General Directorate of Statistics and the National Accounting, Togo

INSEED is a public institution with administrative character, legal personality and financial management autonomy. It is under the technical supervision of the ministries in charge of statistics. INSEED is responsible for: conduct studies, surveys and censuses, including: the general census of the population and the habitat; surveys of the living conditions of households and poverty; studies, surveys and censuses of businesses; develop, analyze and publish the accounts of the nation; develop and centralize economic and socio-demographic statistics for analysis and dissemination; publish regularly and according to a pre-established calendar, statistical newsletters and yearbooks; centralize the statistical data produced by the different structures of the national statistical system and archive them in a database; harmonize, improve and promote the use of high-performance statistical tools and methodologies; provide the other members of the national statistical system with the methodological and technical support they require in the context of their statistical activities; to promote applied research and analysis methodologies for the collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data; coordinate the national statistical system; to provide the technical secretariat of the National Statistical Council and its sectoral committees; coordinate the preparation of multiannual and annual programs of statistical activities and the preparation of implementation reports; promote the training, development and retraining of the staff of the national statistical system; study visa applications for public statistical surveys; participate in meetings relating to statistical issues at the subregional, regional, continental and international levels, in collaboration with the other structures of the national statistical system; carry out any other activity within its area of ​​expertise.

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    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: General Directorate of Statistics and the National Accounting, Togo
      Загружен: Pallavi Shekar
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июля, 2024
      General Directorate of Statistics and the National Accounting,Togo-INSEED