Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland

The FSO is Switzerland's national competence centre for official statistics. It produces and publishes statistical information on the status and development of the population, economy, society, education, research, territory and the environment. This information is used for opinion building among the population and for the planning and management of key policy areas. They make an important contribution to a modern, democratic state.

Все наборы данных: I M S T
  • I
    • Октябрь 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2022
      Meta information:Last change: new data set 2017 Source: Forest Enterprise Network FEN, WaldSchweizFEN: Forest Enterprise Network of Switzerland (200 selected forest enterprises 2008-2014; 160 selected forest enterprises since 2015, evaluations based on full cost accounting)Structural dataProductive forest area (ha)The productive forest area corresponds to the forest area, on which wood was used or could be used. It is independent of the current management intensity, function of the forest, current management objectives and forest road infrastructure (except inaccessible forest). Pastured woodlands and (special) forest reserves with occasional timber harvesting are also classified as productive forest area.Proportin small enterprises (%)Share of enterprises in the forestry test enterprise network that do not meet the minimum required forest area per enterprise introduced with the statistic revision in 2015 (Jura 50-199 ha, Central Plain 50-149 ha, Prealps 50-249 ha, Alps 50-499 ha).Proportion enterprises 150-250 ha (%)Proportion of enterprises in forest enterprise network with a productive forest area between 150 and 250 hectares. By definition these can only be enterprises from the Jura and Central Plain.Proportion enterprises 251-500 ha (%)Proportion of enterprises in forest enterprise network with a productive forest area between 251 and 500 hectares. By definition these can only be enterprises from the Jura, Central Plain and Prealps.Proportion enterprises 501-1000 ha (%)Proportion of enterprises in forest enterprise network with a productive forest areabetween 501 and 1000 hectares.Proportion enterprises 1001-2000 ha (%)Proportion of enterprises in forest enterprise network with a productive forest area between 1001 and 1000 hectares.Proportion enterprises >2000 ha (%)Proportion of enterprises in forest enterprise network with a productive forest area greater than 2000 hectares.Forest road infrastructure (m/ha)Shows forest road infrastructure density in meters per hectare of productive forest area.Total timber harvesting (m3)Amount of total timber harvesting (felled use, standing use, stock changes).Felled tree use (m3)Amount of total felled tree use incl. changes in inventories.Felled coniferous tree use (m3)Amount of felled tree use incl. changes in inventories of coniferous trees.Felled deciduous tree use (m3)Amount of felled tree use incl. changes in inventories of deciduous trees.Standing tree use (m3)Amount of the total standing tree use.Standing coniferous tree use (m3)Amount of standing coniferous tree use.Standing deciduous tree use (m3)Amount of standing deciduous tree use.Management personnel per 1000 ha (Empl./1000ha)Number of management employees (leadership, planning) per 1000 hectares of productive forest area.Operative personnel per 1000 ha (Empl./1000ha)Number of operative employees (carrying out activities) per 1000 hectares of productive forest area.Personnel hours management (hrs/ha)Personnel hours per hectare of productive forest incurred by management personnel. For an interpretation of personnel hours the key figure always has to be considered in combination with the proportion of own contribution.Personnel hours operative (hrs/ha)Personnel hours per hectare of productive forest incurred by operative personnel. For an interpretation of personnel hours the key figure always has to be considered in combination with the proportion of own contribution.Proportion own contribution (%)The proportion of own contribution refers to the cost share of the total costs, which is generated by the own forest enterprise.
