Fidelity Investments

Fidelity Investments is an American multinational financial services corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts. Fidelity Investments operates a brokerage firm, manages a large family of mutual funds, provides fund distribution and investment advice, retirement services, Index funds, wealth management, cryptocurrency, securities execution and clearance, and life insurance.

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    • Апрель 2020
      Источник: Fidelity Investments
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 29 июня, 2020
      Press release: Fidelity® Q1 2020 Retirement Analysis: Retirement Savers “Stayed the Course” Despite Economic Crisis 401(k) - Analysis based on 23,000 corporate defined contribution plans and 18.3 million participants as of March 31, 2020. These figures include the advisor-sold market but exclude the tax-exempt market. Excluded from the behavioral statistics are non-qualified defined contribution plans and plans for Fidelity’s own employees. IRA - Fidelity IRA analysis based on 10 million Personal Investing IRA accounts, as of March 31,2020 and includes all IRAs except for inherited IRAs, small business IRAs and IRAs distributed through the advisor-sold market. 403(b)/Tax Exempt - Analysis based on 10,447 defined contribution plans, including 403(b), 401(a), 401(k) and 457(b) qualified, non-qualified and TEM pooled plans, and 6.6 million participant accounts, for 4.98 million unique individuals, in the tax-exempt market, as of March 31, 2020.