unknown agreed working time. - Other persons with unknown agreed working time or pay that is mainly based on the results of the company. - Board members that do not work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out over the term. - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                  Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                             Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality. The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample. As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. year 2000 The measurement period is mainly 1 September - 31 October 2000. 2001 The measurement period is mainly September from 2001 onwards. observations Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                 Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on pay, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - piece work employees, temporary employees with unknown agreed working time. - Other persons with unknown agreed working time or pay that is mainly based on the results of the company. - Board members that do not work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out over the term. - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad. Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                 The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements. Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                 Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                   Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                              Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. 2002 Occupational code 213 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 222 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 242 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 Occupational code 323 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 Occupational code 522 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployeesThe private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.EmployeesEmployees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay)Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked)Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay)Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers, private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                 Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                             Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.regionThe regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region.observationsEmployees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                   Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                             Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality. The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample. As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed. region The regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region. region The regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region. region The regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region. region The regions are broken down as follows: Southern Sweden - Blekinge and Skåne Counties, Småland and the islands - Gotland, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties, Western Sweden - Västra Götaland and Halland Counties, East Central Sweden - Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties, Stockholm - Stockholm County, North Central Sweden - Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties, Central Norrland - Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties, Upper Norrland - Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. The regional breakdown follows the established regional classification NUTS 2 of the EU Commission (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques). In Sweden the NUTS 1 level includes the entire country, the NUTS 2 level includes 8 national areas and the NUTS 3 level includes the counties. The quality of this variable may be lacking in quality, partly because the sample does not take consideration to the region and partly because all personnel at the company is presented in one region. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. year 2000 The measurement period is mainly 1 September - 31 October 2000. 2001 The measurement period is mainly September from 2001 onwards. observations Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                 The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements. Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)                                                                                                                                                                                                 Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad. Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                 Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                    Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK                                                                                                                                                                              Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.field of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website of education SUN 2000Classification is by the highest level of education of the person according to the education nomenclature (SUN) published by Statistics Sweden. Information on the level of education has been taken from Statistics Sweden s Educational Register. More information about the Swedish educational nomenclature is available on our website by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2007Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2008Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2009Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.2010Pay by educational orientation 2006-2010 was corrected on 2012-08-31.observationsEmployeesEmployees refer to those who are included in the survey on pay, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - piece work employees, temporary employees with unknown agreed working time. - Other persons with unknown agreed working time or pay that is mainly based on the results of the company. - Board members that do not work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out over the term. - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.EmployeesThe private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employees, 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), SEKAverage hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), 95 percent confidence interval, SEKOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.Total pay, lower quartile, SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, median, SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, upper quartile, SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average ageAge refers to the age reached during the measurement period.observations: Average age , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Employees, 95 percent confidence interval , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average monthly pay (total pay), 95 percent confidence interval, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Total pay, median, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Total pay, upper quartile, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Total pay, lower quartile, SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on Average monthly pay (total pay), SEK , year: 2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet.A new way of considering R&D and reclassification of branch of industry of Ericsson AB from 2016 may affect these statistics. For more information please read refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)year2011A revision of the calculations of the current levels of education and educational orientation was made in the 2011 version of the educational register. This can affect the precision regarding quantities. More information is available on, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employees, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployed non-manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employed non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employed non-manual workers (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval, SEKOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, non-manual workers (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) upper quartileTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployed non-manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employed non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employed non-manual workers (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval, SEKOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, non-manual workers (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) upper quartileTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Från och med 2014 redovisas yrkesuppgifter efter den reviderade standarden för svensk yrkesklassificering 2012 (SSYK2012). SSYK2012 ersätter den tidigare versionen, SSYK96. Detta betyder att jämförelser mellan 2014 och tidigare år inte bör göras med avseende på lön per yrke.Från och med 2014 ingår även åldersgruppen 65-66 i undersökningen.Från och med 2014 klassificeras personalkategori (arbetare/tjänstemän) utifrån vilken yrkeskod som den anställda har. Detta innebär att alla yrkesgrupper nu antingen är arbetare eller tjänstemän och detta medför stora strukturella förändringar. Jämförelser med tidigare år bör därför göras med stor försiktighet... refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample.As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed.observationsEmployed non-manual workers private sector (SLP)The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements.Employed non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad.Employed non-manual workers (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500.Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)The statistics in this table are based on information from a sample of companies. The information is thus marred by so-called sampling errors. Because fewer than 15 companies have contributed to the estimation for a topical table cell or the relative standard error exceeds 35 percent, the information is assessed to be so uncertain that it has not been presented, but is marked with dots (..).Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP)Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period.Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKAverage hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKPay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included.Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEKTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not includedAverage total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence intervalOne way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartileTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), medianTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) upper quartileTotal pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      .. refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality. The statistics are based on a sample survey, and can therefore be marred by some uncertainty. Comparisons between different years may be disrupted by structural changes and/or rotations in the sample. As of the 2008 survey, industry has been classified according to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (NACE 2007). Previously the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2002 was used. The transition to Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007 disrupts comparisons of statistical information with previous years, partly because of the changed structure in the sample, and partly because the presentation for groupings by industry has been changed. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 222 - Health and medical care professionals, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 246 - Priests and others, The Church of Sweden has been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 249 - Psychologists, social workers and others, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 323 - Nurses, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) 513 - Personal care and related workers, Several privatised county council companies have been included in the private sector since 2000. