Statistics Sweden

Statistics Sweden is responsible for official statistics and for other government statistics. This means that Statistics Sweden develop, produce and disseminate the statistics and coordinate the system for the official statistics in Sweden.

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  • P
    • Апрель 2020
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 апреля, 2020
      Yield per hectare and total production in regions/country for different crops. Yearly data 1965 - 2017Corrected 2016-03-11. Total harvest at the national level has been revised for some years in the 1970´s.The crop production statistics is based on a sample survey. As a result, sampling errors may cause some uncertainty. The data for cereals are presented at a moisture content of 14 per cent. The data for cereals for the years 1965-2004 have been recalculated from 15 to 14 per cent. The data for dried pulses (peas and dried beans) are presented at a moisture content of 15 per cent. The data for oilseed crops are presented at a moisture content of 9 per cent. The data for oilseed crops for the years 1965-1992 have been recalculated from 18 to 9 per cent. The data for potatoes are presented as harvested reduced production. When the number of survey units is too low, this is indicated with two dots.croppedmixed-grainData are not available for counties for the years 1979-1998 and for the whole country for the years 1981-1994. Mixed grain refer to mixed cereals and mixed cereals/dried pulses.peasIncluded in the crop production statistics as from 1996.field beansIncluded in the crop production statistics as from 2004.table potatoesReductions have been made for small (< 35 mm), blighted or green potatoes. The method was changed 1999 from an objective method based on physical measurements with samples taken from the fields to getting information directly from a sample of farmers. At the same time methodological changes were also made. Due to these changes the yields as from 1999 are lower. Please find more information in the desripction of the statistics.potatoes for processing of starchReductions have been made for blighted potatoes. Until 1992 potatoes for production of crude alcohol was included. Statistics for 1993 and 1994 are not available. The method was changed 1999 from an objective method based on physical measurements with samples taken from the fields to getting information directly from a sample of farmers.sugar beetsThe statistics for 1965-1994 is based on data from the Swedish Sugar Industry Company and from Danisco Sugar AB for 1995-2007. From 2008 the statistics is based on data from Nordic Sugar.oil flaxData for the whole country are available from 1996 and for counties from 1999temporary grassesUntil 1992 the statistics were based on physical measurements with samples taken from fields with temporary grasses. Production from re-growth from temporary grasses which were grazed was included. Data are not available for the years 1993-2001. As from 2002 the information is collected from a sample of farmers. Production from re-growth from temporary grasses which are grazed is not included as from 2002. The data for temporary grasses are presented as hay at a moisture content of 16,5 per cent (83,5 per cent dry matter).temporary grasses. First cutUntil 1997 the statistics were based on physical measurements with samples taken from fields with temporary grasses. Data are not available for the years 1998-2001. As from 2002 the information is collected from a sample of farmers. The data for temporary grasses are presented as hay at a moisture content of 16,5 per cent (83,5 per cent dry matter).temporary grasses. Re-growthUntil 1992 the statistics were based on physical measurements with samples taken from fields with temporary grasses. Production from re-growth from temporary grasses which were grazed was included. Data are not available for the years 1993-2001. As from 2002 the information is collected from a sample of farmers. Production from re-growth from temporary grasses which are grazed is not included as from 2002. The data for temporary grasses are presented as hay at a moisture content of 16,5 per cent (83,5 per cent dry matter).observations: Yield, kg per hectare , year: 1983The total harvest for rye in Västmanland County in 1983 has been corrected on 2011-02-25.observations: Total production, tonnes , crop: temporary grasses. First cutCorrection 2017-05-04: Data for 2002 has been corrected.observations: Yield, kg per hectare , crop: winter rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Data on yields are not available for the years 1993-1994. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmersobservations: Yield, kg per hectare , crop: spring rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Data on yields are not available for the years 1993-1994. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmersobservations: Yield, kg per hectare , crop: winter turnip rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Data on yields are not available for the years 1993-1994. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmersobservations: Yield, kg per hectare , crop: spring turnip rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Data on yields are not available for the years 1993-1994. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmersobservations: Yield, kg per hectare , crop: winter barleyIncluded in the crop production statistics as from 1995.observations: Total production, tonnes , crop: winter rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmers.observations: Total production, tons, crop: spring rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmers.observations: Total production, tons, crop: winter turnip rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmers.observations: Total production, tons, crop: spring turnip rapeData from 1965-1990 was produced by the Swedish Oil seed Association. Data from 1991-1994 was produced by the Oil seed office of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. As from 1995 the information is collected from a sample of farmers.observations: Total production, tons, crop: winter barleyIncluded in the crop production statistics as from 1995. Until 1994 production of winter barley was included in the statistics on production of spring barley.observations: Total production, tons, crop: spring barleyUntil 1994 production of winter barley was included in the statistics on production of spring barley.
  • T
    • Сентябрь 2008
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 апреля, 2020
      The results refer only to agricultural enterprises with more than 2,0 hectares of arable land. The main part of the forest land and a considerable part of the grazing land are therefore not included in the results.region03 Uppsala countySince 1 January 2007, Uppsala county has been expanded to include Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures.19 Västmanland countySince 1 January 2007, Västmanland county no longer includes Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures.type of landforest landResults for Area of forest land are not presented for the years 2001, 2002 and 2004 for quality reasons.other landResults for Other land are not presented after 1999.
    • Май 2007
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 апреля, 2020
      The results refer only to agricultural enterprises with more than 2,0 hectares of arable land. The main part of the forest land and a considerable part of the grazing land are therefore not included in the results.Results for municipalities are not presented after 1999.type of landother landResults for Other land are not presented after 1999.
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    • Сентябрь 2008
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 апреля, 2020
      cropThe specification of crops has changed during the years, which means that some crops does not exist for all years and some crops have been aggregated compared to the specification in the data collection. Triticale was introduced in 1993 but was in 1990-1992 included in Mixed grain and triticale. White mustard and Other oil seed crops, which during some years was collected as a separate crop, is for the whole period presented under the heading Other crops. Green fodder is for the years 1993-1995 aggregated to Temporary grass. Pasture and grass for hay or silage are aggregated for the whole period.region03 Uppsala countySince 1 January 2007, Uppsala county has been expanded to include Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures.19 Västmanland countySince 1 January 2007, Västmanland county no longer includes Heby municipality. Please note that the figures for the county are not comparable with earlier figures.
    • Ноябрь 2011
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 апреля, 2020
      Results are missing for the years 1996-1998 when the survey was based on a sample of agricultural enterprises.cropThe specification of crops has changed during the years, which means that some crops does not exist for all years and some crops have been aggregated compared to the specification in the data collection. Triticale was introduced in 1993 but was in 1990-1992 included in Mixed grain and triticale. White mustard and Other oil seed crops, which during some years was collected as a separate crop, is for the whole period presented under the heading Other crops. Green fodder is for the years 1993-1995 aggregated to Temporary grass. Pasture and grass for hay or silage are aggregated for the whole period.region0331 HebySince 1 January 2007, Heby municipality has been transferred from Västmanland county to Uppsala county. The code for Heby has changed from 1917 to 0331.
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