Statistics Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) enables people to have debates on social issues on the basis of reliable statistical information.The mission of CBS is to publish reliable and coherent statistical information which responds to the needs of Dutch society. The responsibility of CBS is twofold: firstly, to compile (official) national statistics and secondly to compile European (community) statistics.

Все наборы данных: C E G I K M R S
  • C
    • Декабрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 октября, 2020
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP) License:   This table shows the gross domestic product (GDP) on an annual basis of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba and total Caribbean Netherlands. GDP is a macroeconomic concept. The volume change of GDP is a measure of a country's economic growth. This volume change is relative to the previous year. Data available from: 2012 Status of the figures: The figures in this table are final. Changes as of 19 September 2018: Figures of 2016 have been added. When will new figures be published? New figures of the GDP of 2017 are published in the autumn of 2019.
    • Июнь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 декабря, 2022
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Contribution final expenditure to volume growth of GDP; National Accounts License:   This table presents economic growth data (percentage volume changes of gross domestic product) and the contributions to economic growth by expenditure components. Gross domestic product can be calculated as the sum of final consumptions, gross capital formation and net exports. This expenditure approach allows to estimate the contribution of the various components of final expenditure to the volume change of GDP. For estimating the contribution, final expenditure components have to be adjusted for the incorporated imports. The adjusted final expenditure components sum up to GDP and are the bases of the calculation of the contribution of GDP growth. The attribution of imports to final expenditure components is performed using input-output analysis. Contributions of final expenditure to GDP are provided in percentage points of GDP growth. Data available from 2016. Status of the figures: Data of 2016 are final. Data of 2017 are provisional. Changes as of June 22nd 2018: None. This is a new table. Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts recently. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. This table provides the data after revision. It replaces table Contribution final expenditure to volume growth of GDP; NA, 1995-2016. For further information see section 3. When will new figures be published? Provisional data are published 6 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 18 months after the end of the reporting year.
  • E
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 декабря, 2023
      This table contents information of the Regional accounts. Regional accounts give a description of the economic process in the regions of a country in conformity with the national accounts. Elements in the economic process distinguished in national accounts are production, distribution of income, spending and financing. Regional accounts focus on the description of the production processes in the various regions. The new Standard industrial classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union. Data available from: 2016 Status of the figures: The figures of the most recent reporting year 2016 are final and of the 2017 are provisional. The revision of the National accounts has been completed for the years 2016 and 2017. Next year will be the start of the revision of the years 1996-2015.Then long distance time series for the period 1996-2017 will be available. Changes as of November 23th, 2018: None. This is a new table. Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts recently. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. This table provides the data after revision. For further information see section 3. When will new figures be published? New data will be published in November 2019.
    • Ноябрь 2018
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 февраля, 2019
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Economic growth, GDP and value added by region; national accounts 1996-2017 License:   This table contents information of the Regional accounts. Regional accounts give a description of the economic process in the regions of a country in conformity with the national accounts. Elements in the economic process distinguished in national accounts are production, distribution of income, spending and financing. Regional accounts focus on the description of the production processes in the various regions. The new Standard industrial classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union. Data available from: 1996 Status of the figures: The figures of the most recent reporting years 2016 and 2017 are provisional. The figures of the years 1996 - 2015 are final. The revision of the National accounts has been completed for the years before 2011. Now long distance time series for the period 1996-2017 are available. Changes as of November 15th, 2018: The underlying coding of classifications (Economic sectors (SIC2008) , Regions) used in this table has been adjusted. It is now in line with the standard encoding defined by CBS. The structure and data of the table have not been adjusted. When will new figures be published? New data will be published in November 2018.
  • G
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2024
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: GDP, output and expenditures; changes, Quarterly National Accounts License:   This table provides quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions of The Netherlands. Data available from 1995. Status of the figures: The figures of the period 1995-2015 are final. Data of 2016, 2017 and 2018 are provisional. Changes as of December 24th 2018: Data of the final estimate 2018q3 have been added to this table. Adjustments as of September 7th 2018: In the previous version, annual and quarterly data of the breakdown of gross fixed capital formation by sectors, by type of activa and by destination of the period 1995-2018 have been calculated incorrectly. This has been adjusted in this version. When will new figures be published? The preliminary estimate (flash estimate) of a quarter is released within 45 days. The second estimate is published after 85 days. At the second estimate of the fourth quarter, data of the previous three quarters will also be revised.