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. occupational group (SSYK) Coded according to SSYK - the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, which is based on the international standard ISCO-88.SSYK is based on two main groups, type of work that is carried out and the qualifications that are required. The skills referred to are those that the job in question requires, not those that the person carrying out the job has. More information about the grouping of occupations is available on our website - Upon comparisons with previous years, the salary level for certain groups may have changed sharply. This mainly applies to groups with a number of persons is small and/or where considerable rotation has occurred among selected companies between two years. year 2000 The measurement period is mainly 1 September - 31 October 2000. 2001 The measurement period is mainly September from 2001 onwards. observations Employed non-manual workers private sector (SLP) The private sector is defined as private and public limited companies, economic associations/foundations, trading partnerships and limited partnerships, interest groups as well as financial limited companies and institutions. Households non-profit organisations are also included here. Employees are defined as personnel with salary levels that are adjusted to the market and aged 18-64 who have worked at least one hour during the measurement period. Non-manual workers are defined as employees belonging to SACO/TCO trade unions as well as certain occupational groups that have employee agreements. Employed non-manual workers private sector (SLP) Employees refer to those who are included in the survey on wages and salaries, the information is rounded off. The following employees are not included in the population - Employees who have not worked at any time during the measurement period - Paid pupils/trainees/apprentices - Employees in labour market programmes - Piece work employees, temporary employees, employees on a project basis where the contracted terms and time worked are not known - Other persons where the contracted terms and time worked are not known but pay is mainly based on the results of the company - Board members who do not otherwise work in the organisation/company - Study circle leaders/teachers who are paid by the hour with occasional hours of teaching spread out during the term - Seagoing personnel/employees working abroad. Employed non-manual workers (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the number of employees is 12 000 and the confidence interval is 2500, this means that the number of employees that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 12 000 ± 2500, that is, between 9500 and 14500. Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) The statistics in this table are based on information from a sample of companies. The information is thus marred by so-called sampling errors. Because fewer than 15 companies have contributed to the estimation for a topical table cell or the relative standard error exceeds 35 percent, the information is assessed to be so uncertain that it has not been presented, but is marked with dots (..). Average age, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) Age refers to the age reached during the measurement period. Average monthly pay (time and incentive pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK Average hourly pay (hourly pay and incentive pay) refers to the agreed fixed pay, fixed supplements, piece work compensation and variable pay. Variable pay includes incentive pay and piece work pay, commission, bonus etc. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Average monthly pay (pay for time worked), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK Pay for time worked refers to pay for time worked and incentive pay as well as additional pay for inconvenient working hours and additional pay for risks, dirty conditions, heat etc. Overtime compensation is not included. Average monthly pay (total pay), non-manual workers private sector (SLP), SEK Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included Average total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), 95 percent confidence interval One way to get an understanding of the accuracy in an estimation is to calculate a confidence interval around the estimation. The value of the confidence interval is preceded by the sign ±. The upper and lower limits of the interval are calculated as the estimation plus/minus standard deviation multiplied by 1.96. If the monthly pay is SEK 19000 and the confidence interval is 300, this means that the monthly pay that would have been obtained in a total population survey with 95% probability lies within the interval 19000 ± 300, that is, between 18700 and 19300. Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), lower quartile Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP), median Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. Total pay, non-manual workers private sector (SLP) upper quartile Total pay refers to pay for time worked as well as benefits, on-call and availability pay, compensation for travel time outside of normal working hours. Overtime compensation is not included. The figures are rounded off. 2002 Occupational code 213 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 222 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 242 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 Occupational code 323 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year. 2002 Occupational code 522 Rotation in the sample disrupts comparison with the previous year.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96.Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries.The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesBasic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesBasic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96.Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries.The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesThe regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesBasic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesThe regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesThe regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesBasic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries.Average basic salary in the primary municipalitiesThe regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96. Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries. From 2014 unincorporated state enterprises are included in the population. All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding. observations Average monthly salary in the central government sector Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents. Average basic salary in the central government sector Basic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries. Number of employees in the central government sector From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2004
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      occupational group (SSYK) 2004 is the first year that SSYK is linked to BESTA instead of TNS. As a result, the variable is no longer comparable with previous years. SSYK contains 3 digits until end 2003 and 4 digits from 2004. occupational group (SSYK) 2004 is the first year that SSYK is linked to BESTA instead of TNS. As a result, the variable is no longer comparable with previous years. SSYK contains 3 digits until end 2003 and 4 digits from 2004. occupational group (SSYK) 2004 is the first year that SSYK is linked to BESTA instead of TNS. As a result, the variable is no longer comparable with previous years. SSYK contains 3 digits until end 2003 and 4 digits from 2004. observations Average monthly salary in the central government sector Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents. Average basic salary in the central government sector Basic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries. Number of employees in the central government sector Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96. Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries. From 2014 unincorporated state enterprises are included in the population. The Swedish Armed Forces has located all their employees in Stockholm County, which is why the number of employees there increased more than usual and number of employees in other counties decreased more than usual. All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding. region The regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties. region The regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties. region The regions are divided in accordance with the following: SE01 Stockholm: Stockholm County. SE02 Eastern Middle Sweden: Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland Counties. SE04 Southern Sweden: Blekinge and Skåne Counties. SE06 Northern Middle Sweden: Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland Counties. SE07 Middle Norrland: Jämtland and Västernorrland Counties. SE08 Upper Norrland: Norrbotten and Västerbotten Counties. SE09 Småland and the Islands: Gotlands, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Jönköping Counties. SE0A Western Sweden: Västra Götaland and Halland Counties. observations Average monthly salary in the central government sector Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents. Average basic salary in the central government sector Basic salary refers to contractually negotiated salary inlcuding fixed salary supplements. All such salaries are counted in total as full-time salaries. Number of employees in the central government sector From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96.Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupation (SSYK 2012)The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.occupation (SSYK 2012)The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.occupation (SSYK 2012)The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.observationsAverage salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsAverage basic salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average basic salary in the county councilsBasic monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employees in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.observationsAverage salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsAverage basic salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average basic salary in the county councilsBasic monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employees in the county councilsRefers to employees aged 18-64 year, who we can account for salaryNumber of employees in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96.Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupation (SSYK 2012)The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.occupation (SSYK 2012)The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.occupation (SSYK 2012)The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.observationsAverage salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsAverage basic salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average basic salary in the county councilsBasic monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employees in the county councilsThe regions are divided as follows: East of Sweden - Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Ösergötland, Örebro, Västmanland. Southern Sweden - Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Gotland, Blekinge, Skåne, Halland, Västra Götaland. Northern Sweden - Värmland, Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.observationsAverage salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsAverage basic salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average basic salary in the county councilsBasic monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employees in the county councilsRefers to employees aged 18-64 year, who we can account for salaryNumber of employees in the county councilsThe regions are divided as follows: East of Sweden - Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Ösergötland, Örebro, Västmanland. Southern Sweden - Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Gotland, Blekinge, Skåne, Halland, Västra Götaland. Northern Sweden - Värmland, Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten.
