National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep citizens informed of the changing environment around them. From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product. NOAA’s dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.

Все наборы данных: B C P T
  • B
    • Сентябрь 2024
      Источник: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 сентября, 2024
      Between 1980 and 2023, 59 Severe Storm, 12 Winter Storm, 4 Flooding, 9 Drought, 4 Tropical Cyclone, and 2 Freeze billion-dollar disaster events affected Ohio (CPI-adjusted). Note: All Events data has been aggregated.
  • C
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июня, 2024
      States Affected and Category by States Affected: The impact of the hurricane on individual U.S. states based upon the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale (through the estimate of the maximum sustained [1-min] surface [10 m] winds at each state). TX S-South Texas, TX C-Central Texas, TX N-North Texas, LA-Louisiana, MS-Mississippi, AL-Alabama, FL NW-Northwest Florida, FL SW-Southwest Florida, FL SE-Southeast Florida, FL NE-Northeast Florida, GA-Georgia, SC-South Carolina, NC-North Carolina, VA-Virginia, MD-Maryland, DE-Delaware, NJ-New Jersey, NY-New York, PA-Pennsylvania, CT-Connecticut, RI-Rhode Island, MA-Massachusetts, NH-New Hampshire, ME-Maine. In Texas, south refers to the area from the Mexican border to Corpus Christi; central spans from north of Corpus Christi to Matagorda Bay and north refers to the region from north of Matagorda Bay to the Louisiana border. In Florida, the north-south dividing line is from Cape Canaveral [28.45N] to Tarpon Springs [28.17N]. The dividing line between west-east Florida goes from 82.69W at the north Florida border with Georgia, to Lake Okeechobee and due south along longitude 80.85W.) Occasionally, a hurricane will cause a hurricane impact (estimated maximum sustained surface winds) in an inland state. To differentiate these cases versus coastal hurricane impacts, these inland hurricane strikes are denoted with an "I" prefix before the state abbreviation. States that have been so impacted at least once during this time period include Alabama (IAL), Georgia (IGA), North Carolina (INC), Virginia (IVA), and Pennsylvania (IPA). The Florida peninsula, by the nature of its relatively landmass, is all considered as coastal in this database. Highest U.S. Saffir-Simpson Category: The highest Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale impact in the United States based upon estimated maximum sustained (1-min) surface (10 m) winds produced at the coast. ("TS" indicates that the system caused only tropical storm conditions in the United States, though it was a hurricane at landfall. See "&" below.) Central Pressure: The observed or estimated central pressure of the hurricane at landfall. Maximum Winds: Estimated maximum sustained (1-min) surface (10 m) winds to occur along the U. S. coast. Winds are estimated to the nearest 10 kt for the period of 1851 to 1885 and to the nearest 5 kt for the period of 1886 to date. (1 kt = 1.15 mph.) * - Indicates that the hurricane center did not make a U.S. landfall (or substantially weakened before making landfall), but did produce the indicated hurricane-force winds over land. In this case, central pressure is given for the time that the hurricane winds along the coast were the strongest. & - Indicates that the hurricane center did make a direct landfall, but that the strongest winds likely remained offshore. Thus the winds indicated here are lower than in HURDAT. # - Indicates that the hurricane made landfall over Mexico, but also caused sustained hurricane force surface winds in Texas. The strongest winds at landfall impacted Mexico, while the weaker maximum sustained winds indicated here were conditions estimated to occur in Texas. Indicated central pressure given is that at Mexican landfall. Additional Note: Because of the sparseness of towns and cities before 1900 in some coastal locations along the United States, the above list is not complete for all states. Before the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts became settled, hurricanes may have been underestimated in their intensity or missed completely for small-sized systems (i.e., 2004's Hurricane Charley). The following list provides estimated dates when accurate tropical cyclone records began for specified regions of the United States based upon U.S Census reports and other historical analyses. Years in parenthesis indicate possible starting dates for reliable records before the 1850s that may be available with additional research: Texas-south > 1880, Texas-central > 1851, Texas-north > 1860, Louisiana > 1880, Mississippi > 1851, Alabama < 1851 (1830), Florida-northwest > 1880, Florida-southwest > 1900, Florida-southeast > 1900, Florida-northeast > 1880, Georgia < 1851 (1800), South Carolina < 1851 (1760), North Carolina < 1851 (1760), Virginia < 1851 (1700), Maryland < 1851 (1760), Delaware < 1851 (1700), New Jersey < 1851 (1760), New York < 1851 (1700), Connecticut < 1851 (1660), Rhode Island < 1851 (1760), Massachusetts < 1851 (1660), New Hampshire < 1851 (1660), and Maine < 1851 (1790).
  • P
  • T
    • Август 2011
      Источник: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 29 августа, 2017
      This technical memorandum lists the deadliest tropical cyclones in the United States during 1851-2010 and the costliest tropical cyclones in the United States during 1900-2010. The compilation ranks damage, as expressed by monetary losses, in three ways: 1) contemporaneous estimates; 2) contemporaneous estimates adjusted by inflation to 2010 dollars; and 3) contemporaneous estimates adjusted for inflation and the growth of population and personal wealth (Pielke et al. 2008) to 2010 dollars. In addition, the most intense (i.e., major1 ) hurricanes to make landfall in the United States during the 160-year period are listed. Also presented are some additional statistics on United States hurricanes and tropical cyclones in general.