Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization, Brazil

CCEE enables the commercialization of electricity in Brazil and supports the evolution of the market under the pillars of isonomy, safety and innovation.

Все наборы данных: S
  • S
    • Февраль 2021
      Источник: Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization, Brazil
      Загружен: Sandeep Reddy
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 февраля, 2021
      In the Brazilian electricity industry, the spot electricity price is called the Difference Settlement Price (Preço de Liquidação das Diferenças or PLD in Portuguese). The price is based on the operating marginal cost which is limited by maximum and minimum prices in effect for each submarket. Brazil transmission grid, the National Interconnected System (SIN), consists of four subsystems or submarkets: South (S), Southeast/Centre-West (SE/CO), Northeast (NE) and North (N).