    • Май 2009
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.observationsAverage monthly salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average monthly salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsAverage basic salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average basic salary in the county councilsBasic monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsEmployees in the county councilsRefers to employees aged 18-64 year, who we can account for salaryEmployees in the county councilsThe regions are divided as follows: Stockholm-Stockholm. East Central Sweden-Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland. South Sweden-Blekinge and Skåne. North Central Sweden-Gävleborg, Dalarna och Värmland. Central Norrland-Jämtland and Västernorrland. Upper Norrland-Norrbotten and Västerbotten. Småland with islands-Gotland, Kalmar,Kronoberg and Jönköping. Western Sweden- Västra Götaland and Halland.Employees in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification NACE Rev. 2F constructionDuring January-March 2010, The Swedish Rail Administration was presented under industry H (Transport and storage), because parts of the operations were privatised. However, the database presents the Swedish Rail Administration for these three months as industry F (Construction) that was the industry it previously was included under. As of April 2010, the Swedish Rail Association is a part of the Swedish Transport Administration, which is under industry 84.1.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. The variable supplements are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.observationsEmployees in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.Employees in the county councilsAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. The variable supplements are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the county councils, lower quartile.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Monthly salary in the county councils, lower quartileMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsMonthly salary in the county councils, lower quartileThe salary dissemination is presented through lower quartile, median and upper quartile. With lower quartile, median and upper quartile is intended the salary that 25%, 50% respective 75% of the employment is located.Monthly salary in the county councils, median.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Monthly salary in the county councils, medianMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsMonthly salary in the county councils, medianThe salary dissemination is presented through lower quartile, median and upper quartile. With lower quartile, median and upper quartile is intended the salary that 25%, 50% respective 75% of the employment is located.Monthly salary in the county councils, upper quartile.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Monthly salary in the county councils, upper quartileMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsMonthly salary in the county councils, upper quartileThe salary dissemination is presented through lower quartile, median and upper quartile. With lower quartile, median and upper quartile is intended the salary that 25%, 50% respective 75% of the employment is located.Average monthly salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average monthly salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsExtent of employment in the county councils as a percentage.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Average age in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Basic salary in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Salary supplements in the county councils.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupation2004 is the first year that SSYK is linked to BESTA instead of TNS. As a result, the variable is no longer comparable with previous years. SSYK contains 3 digits until end 2003 and 4 digits from 2004.occupation2004 is the first year that SSYK is linked to BESTA instead of TNS. As a result, the variable is no longer comparable with previous years. SSYK contains 3 digits until end 2003 and 4 digits from 2004.observationsAverage monthly salary in the central government sectorMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents.Number of employees in the central government sectorRefers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries.Number of employees in the central government sectorFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Октябрь 2000
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryobservations: Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities , year: 2012The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2012, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.observations: Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities , year: 2011The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2011, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.observations: Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities , year: 2012The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2012, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.
    • Май 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryEmployees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.year2011The group Human health activities includes only the municipality of Gotland. In 2011, they have not been able to report compensation for on-call, which affects the salaries.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96.Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries.The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.occupationAs of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.Municipal activities not classified or assigned to a specific municipality but rather conducted by a number of municipalities within the same county can be ascribed to the Local federations.The national level includes all municipalities and Local federation.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for the listed municipalities as well as for some Regional Local federation. 2010: Upplands-Bro, Mörbylånga, Vårgårda, Kungälv and Övertorneå. 2009: Upplands-Bro, Mörbylånga, Vårgårda, Kungälv, Lekeberg and Övertorneå. 2008: Göteborg and Berg. 2007: Boden.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryAverage monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesUntil year 2011 the municipality of Trollhättan reported too high amounts in their variable supplements. From 2012, the data shall be correct.year2016The municipality of Nordanstig has about SEK 900 too much on their variable supplements 2016.
    • Октябрь 2000
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.Agreed rate of employment was previously named by type of appointment. The change applies from the 2012 publication. The data is the same.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. observationsAverage monthly salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employments in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      Refers to employees aged 18-64 for whom we can report salaries to year 2013, and refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries from year 2014.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. observationsAverage monthly salary in the county councilsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsNumber of employees in the county councilsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2009
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.observationsAverage monthly salary in the regionsMonthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalentsAverage monthly salary in the regions.. The information is not available, too uncertain in order to be stated or unassigned of secretion reasons.Employees in the regionsRefers to employees aged 18-64 year, who we can account for salaryEmployees in the regionsFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Март 2010
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2020
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96. Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries. From 2014 unincorporated state enterprises are included in the population. 2018-06-19 Corrected. All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information is rounded to the nearest hundred. The variable supplements are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding. observations Number of employees From 2006 figures are rounded numbers. Monthly salary, lower quartile Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents. Monthly salary, lower quartile The salary dissemination is presented through lower quartile, median and upper quartile. With lower quartile, median and upper quartile is intended the salary that 25%, 50% respective 75% of the employment is located. Monthly salary, median Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents. Monthly salary, median The salary dissemination is presented through lower quartile, median and upper quartile. With lower quartile, median and upper quartile is intended the salary that 25%, 50% respective 75% of the employment is located. Monthly salary, upper quartile Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents. Monthly salary, upper quartile The salary dissemination is presented through lower quartile, median and upper quartile. With lower quartile, median and upper quartile is intended the salary that 25%, 50% respective 75% of the employment is located. Average monthly salary Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents.
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2023
      A new classification for Occupation, SSYK 2012 (Swedish Standard Classification of Occupation), is introduced from 2014. The consequence of this is that it is no longer possible to compare salary changes between different occupations from earlier years that are classified according to SSYK 96.Refers to employees aged 18-66 for whom we can report salaries.The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.observationsNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartileAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartile.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartileMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryMonthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartileThe salary dispserion is reported through the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. Lower quartile, median and upper quartile refers to the salaries that 25 %, 50 % and 75 % of employed persons are grouped within.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, medianAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, median.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, medianMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryMonthly salary in the primary municipalities, medianThe salary dispserion is reported through the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. Lower quartile, median and upper quartile refers to the salaries that 25 %, 50 % and 75 % of employed persons are grouped within.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartileAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartile.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartileMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryMonthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartileThe salary dispserion is reported through the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. Lower quartile, median and upper quartile refers to the salaries that 25 %, 50 % and 75 % of employed persons are grouped within.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryExtent of employment in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average age in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Basic salary in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Variable supplements in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Variable supplements in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.As of 2007 the SSYK occupational variable has been connected from a BSK-code. As of 2008 SSYK is instead connected from an AID Lable-code. This adjustment of codes has brought about certain changes among SSYK groups. This means that comparisons using SSYK before and after 2008 must be done with all due caution.observationsNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesRefers to employees aged 18-65 for whom we can report salaries.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesAs of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.Number of employees in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartileAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartile.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartileMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryMonthly salary in the primary municipalities, lower quartileThe salary dispserion is reported through the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. Lower quartile, median and upper quartile refers to the salaries that 25 %, 50 % and 75 % of employed persons are grouped within.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, medianAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, median.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, medianMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryMonthly salary in the primary municipalities, medianThe salary dispserion is reported through the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. Lower quartile, median and upper quartile refers to the salaries that 25 %, 50 % and 75 % of employed persons are grouped within.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartileAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartile.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Monthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartileMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryMonthly salary in the primary municipalities, upper quartileThe salary dispserion is reported through the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. Lower quartile, median and upper quartile refers to the salaries that 25 %, 50 % and 75 % of employed persons are grouped within.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average monthly salary in the primary municipalitiesMonthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryExtent of employment in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Average age in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Basic salary in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Basic salary in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.Variable supplements in the primary municipalitiesAll numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. The salary information are rounded to the nearest hundred, except for the variable supplements that are rounded to nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.Variable supplements in the primary municipalities.. Information is not available, being all too uncertain to be reported or removed for reasons of confidentiality.