  • M
    • Июль 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2022
      Metainformation:Last update : new data (year 2017), revised values (1990-2016) Source: Environmental accounts (in German) Material flow accountsSymbols used: '* ': Values not shown because not obvious nor relevant or unknown '0 ': < 0,001Cube description: The flows presented in this interactive table are: - Domestic extraction used DEU: DEU measures the flows of materials that originate from the Swiss environment and that physically enter the economy. - Imports: all raw materials or manufactured products, which enter in Switzerland from abroad and all materials consumed abroad by Swiss resident units (residence principle). - Exports: all raw materials or manufactured products, which leave Switzerland and all materials consumed in Switzerland by non-resident units (residence principle).Indicators presented in this interactive table are: - DMC (Domestic Material Consumption) = DEU + Imports - Exports - DMI (Direct Material Input) = DEU + Imports - PTB (Physical Trade Balance) = Exports - ImportsMaterial categories Flows are disaggregated by material type following the Eurostat nomenclature (Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA): Handbook 2018).Important remarks Domestic extraction used: By definition material extracted from the territory are raw. For this flow, data in products categories do not exist.Imports, exports and their aggregates Original data are from the Swiss trade statistics established by the Swiss Customs Administration. This involves: - Trade statistics are classified by product type (car, hat ...) while material flow accounts are based on a classification by material types (biomass, metal ...). To switch from one classification to the other, products are classified following their main material. Non-classifiable products are put in the category “Other products”. This involves that data quality is lower for the finer subcategories. - Imports and exports of waste cannot be extracted from the trade statistics before 2002.More information about MFA (in German): Environmental accountsMaterial categories4.02.03 Fuels bunkered 1)= (Imports: by resident units abroad); (Exports: by non-resident units domestically) Fuel for water transport 2)Marine transport not included
    • Июль 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 07 июля, 2022
      Metainformation:Last update : new data (year 2017), revised values (1990-2016) Status: July 2019 Survey: Environmental Accounts - Material flow accounts (in German)Symbols used: '* ': not relevant or no information '0 ': < 0,001This interactive table presents the Domestic processed Output DPO issued form the Material flow accounts.DPO measures the total weight of materials from domestic extraction and imports that are released to the environment after having been used by the national economy. DPO follows the residence principle: it includes emissions abroad of resident units (for example: Airline companies of Switzerland) and excludes emissions in Switzerland of non-resident units (for example: foreign heavy goods vehicles). Since the 2019 data update and in order to comply with international standards, the quantities of waste disposal to landfills have been excluded from emissions to nature. Landfills are thus considered as part of the infrastructure of the society.More information about EW-MFA: Environmental accounts
    • Июль 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2022
      Metainformation:Last update : new data (year 2018), revised values (1990-2017). Status: March 2019 Survey: Environmental accounts (CENV) - Physical accountsFigures from 2018 are estimates.This interactive table presents the complete Material flow accounts (MFA) at the highest aggregation level (for disaggregated data by material type see the two other MFA interactive tables).The flows presented in this interactive table are: - Domestic extraction used DEU: DEU measures the flows of materials from the Swiss environment and that physically enter the economy. - Unused domestic extraction UDE: includes all the materials extracted in Switzerland but not used in the national economy. - Imports: all raw materials or manufactured products, which enter in Switzerland from abroad and all materials consumed abroad by Swiss resident units (residence principle). - Imports in raw material equivalents: Imports converted in the mass of all materials used during the production processes and transport of goods and services until they cross the border. The indicators in raw material equivalents are the result of modelling and involve a higher level of uncertainty than the direct flow indicators. They should therefore be considered as estimates. - Exports: all raw materials or manufactured products that leave Switzerland and all materials consumed in Switzerland by non-resident units (residence principle). - Exports in raw material equivalents: Exports converted in the mass of all materials used during the production processes and transport of goods and services until they cross the border. The indicators in raw material equivalents are the result of modelling and involve a higher level of uncertainty than the direct flow indicators. They should therefore be considered as estimates. - Domestic processed output DPO: DPO measures the total weight of materials from domestic extraction and imports that are released to the environment after having been used by the national economy. DPO follows the residence principle: it includes emissions abroad from resident units (for example: Airline companies of Switzerland) and excludes emissions in Switzerland from non-resident units (for example: foreign heavy goods vehicles). Since the 2019 data update and in order to comply with international standards, the quantities of waste disposal to landfills have been excluded from emissions to nature. Landfills are thus considered as part of the infrastructure of the society. - Net additions to stock NAS: NAS reflect the physical growth of the economy (expansion of the stock of materials in building, infrastructures and durable goods). - Balancing items: To compile a full mass balance, quantities are corrected with balancing items both on the input and output sides. These items include for example the oxygen used during the combustion process and the water vapor emitted through human and livestock respiration. By taking into account such processes, the balancing items allow calculating the correct net additions to stock NAS (see above).The indicators presented in this interactive table are: - DMC (Domestic Material Consumption) = DEU + Imports - Exports - DMI (Direct Material Input) = DEU + Imports - RMC (Raw Material Consumption) = Domestic extraction used + Imports in raw material equivalents - Exports in raw material equivalents - RMI (Raw Material Input) = Domestic extraction used + Imports in raw material equivalents - PTB (Physical Trade Balance) = Exports - Imports - NAS (Net Additions to Stock) = DEU + Imports + Balancing items : Input side - Exports - DPO - Balancing items : Output sideMore information about MFA Environmental accounting - Material flowsUnit of measureTons per capitaFigures are divided by the resident population on the 31st December.CHF per kgGross domestic product GDP in chain-linked volumes to reference year 2010 is used in the calculations.Kg per CHFGross domestic product GDP in chain-linked volumes to reference year 2010 is used in the calculations.
