National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia

In the month of October of 1953 under the government of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, under the protection of Decree 2666, the National Administrative Department of Statistics - DANE was created; later it was reorganized in 1968 (Decree 3167), being President Carlos Lleras Restrepo; In December 1992, during the government of César Gaviria Trujillo, a restructuring was carried out based on Decree 2118. By Decree No.1174 of June 29, 1999, under the government of Andrés Pastrana, the DANE was assigned to the Geographic Institute Agustín Codazzi. With Decree 1151 of June 19, 2000, a new organizational structure was adopted and subsequently adjustments and modifications were made to the personnel plant, which was adopted by Decree 1187 of June 28, 2000, in the government of Andrés Pastrana Arango. Decree 263 of January 28, 2004 modifies the personnel plant of the National Administrative Department of Statistics and other provisions are issued. Decree 262 of January 28, 2004 modifies the structure of the National Administrative Department of Statistics DANE and other provisions are dictated.

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