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 января, 2024
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 мая, 2023
    • Февраль 2009
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Май 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils. Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK. Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality. observations Median 50 per cent of the employees have a salary equal or lower than the measurement shows. 10th percentile 10 per cent of the employees have a salary equal or lower than the measurement shows. 25th percentile 25 per cent of the employees have a salary equal or lower than the measurement shows. 75th percentile 75 per cent of the employees have a salary equal or lower than the measurement shows. 90th percentile 90 per cent of the employees have a salary equal or lower than the measurement shows.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Average working hours (by agreement) per week for employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by region and sex. Quarter 2005K2 - 2018K3observationsMargin of error ±The presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±Because the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
  • E
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done.For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old.For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done.For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old.For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Please note that this table had been updated 2006-03-27 regarding versions 2001, 2002 and 2003. Persons without information on municipalty of work were not accounted for before this update, which lead to an underestimation at minor group occupational level. For further information in this matter please email us at [email protected] Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK. industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1 Industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead. The aggregated level is not affected by the revision. However, there is a special presentation of the limited level for 2001 and 2002 as a result of the nomenclature change.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Please note that this table had been updated 2006-03-27 regarding versions 2001, 2002 and 2003. Persons without information on municipalty of work were not accounted for before this update, which lead to an underestimation at minor group occupational level. For further information in this matter please email us at [email protected] Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK.
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done.For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old.For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK. occupation 2141 Architects, town and traffic planners As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2142 Civil engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2143 Electrical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2144 Electronics and telecommunications engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2145 Mechanical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2146 Chemical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2147 Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2148 Cartographers and surveyors As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3111 Chemical and physical science technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3112 Civil engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3113 Electrical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3114 Electronics and telecommunications engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3115 Mechanical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3116 Chemical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3117 Mining and metallurgical technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3118 Draughtspersons As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK. occupation 2141 Architects, town and traffic planners As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2142 Civil engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2143 Electrical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2144 Electronics and telecommunications engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2145 Mechanical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2146 Chemical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2147 Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2148 Cartographers and surveyors As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3111 Chemical and physical science technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3112 Civil engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3113 Electrical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3114 Electronics and telecommunications engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3115 Mechanical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3116 Chemical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3117 Mining and metallurgical technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3118 Draughtspersons As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated.
    • Февраль 2015
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Comparisons between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK. occupation 2141 Architects, town and traffic planners As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2142 Civil engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2143 Electrical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2144 Electronics and telecommunications engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2145 Mechanical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2146 Chemical engineers As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2147 Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2148 Cartographers and surveyors As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 214 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3111 Chemical and physical science technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3112 Civil engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3113 Electrical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3114 Electronics and telecommunications engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3115 Mechanical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3116 Chemical engineering technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3117 Mining and metallurgical technicians As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3118 Draughtspersons As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated. 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified As a result of evaluation of quality are 4-digit occupational codes in the occupational group 311 not shown. 2008 is the first year that information on engineers/physical and engineering science technicians is of high enough quality to be published on the 4 digit SSYK level. However, there is still reason to believe that the number of people classified in 2149 Engineers not elsewhere classified or 3119 Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified is overestimated.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done. For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old. For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS).Please note that this table had been updated 2006-03-27 regarding versions 2001, 2002 and 2003. Persons without information on municipalty of work were not accounted for before this update, which lead to an underestimation at minor group occupational level. For further information in this matter please email us at [email protected] changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see between separate years should be done with caution. Factors that may complicate such comparisons are new data sources for the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), improvements and changes in the sources underlying classifications. Starting in 2008 SSYK is based on new classification for municipalities and counties. As a result, several changes have been made in SSYK.industrial classification NACE Rev. 1.1Industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead. The aggregated level is not affected by the revision. However, there is a special presentation of the limited level for 2001 and 2002 as a result of the nomenclature change.region03 Uppsala countyHeby municipality was transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county, in 2007. The new code for Heby municipality is 0331. The new classification can be used from year 2006.0330 KnivstaA new municipality was created in 2003, Knivsta municipality (0330). It has been removed from the municipality of Uppsala (0380). The new classification can be used from year 2002.0331 HebyHeby municipality was transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county, in 2007. The new code for Heby municipality is 0331. The new classification can be used from year 2006.0380 UppsalaA new municipality was created in 2003, Knivsta municipality (0330). It has been removed from the municipality of Uppsala (0380). The new classification can be used from year 2002.19 Västmanland countyHeby municipality was transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county, in 2007. The new code for Heby municipality is 0331. The new classification can be used from year 2006.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done.For employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old.For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.
    • Май 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Monthly salary refer to the agreed salary including fixed allowances and variable pay as inconvenient-, on-call and emergency compensations. All salaries are recalculated into full time equivalents.Employed is defined as all employees aged 18-64 years in the central government sector which we can account for salary.From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding region 03 Uppsala county Since 1 January 2007, Uppsala county has been expanded to include Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures. 0331 Heby Since 1 January 2007, Heby municipality has been transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county. The code for Heby has changed from 1917 to 0331. 19 Västmanland county Since 1 January 2007, Västmanland county no longer includes Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures. observations Number of employees in the central government sector Employed persons refers to all employees in the central government sector including those on leave of absence or employees working abroad. Number of employees in the central government sector From 2006 figures are rounded numbers. Number of employees in the central government sector A few government agencies report the municipality of residence instead of the municipality of employment. Number of full-time equivalents in the central government sector From 2006 figures are rounded numbers. Number of full-time equivalents in the central government sector A few government agencies report the municipality of residence instead of the municipality of employment. Number of full-time equivalents in the central government sector The amount of full-time employed persons in a reporting group is calculated as the total of the extent of work for those employees in the reporting group. For example, if two employments are added to one another and one is 60% and the other is 40% then the extent of work is equal to a full-time employee.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employees is defined as all employees in the county councils excluding leave of absenceFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.Agreed rate of employment was previously named by type of appointment. The change applies from the 2012 publication. The data is the same.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. year2005Values for year 2005 was corrected 2012-03-01.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employees is defined as all employees in the county councils excluding leave of absenceFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. year2005Values for year 2005 was corrected 2012-03-01.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employees is defined as all employees in the county councils excluding leave of absenceFrom 2006 figures are rounded numbers.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityFor 2002, data is mising of activity for Halland and Västerbotten County Councils. Therefor, they are not included report. For 2003 and 2004 data is missing of activity for Kronoberg County Council. Therefore they are included in the report. These tables has earlier incorrect been referred to industry sector. Now they correct refers to activity. The information is however they same. year2005Values for year 2005 was corrected 2012-03-01.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsEmployees in the county councilsEmployees is defined as all employees in the county councils excluding leave of absenceyear2005Values for year 2005 was corrected 2012-03-01.
    • Май 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed is defined as all employees aged 18-64 years in the county councils which we can account for salary.From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.