  • S
    • Октябрь 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2022
      Meta information:Last change: new data set 2017 Source: Forest Enterprise Network FEN, WaldSchweizFEN: Forest Enterprise Network of Switzerland (200 selected forest enterprises 2008-2014; 160 selected forest enterprises since 2015, evaluations based on full cost accounting)IndicatorSubsidies (CHF/ha)Subsidies from the public sector (Federation, Cantons, communities, other) for accessory activities.Percentage return on sales (%)The percentage of return on sales for the products 'services for own property' and 'forest service activities and care' cannot be calculated from the current database. The reason for this is that certain operational services are not offset by corresponding revenues. This includes for example the maintenance of greeneries for the community, in which the forest enterprise is not reimbursed by the community, thus falsifying the result.Contribution margin Ib (CHF/ha)Revenues excluding production costs including changes in inventories of the product.Contribution margin I (CHF/ha)Contribution margin Ib incl. subsidies from the public sector.Contribution margin II (CHF/ha)Contribution margin I minus the netto costs for the infrastructure of the services.Contribution margin IV (CHF/ha)Contribution margin II minus the netto costs for real estate and facilities, as well as depreciation.Contribution margin V (CHF/ha)Contribution margin IV minus the netto costs for the administration, incl. the other revenues. Corresponds to the success of the product.ProductOther servicesComprises the following cost units: wood trading company; lecturing activities for third parties; forest schools, presentations, guided tours, other services.Other goodsComprises the following cost units: timber processing, nursery, Christmas trees and cover branches; gravel pit; other goods.
    • Октябрь 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2022
      Meta information:Last change: new data set 2017 Source: Forest Enterprise Network FEN, WaldSchweizFEN: Forest Enterprise Network of Switzerland (200 selected forest enterprises 2008-2014; 160 selected forest enterprises since 2015, evaluations based on full cost accounting)
    • Октябрь 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2022
      SMeta information:Last change: new data set 2017 Source: Forest Enterprise Network FEN, WaldSchweizFEN: Forest Enterprise Network of Switzerland (200 selected forest enterprises 2008-2014; 160 selected forest enterprises since 2015, evaluations based on full cost accounting)IndicatorRoad maintenance (CHF/m)Costs for the maintenance of the forest roads per meter.Other costs of 1st production level (CHF/ha)Comprises in summary the following activities: stand creation, forest protection, game damage protection, clearing of the ground, tree marking, supervision 1st production level.Other costs of 1st production level (CHF/m3)Comprises in summary the following activities: stand creation, forest protection, game damage protection, clearing of the ground, tree marking, supervision 1st production level.Timber harvesting (CHF/ha)Timber harvesting costs incl. hauling and measurement.Timber harvesting (CHF/m3)Timber harvesting costs incl. hauling and measurement. Based on felled use only.Other costs of 2nd production level (CHF/ha)Comprises in summary the following activities: Transport to forest road; timber protection; transport from forest road; supervision of 2nd production level.Other costs of 2nd production level (CHF/m3)Comprises in summary the following activities: Transport to forest road; timber protection; transport from forest road; supervision of 2nd production level. Based on felled use only.Machine costs (in CHF/m3)Based on felled use only.Proportion of own contribution (in %)The proportion of own contribution corresponds to the cost share of the total costs generated by the forest enterprise.Timber revenues (CHF/ha)Average timber revenues of the total timber harvesting (felled use, standing use, changes in inventories).Timber revenues (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of the total timber harvesting (felled use, standing use, changes in inventories).Timber revenues of felled tree sales (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of total felled use, incl. changes in inventories.Timber revenues of felled coniferous tree sales (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of felled use, incl. changes in inventories of coniferous timber.Timber revenues of felled deciduous tree sales (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of felled use, incl. changes in inventories of deciduous timber.Timber revenues of standing tree sales (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of total standing use.Timber revenues of standing coniferous tree sales (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of standing use of coniferous timber.Timber