    • Май 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed is defined as all employees aged 18-64 years in the county councils which we can account for salary.From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.occupationUntil 2007, a job classification code for the county councils has been the basis for keying SSYK. From 2008 the basis have been changed to an AID-code label. This has led to some changes between SSYK-groups. Because of this, comparisons of SSYK before and after 2008 must be made very carefully.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.
    • Май 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.
    • Май 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Monthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryEmployed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector for whom we can report salaries for and who are aged 18-64.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.
    • Май 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Monthly salary refers to contractually negotiated salaries including base salary including fixed supplements and variable supplements such as time outside ordinary working hours, on-call, and preparation compensations. All such included payments are counted in total as full-time salaryEmployed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector for whom we can report salaries for and who are aged 18-64.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.Variable supplements are partly or entirely missing for a few municipalities and Local federation.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Employed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.activityWe have renamed the tables with the correct designations for activity areas because these tables were incorrectly named earlier according to their industrial sector. However the information is the same.region03 Uppsala countyAs of 2007-01-01 Uppsala County is increased by the addition of Heby municipality. Note that the county numbers are not retroactively comparable.0331 HebyAs of 2007-01-01, Heby municipality transfers from Västmanlands County over to Uppsala County. Heby’s municipal code is changed from 1917 to 0331.19 Västmanland countyAs of 2007-01-01 Västmanland County is decreased by Heby municipality. Note that the county numbers are not retroactively comparable.year2003Values, in the table for municipalities, for Knivsta municipality, year 2003 was corrected 2012-03-02.2003Values, in the table for local federations, year 2003 was corrected 2012-03-02.2004Values, in the table for municipalities, for Knivsta municipality, year 2004 was corrected 2012-03-02.2004Values, in the table for local federations, for the local federation of Halland, year 2004 was corrected 2012-03-02.
    • Май 2004
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      observationsNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesEmployed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector except for those on leave of absence.Number of full-time equivalents in the primary municipalitiesThe amount of full-time employed persons in a reporting group is calculated as the total of the extent of work for those employees in the reporting group. For example, if two employments are added to one another and one is 60% and the other is 40% then the extent of work is equal to a full-time employee.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      observationsEmployees in the public sector, thousandsEmployed persons refers to all employees except for those on leave of absence. Leaves of absence are included among the statistical information for the government and other sectors. Preists are included in the statistical information for ecclesiastical regions.Full-time equivalents in the public sector, thousandsThe amount of full-time employed persons in a reporting group is calculated as the total of the extent of work for those employees in the reporting group. For example, if two employments are added to one another and one is 60% and the other is 40% then the extent of work is equal to a full-time employee. Leaves of absence for the years 1992-1999 are included among the statistical information for the government and other sectors. Preists are included in the statistical information for ecclesiastical regions.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2006 figures are rounded numbers.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsEmployees in the county councilsEmployees are defined as all employees in the county councils, including leave of absenceFull-time equivalents in the county councilsThe number of full-time workers in a group of accounts is calculated as the sum of extent of employment of the jobs belonging to the group accounts. For example, two jobs by 60% and 40% extent of employment add up to one full-time worker
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 30 ноября, 2023
      Labour input (ESA2010) by industrial classifcation SNI 2007. Quarter 1980K1 - 2018K3Correction 2015-04-24: The table has been corrected for the year 1980. The correction concerns the industry B05-09 Mineral extraction as wells as all summations that includes B05-09.Correction 2017-08-01: Hours worked has been corrected for Q2 2017.The Church of Sweden is reclassified in the year 2000 from the municipal sector to sector NPISH. Before year 2000 the church of Sweden is included in Municipalities and Federations of local government authorities.Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI 2007) and corresponds to Kind of economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) up to 4-digit level. In some cases a marginal difference can be found in reported figures due to rounding off calculations between annual and quarterly National Accounts tables.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, sex and age. Month 1970M01 - 2018M11For the period 1970M01-1986M12 there are no estimates for persons aged 20-24, this is indicated by “..” in the time series.For the period 1970M01-2000M12 the population was 16-64 years of age. For this reason there are no estimates for persons aged 15-74, 15-19, 15-24, 65-74, this is indicated by “..” in the time series. For the period 1970M01-2005M03 the time series contains “linked data”. No margins of error (uncertainty figures) for this period are present, this is indicated by “..” in the time of attachment to the labour marketpermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeespermanent employeesFor the period 1970M01-1986M12 there are no estimates for permanent employees and temporary employees.temporary employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestemporary employeesFor the period 1970M01-1986M12 there are no estimates for permanent employees and temporary employees.self-employed + family workersThe self-employed group includes self-employed persons who have either some form of sole proprietorship, or persons who are freelancers. Family worker includes persons who work without pay in some company belonging to a household member.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by region, degree of attachment to the labour market and sex. Quarter 2005K2 - 2018K3degree of attachment to the labour marketpermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestemporary employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeesself-employed + family workersThe self-employed group includes self-employed persons who have either some form of sole proprietorship, or persons who are freelancers. Family worker includes persons who work without pay in some company belonging to a household member.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, industrial classification NACE Rev. 2.0 and sex. Month 2009M01 - 2018M11industrial classification NACE Rev. 2New industrial classification SNI 2007 (based on the EU´s industrial standard NACE Rev 2) replaces SNI 2002 as of 2009. As of 2009, information is presented by industry only for work done in Sweden.industrial classification NACE Rev. 2New industrial classification SNI 2007 (based on the EU´s industrial standard NACE Rev 2) replaces SNI 2002 as of 2009. As of 2009, information is presented by industry only for work done in of attachment to the labour marketemployees, totalEmployees, total incluedes both permanent and temporary employeespermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestotal employmentThe employed include employees as well as self-employed persons and assisting family membersindustrial classification NACE Rev. 225-30+33 manufacturing of metal products, machinery and equipment25-30+33 manufacturing of metal products, machinery and equipment is a subset of 05-33+35-39 manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy and environmentobservationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 января, 2024
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by degree of attachment to the labour market, level of education and sex. Year 2005 - 2017level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)degree of attachment to the labour marketpermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestemporary employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeesself-employed + family workersThe self-employed group includes self-employed persons who have either some form of sole proprietorship, or persons who are freelancers. Family worker includes persons who work without pay in some company belonging to a household member.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed persons aged 15-74 (LFS) by attachment to the labour market, occupation SSYK 2012 and sex. Month 2015M01 - 2018M11degree of attachment to the labour marketemployees, totalEmployees, total incluedes both permanent and temporary employeespermanent employeesPermanent and temporary employees together make up the total number of employeestotal employmentThe employed include employees as well as self-employed persons and assisting family membersobservationsMargin of error ±The presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±Because the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) by full-time/part-time studies, sex and age. Month 2005M04 - 2018M11observationsMargin of error ±The presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±Because the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed who study aged 15-74 (LFS) - average number of hours worked/study hours per week and number of employed by sex and age. Month 2005M04 - 2018M11observationsMargin of error ±, average hours workedThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.Margin of error ±, average study hoursThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.Margin of error ±, employedThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, average hours workedBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.Margin of error ±, average study hoursBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.Margin of error ±, employedBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Employed aged 15-74 (LFS), of which at work and of which absent from work the whole week by sex and age. Month 1970M01 - 2018M11For the period 1970M01-1986M12 there are no estimates for persons aged 20-24, this is indicated by “..” in the time series.For the period 1970M01-2000M12 the population was 16-64 years of age. For this reason there are no estimates for persons aged 15-74, 15-19, 15-24, 65-74, this is indicated by “..” in the time series. For the period 1970M01-2005M03 the time series contains “linked data”. No margins of error (uncertainty figures) for this period are present, this is indicated by “..” in the time series.
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 30 ноября, 2023
      Numbers of employed (ESA2010), working-day and seasonally adjusted by industrial classification SNI 2007. Quarter 1981K1 - 2018K3
  • G
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Gainful employment rate - gainfully employed persons as a percent of the population of the municipality in the age group (here aged 20-64).
    • Февраль 2016
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Gainful employment rate - gainfully employed persons as a percent of the population of the municipality in the age group (here aged 20-64).
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there has been changes in the process regarding the employment data. A new source is used to identify self-employed and a minor adjustment of the method to classified employees has been made. More information about the changes is available in Swedish at our homepage
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there has been changes in the process regarding the employment data. A new source is used to identify self-employed and a minor adjustment of the method to classified employees has been made. More information about the changes is available in Swedish at our homepage
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there has been changes in the process regarding the employment data. A new source is used to identify self-employed and a minor adjustment of the method to classified employees has been made. More information about the changes is available in Swedish at our homepage status in employment A new data source to identify entrepreneurs has been used from 2004. The new data source also includes activities with deficit in the method to classified entrepreneurs as gainfully employed.
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson ABTime series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson ABTime series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson AB Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification SE-SIC92A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
    • Февраль 2006
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification SE-SIC92A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Март 2013
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there has been changes in the process regarding the employment data. A new source is used to identify self-employed and a minor adjustment of the method to classified employees has been made. More information about the changes is available in Swedish at our homepage status in employment A new data source to identify entrepreneurs has been used from 2004. The new data source also includes activities with deficit in the method to classified entrepreneurs as gainfully employed. level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson AB Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson AB Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Statistics Sweden has departed from the principle that research and development (R & D) should be considered as support activities from November 2016. This means that more companies are found in industry 72 according to the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification 2007. Changes in the classification of R&D and Ericsson AB Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      level of educationFor the 2000 version, the Swedish Register of Education underwent extensive quality improvements which led to a break in the time series and this means that comparisons with previous versions of the register must be done very carefully! -1) SUN, the Swedish Educational Terminology, was adapted to the international terminology ISCED 97 (International Standard Classification of Education) with the new SUN 2000. -2) A number of new data sources were added to the register. The most importanr new sources were: -*Total higher education points from 1993 from the Higher Education Register* -*Total KOMVUX (adult education) points from 1988* -*Foreign educational programmes which are recognised by the National Agency for Higher Education* -*The National Board of Healths register of healthcare and medical staff*.industrial classification SE-SIC92A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Февраль 2017
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Corrected 2017-02-10. Data for the years 1993-1998 has been corrected. level of education For the 2000 version, the Swedish Register of Education underwent extensive quality improvements which led to a break in the time series and this means that comparisons with previous versions of the register must be done very carefully! -1) SUN, the Swedish Educational Terminology, was adapted to the international terminology ISCED 97 (International Standard Classification of Education) with the new SUN 2000. -2) A number of new data sources were added to the register. The most importanr new sources were: -*Total higher education points from 1993 from the Higher Education Register* -*Total KOMVUX (adult education) points from 1988* -*Foreign educational programmes which are recognised by the National Agency for Higher Education* -*The National Board of Healths register of healthcare and medical staff*. industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead. level of education The classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)
    • Март 2005
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From the 1993 survey, the way of define gainfully employed has been modified compared to previous editions. This affects comparisons in the past. For more information about the new definition and its consequences, there is a description in Swedish at our homepage The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. region A new regional division from 1998-01-01. The county of Göteborg and Bohus (code 14), the county of Älvsborg (code 15) and the county of Skaraborg (code 16), except the two municipalities Habo and Mullsjö, forming the county of Västra Götaland (code 14). The the two municipalities Habo and Mullsjö transferred to the county of Jönköping (code 06). The municipalities in the former county of Göteborg and Bohus maintain their codes while the other municipalities get new codes. industrial classification SE-SIC92 A revised classification was adopted in 2002. This means that persons from the group Childcare establishments can be found in the groups Educational establishments and Other health establishments instead.
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The table includes individuals who have a Swedish employer with a workplace abroad.Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at Uppsala countyFrom 2006 the municipality of Heby is part of Uppsala County instead of Västmanland County. The municipality code for Heby has changed from 1917 to 0331.19 Västmanland countyFrom 2006 the municipality of Heby is part of Uppsala County instead of Västmanland County. The municipality code for Heby has changed from 1917 to 0331.
    • Февраль 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there are changes in the way we define employment in the Employment register. The changes mainly affect self employment and there is a break in the time series between 2003 and 2004.
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at year 2004 there are changes in the way we define employment in the Employment register. The changes mainly affect self employment and there is a break in the time series between 2003 and 2004.County of residence03 Uppsala countySince 1 January 2007, Heby municipality has been transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county. The code for Heby has changed from 1917 to 0331. The change is used from 2006.County of work03 Uppsala countySince 1 January 2007, Heby municipality has been transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county. The code for Heby has changed from 1917 to 0331. The change is used from 2006.
    • Февраль 2012
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From year 2004 there are changes in the way we define employment in the Employment register. The changes mainly affect self employment and there is a break in the time series between 2003 and 2004.
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at year 2004 there are changes in the way we define employment in the Employment register. The changes mainly affect self employment and there is a break in the time series between 2003 and 2004.
    • Март 2007
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The table includes individuals who have a Swedish employer with a workplace abroad.
    • Сентябрь 2022
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2023
    • Ноябрь 2022
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2023
      XobservationsGross pay distributed by region of work, SEK millionThe populations differ to some extent for the gross pay distributed by region, for example the statements of income for sailors can´t be connected to a specific workplace.Gross pay distributed by region of residence, SEK millionThe populations differ to some extent for the gross pay distributed by region, for example the statements of income for sailors can´t be connected to a specific workplace.
    • Ноябрь 2022
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2023
      Xyear2006From 2006 the municipality Heby is included in Uppsala county. Heby municipality has changed code from 1917 to 0331.