revenues of standing deciduous tree sales (CHF/m3)Average timber revenues of standinguse of deciduous timber.Subsidies (CHF/ha)Subsidies from the public sector (Federation, Cantons, Communities, others) for forest management.Subsidies (CHF/m3)Subsidies from the public sector (Federation, Cantons, Communities, others) for forest management.Other revenues (CHF/ha)Comprises the following subsidy groups: other subsidies from maintenance, 1st production level, 2nd production level, other activies, administrative activities.Other revenues (CHF/m3)Comprises the following subsidy groups: other subsidies from maintenance, 1st production level, 2nd production level, other activies, administrative activities.Contribution margin Ia (CHF/ha)Revenues excluding timber harvesting costs of own felling (only felled use; without standing use, changes in inventories, subsidies).Contribution margin Ia (CHF/m3)Revenues excluding timber harvesting costs of own felling (only felled use; without standing use, changes in inventories, subsidies).Contribution margin Ib (CHF/ha)Revenues excluding timber harvesting costs (of the product timber harvesting) incl. standing use and changes in inventories (without subsidies).Contribution margin Ib (CHF/m3)Revenues excluding timber harvesting costs (of the product timber harvesting) incl. standing use and changes in inventories (without subsidies).Contribution margin I (CHF/ha)Contribution margin Ib incl. subsidies from the public sector.Contribution margin I (CHF/m3)Contribution margin Ib incl. subsidies from the public sector.Contribution margin II (CHF/ha)Contribution margin I minus the netto costs for the logging equipment and the infrastructure.Contribution margin II (CHF/m3)Contribution margin I minus the netto costs for the logging equipment and the infrastructure.Contribution margin IIIa (CHF/ha)Contribution margin II minus the netto costs for the regular siliviculture.Contribution margin IIIa (CHF/m3)Contribution margin II minus the netto costs for the regular siliviculture.Contribution margin III (CHF/ha)Contribution margin IIIa minus the netto costs for nature conservation, protection, recreation and other use.Contribution margin III (CHF/m3)Contribution margin IIIa minus the netto costs for nature conservation, protection, recreation and other use.Contribution margin IV (CHF/ha)Contribution margin III minus the netto costs for real estate and facilities, as well as protection structures and depreciation.Contribution margin IV (CHF/m3)Contribution margin III minus the netto costs for real estate and facilities, as well as protection structures and depreciation.Contribution margin V (CHF/ha)Contribution margin IV minus the netto costs for administration, incl. other subsidies. Corresponds to the success of the priority function.Contribution margin V (CHF/m3)Contribution margin IV minus the netto costs for administration, incl. other subsidies. Corresponds to the success of the priority function.Priority functionForest managementThe main product area forest management is divided into four priority functions: 'production forest', 'protection forest', 'recreational forest' and 'nature and landscape forest'. The classification of the priority functions is based on the operation plan, or, if available, on the forest development plan (FDP).
  • T
    • Октябрь 2022
      Источник: Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 октября, 2022
      Meta information:Last change: new data set 2017 Source: Forest Enterprise Network FEN, WaldSchweizFEN: Forest Enterprise Network of Switzerland (200 selected forest enterprises 2008-2014; 160 selected forest enterprises since 2015, evaluations based on full cost accounting)IndicatorContribution margin Ia (CHF/ha)Revenues excluding timber harvesting costs of own felling (only felled use; without standing use, changes in inventories, contributions)Contribution margin Ib (CHF/ha)Revenues excluding timber harvesting costs of the product timber harvesting incl. standing use and changes in inventories (without contributions). Revenues excluding production costs incl. changes in inventories goods- and services production.Contribution margin I (CHF/ha)Contribution margin lb incl. contributions from public authoritiesContribution margin II (CHF/ha)Contribution margin I minus the netto costs for logging equipment and the infrastructureContribution margin IIIa (CHF/ha)Contribution margin II minus the netto costs for the regular silvicultureContribution margin III (CHF/ha)Contribution margin IIIa minus the netto costs for nature conservation, protection, recreation and other forst usesContribution margin IV (CHF/ha)Contribution margin III minus the netto costs for real estate and facilities, as well as protection structure maintenance and depreciationContribution margin V (CHF/ha)Contribution margin IV minus the netto costs for management, incl. the other revenues. Corresponds to the success of the main product area.