  • H
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 30 ноября, 2023
      Hours worked (ESA2010), working-day and seasonally adjusted by industrial classification SNI 2007. Quarter 1981K1 - 2018K3Seasonally adjusted values for the period 1981-1992 has been calculated as follows: Separate seasonal adjustment was carried out for the periods 1981-1996 and 1993-2015. Thereafter the period 1981- Q4 1992 has been linked to the value for Q1 1993 in the later series. This means that the level of the reported seasonally adjusted series before 1993 are not fully comparable with the unadjusted series and should be used for short-term comparisons only.Correction 2017-08-01: Hours worked has been corrected for Q2 2017. Even previous quarters may have changed.The Church of Sweden is reclassified in the year 2000 from the municipal sector to sector NPISH. Before year 2000 the church of Sweden is included in Municipalities and Federations of local government authorities.Kind of economic activity at the most detailed level is comparable to NACE Rev. 2 down to 4-digit level.
  • J
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    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2023
      month 2020M10 Subdued labour market with signs of improvement In October 2020, there were 5 492 000 (±54 000) people aged 15–74 years in the labour force, not seasonally adjusted. There were 2 914 000 (±38 000) men and 2 578 000 (±40 000) women in the labour force. The relative labour force participation rate was 72.8 (±0.7) percent. Among women this rate was 69.6 (±1.1) percent and among men the rate was 75.9 (±1.0) percent. There were 564 000 (±31 000) young people aged 15–24 years in the labour force. The relative labour force participation rate for young people was 48.9 (±2.7) percent. According to seasonally adjusted and smoothed data, there were 5 543 000 people in the labour force and the labour force participation rate was 73.5 percent. Both the number of people in the labour force and the labour force participation rate have recovered from the lowest figures in March. The levels in October were comparable to February, when the effects of COVID-19 were not yet discernible in the Swedish labour market. In October 2020, there were 5 062 000 (±55 000) employed people aged 15–74 years, not seasonally adjusted, which is 76 000 fewer than in the same month a year ago. There were 2 381 000 (±42 000) employed women, a decrease of 62 000, and 2 681 000 (±42 000) employed men. The employment rate decreased by 1.2 percentage points and amounted to 67.1 (±0.7) percent. For women the rate dropped by 1.8 percentage points and amounted to 64.3 (±1.1) percent, and for men the rate was 69.9 (±1.1) percent. There were 447 000 (±31 000) employed young people aged 15–24 years and the employment rate among young people was 38.8 (±2.6) percent. According to seasonally adjusted and smoothed data, there were 5 050 000 employed people. This is a decrease of 105 000 people, of whom 58 000 were young people, compared with February 2020. The employment rate was 67.0 percent, which is 1.5 percentage points less than in February 2020. However, since the lowest figure in June, there have now been signs of an upturn in employment. In October 2020, there were 4 552 000 (±60 000) employees, according to non- seasonally adjusted data. There were 3 867 000 (±59 000) permanent employees and 685 000 (±46 000) temporary employees. Compared with February 2020, seasonally adjusted and smoothed data shows a decrease of 97 000 employees, of whom 24 000 were permanent employees, while 73 000 were temporary employees. As with the employment rate, there are signs of improvement compared with June, when the lowest figure was noted. In October 2020, the average number of hours worked was 165.3 (±2.4) million per week, not seasonally adjusted. In calendar-adjusted figures, this corresponds to a decrease of 4.1 percent compared with the corresponding month a year ago. Seasonally adjusted and smoothed data shows that the average number of hours worked per week was 147.8 million, which is 8.1 million hours per week less than in February 2020. In 2020, the smallest number of hours worked per week was noted in April; since then, this figure has increased by 4.3 million hours. There were 4 585 000 (±61 000) people employed and in work in October 2020, not seasonally adjusted. Calendar-adjusted, this corresponds to a decrease of 2.3 percent compared with the same month a year ago. The LFS estimates the number of people who were absent from their principal occupation for the whole week or for part of the week by main reason for absence. In October 2020, this figure was 1 308 000 (±56 000). There were 488 000 (±38 000) people absent for the whole week in October 2020, not seasonally adjusted. Among these, 153 000 (±22 000) were absent due to illness, while 17 000 (±8 000) were absent for the whole week due to lack of work. There were 83 000 (±16 000) people absent due to holidays. People who are absent due to lack of work or lay-offs are often absent for only part of the week. There were 77 000 (±15 000) people in total absent for the whole week or part of the week due to lay-offs. There were 61 000 (±14 000) people who stated lack of work as their main reason for absence. Seasonally adjusted and smoothed data showed that there were 4 245 000 people in work, which is 121 000 fewer than in February 2020. There were 805 000 people absent for the entire week. In 2020, the lowest number of employed people in work was recorded in April. Since April, this figure has increased by 138 000 people. In October 2020, there were 430 000 (±34 000) unemployed people aged 15–74 years, not seasonally adjusted, which is 101 000 more than in the corresponding month a year ago. This corresponds to an unemployment rate of 7.8 (±0.6) percent, which is an increase of 1.8 percentage points. The number of unemployed men increased by 59 000 and amounted to 233 000 (±27 000), and the number of unemployed women increased by 42 000 and amounted to 197 000 (±25 000). Among men, the unemployment rate increased by 1.9 percentage points to 8.0 (±0.9) percent and among women the unemployment rate increased by 1.7 percentage points to 7.7 (±0.9) percent. There were 117 000 (±21 000) unemployed young people aged 15–24 years, which corresponds to a youth unemployment of 20.7 (±3.4) percent. Among people aged 15–74 years, seasonally adjusted and smoothed data shows an increase of 97 000 unemployed people, and an increase of 1.8 percentage points in the unemployment rate compared with February 2020. In October 2020, there were 494 000 unemployed people, which corresponds to an unemployment rate of 8.9 percent. However, seasonally adjusted and smoothed data showed minor changes in unemployment since June, when the highest unemployment rate in 2020 was noted. Among young people aged 15–24 years, seasonally adjusted and smoothed data shows an increase in both the number and proportion of unemployed people compared with February 2020. The number of unemployed young people increased by 26 000 and amounted to 152 000, and the unemployment rate increased by 5.5 percentage points to 25.5 percent.
    • Октябрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2023
      Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, field of education (SUN 2000) and sex. Year 2005 - 2017observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.Margin of error ±, percentThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.Margin of error ±, percentBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.observations: Percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Margin of error ±, percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the populationobservations: Margin of error ±, percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the population
    • Октябрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2023
      Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by labour status, level of education and sex. Year 2005 - 2017level of educationThe classification by level of educational attainment is according to the Swedish national educational classification (SUN)observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.Margin of error ±, percentThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.Margin of error ±, percentBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.observations: Percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Margin of error ±, percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the populationobservations: Margin of error ±, percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the population
  • N
    • Декабрь 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      In accordance with international guidelines, a number of limited companies have been reclassified in terms of sector breakdown, from business sector to public administration. This affects the statistics published from the second quarter of 2019.observations: sickdays , quarter: 2019K2Correction 2020-09-08: Data concerning Q2 2019 has been corrected.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      From 2006 figures are rounded numbers. All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred, unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding observations Number of employees in the central government sector Employed persons refers to all employees in the central government sector including those on leave of absence or employees working abroad. Number of full-time equivalents in the central government sector The amount of full-time employed persons in a reporting group is calculated as the total of the extent of work for those employees in the reporting group. For example, if two employments are added to one another and one is 60% and the other is 40% then the extent of work is equal to a full-time employee.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      As of 2006 figures for amounts are rounded off.All numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred unless the number is under 1000 and then the numbers are rounded to the nearest ten. Totals are calculated before rounding.observationsNumber of employees in the primary municipalitiesEmployed persons refers to all employees in the primary municipal sector including those on leave of absence.
    • Декабрь 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      New design from second quarter 2011 Changes have been made in the survey design that have affected the estimation levels. Comparisons from previous quarters should be made with caution until the coming quarterly measurements are made.quarter2011K2New design as of 2nd quarter 2011. Changes have been made in the design of the survey which have influenced the level estimations. Comparisons with previous quarters should be interpreted with considerable caution while waiting for the coming quarterly measurements and continued study. The changes have influenced both the private and the public sector. A large part of the differences in levels compared to previous quarters is probably due to several changes where each effect is difficult to assess. Statistics Sweden is studying the possibilities to provide more detailed information at a later date. The possibility to link the time series will also be studied.2019K2Correction 2020-09-08: Data concerning Q2 2019 has been corrected.observations: Sick days , quarter: 2013K1Corrected value 2013-08-15.
  • P
    • Январь 1997
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. employment status no information In 1985 information on employment was collected from two different sources (the register of income statement and the people and housing census). People without information on employment in both sources was brought the group Missing value. From the year 1986 the register of income statement was the only source for classification of gainfully employed. From that year the group missing value was not used in the production of the statistics. This meant that the method measured people’s employment in November despite some uncertainty in the material.
    • Март 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Latest year of immigrations indicates the year in which the individual was last registered in Sweden. Individuals who have never immigrated are reported in the group Missing value. This means that persons that are born in Sweden and been registered there their whole life are reported in that group. The group Missing value also contains those individuals who have immigrated to Sweden but data on time for immigration are missing. region of birth Europe, excluding the Nordic countries The Soviet Union is included in the group called Europe excluding the Nordic Countries.
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      Latest year of immigrations indicates the year in which the individual was last registered in Sweden. Individuals who have never immigrated are reported in the group Missing value. This means that persons that are born in Sweden and been registered there their whole life are reported in that group. The group Missing value also contains those individuals who have immigrated to Sweden but data on time for immigration are missing.Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at of birthEurope, excluding the Nordic countriesThe Soviet Union is included in the group called Europe excluding the Nordic Countries.
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by region, labour status and sex. Quarter 2005K2 - 2018K3observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.Margin of error ± percentThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.Margin of error ± percentBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.observations: Percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Margin of error ± percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the populationobservations: Margin of error ± percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the population
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 мая, 2023
      X quarter 2019K2 Correction 2020-08-20. Data concerning February 2019 has been corrected.
  • R
  • S
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done.For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.The statistics refer only to those entrepreneurs who according to the register-based labor market statistics RAMS are employed and have professional status 4, which are sole traders, partnership owners and limited owners.Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old.
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2020
      From 2014 reported occupational data for the revised standard for Swedish Occupational Classification 2012 ( SSYK 2012). SSYK 2012 replaces the previous version , SSYK96 . This means that comparison between 2014 and previous years should not be done.For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils.The statistics refer only to those entrepreneurs who according to the register-based labor market statistics RAMS are employed and have professional status 4, which are sole traders, partnership owners and limited owners.Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at employees aged 16-64 in 2014 relates most occupations , 74 percent , conditions in the reference year or the year after . 19 percent of the data is imputed using a model based on the occupational code (according SSYK 96 ) the individual had in the register previously . This means that there may be jobs in industries or sectors where they appear abnormal . The previous code used can be up to five years old.
  • T
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      The gainfully employed population comprises any person who has worked for at least one hour per week during the month of November. Those temporarily absent during the survey period, for instance due to sick leave, are also included. The same definition is being used in the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS). Some changes have been done as from 2004 years version regarding data over employment. A new source to identify entrepreneurs has been used as well as a minor adjustment to classify employees. For more information see Time series break. As from the beginning of 2011, changes have been made to the way gainfully employed persons are classified in the Labour statistics based on administrative sources (RAMS statistics). These changes only affect people who are 65 and older and lead to an increase in the number of gainfully employed persons in this age group. In addition, the upper age limit to be classified as gainfully employed has been changed from age 84 to age 74. This implies that there are no gainfully employed persons who are age 75 and older as of 2011. More information about the changes is available at region 03 Uppsala county Heby municipality was transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county, in 2007. The new code for Heby municipality is 0331. The new classification can be used from year 2006. 0330 Knivsta A new municipality was created in 2003, Knivsta municipality (0330). It has been removed from the municipality of Uppsala (0380). The new classification can be used from year 2002. 0331 Heby Heby municipality was transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county, in 2007. The new code for Heby municipality is 0331. The new classification can be used from year 2006. 0380 Uppsala A new municipality was created in 2003, Knivsta municipality (0330). It has been removed from the municipality of Uppsala (0380). The new classification can be used from year 2002. 19 Västmanland county Heby municipality was transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county, in 2007. The new code for Heby municipality is 0331. The new classification can be used from year 2006.
  • W
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 декабря, 2020
      For employees in municipalities and county councils The occupational variable SSYK is connected from an AID Label-code. 2018, updates have been made in the AID code, which has led to certain changes among SSYK groups. Therefore, comparisons using SSYK before and after 2018 must be done with caution when looking at municipalities and county councils and also the public sector and entire labour market, especially occupations that are common in municipalities and county councils. Comparisons between different years should be made with caution. Factors that complicate such comparisons, for example, the private sector survey, the degree of non-response, change and improvement in the classification of variables. From the year 2008 SSYK is derived from a new occupational classification in municipalities and county councils which has led to some change in SSYK. Double dots (..) refers to the fact that information is not available, is too uncertain to be given or has been removed for reasons of confidentiality. observations Standard weighted The salary for men and women is standard weighted with respect to differences in age, education, working hours and sector between women and men. These factors are assumed to affect the salary. The calculation is done to take into account women’s and men’s different distribution in these variables. It means that an average salary is calculated for each group. The weight is the total number of employees in each group. The group is made of combinations of age groups (4), educational groups (2), working time groups (2) and sector groups (2) in each occupational group (3-digit SSYK) which means that the total is standard weighted on occupational group.