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2024
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: GDP, output and expenditures; value, Quarterly National Accounts License:   This table provides data from Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) of Statistics The Netherlands. It contains quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions of The Netherlands. Data available from 1995. Status of the figures: The figures of the period 1995-2015 are final. Data of 2016, 2017 and 2018 are provisional. Changes as of December 24th 2018: Data of the final estimate 2018q3 have been added to this table. Adjustments as of September 7th 2018: In the previous version, annual and quarterly data of the breakdown of gross fixed capital formation by sectors, by type of activa and by destination of the period 1995-2018 have been calculated incorrectly. This has been adjusted in this version. When will new figures be published? The preliminary estimate (flash estimate) of a quarter is released within 45 days. The second estimate is published after 85 days. At the second estimate of the fourth quarter, data of the previous three quarters will also be revised.
  • I
    • Март 2011
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 октября, 2018
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Investment climate; The Netherlands international comparison License:   This table shows basic figures on population and economic development for sixty countries. It concerns the following elementary indicators: - Gross Domestic Product; - Gross Domestic Product per capita; - Exports of goods and services; - Exports of high-tech goods; - Incoming Foreign Direct Investments; - Value added in services; - Population size. These indicators give an overall picture of the economic size and trade position of a country. The national economic development defines the basic climate within which companies develop their activities. A good economic development ensures a favourable investment climate in which enterprises can function well. Note: Comparable definitions are used to compare the figures presented internationally. The definitions sometimes differ from definitions used by Statistics Netherlands. The figures in this table could differ from Dutch figures presented elsewhere on the website of Statistics Netherlands. Data available from 1990 Status of the figures: The external source of these data frequently supplies adjusted figures on preceding periods. These adjusted data are not mentioned as such in the table. Changes as of 14 March 2011: Various figures have been updated as a result of updates of the underlying source. Please refer to the original source for information about the changes. When will the latest figures be published? The latest figures are shown in the table as soon as the external source supplies them.
  • K
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 декабря, 2023
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Key figures by sector; National Accounts License:   This table presents a number of key figures of the sector accounts. These main indicators provide the most important information on the total economy and on the main institutional sectors of the economy: non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households and the rest of the world. Data available from: Annual figures from 1995. Quarterly figures from first quarter 1999. Status of the figures: The figures from 1995 up to and including 2015 are final. Data of 2016, 2017 and 2018 are provisional. Changes as of December 24th 2018: Data of the third quarter 2018 have been added to this table. The grouping of the classification (Periods) is adjusted to comply with Statistics Netherlands standards. “Net external assets; market value” is newly added to the key figures under “Rest of the world”. “Net external assets” is no longer under “Total domestic sectors”, but under “Rest of the world”. A correction is made to harmonise definitions of “non-financial corporations; profit of foreign subsidiaries” and “financial institutions; profit of foreign subsidiaries”. It concerns all annual and quarterly figures. A correction is made to resolve the double-counting of “financial corporations; property income paid”. It concerns all annual and quarterly figures. Adjustments as of September 21st 2018: Government debt (EMU debt) has been adjusted in the yearly and quarterly figures of 2004 until 2017 and the first quarter of 2018. Part of government debt was recorded as debt to institutions outside general government, while it is debt to institutions inside general government. Debt from institutions inside general government are not part of consolidated government debt. Accordingly, the government debt level has become lower. Furthermore, data of the second quarter 2018 have been added to this table. Adjustments as of September 11th 2018: A correction is made to resolve the double-counting of “financial institutions; profit of foreign subsidiaries”. It concerns all annual and quarterly figures. When will new figures be published? Annual figures: Provisional data are published 6 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 18 months after the end of the reporting year. Quarterly figures: The first quarterly estimate is available 85 days after the end of each reporting quarter. The first quarter may be revised in September, the second quarter in December. Should further quarterly information become available thereafter, the estimates for the first three quarters may be revised in March. If (new) annual figures become available in June, the quarterly figures will be revised again to bring them in line with the annual figures.
  • M
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 января, 2024
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Macroeconomic scoreboard License:   This table shows the indicators of the macroeconomic scoreboard. Furthermore, some additional indicators are shown. To identify in a timely manner existing and potential imbalances and possible macroeconomic risks within the countries of the European Union in an early stage, the European Commission has drawn up a scoreboard with fourteen indicators. This scoreboard is part of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP). This table contains quarterly and annual figures for both these fourteen indicators and nine additional indicators for the Netherlands. The fourteen indicators in the macroeconomic scoreboard are: - Current account balance as % of GDP, 3 year moving average - Net international investment position, % of GDP - Real effective exchange rate, % change on three years previously - Share of world exports, % change on five years previously - Nominal unit labour costs, % change on three years previously - Deflated house prices, % change on one year previously - Private sector credit flow as % of GDP - Private sector debt as % of GDP - Government debt as % of GDP - Unemployment rate, three year moving average - Total financial sector liabilities, % change on one year previously - Activity rate, % of total population aged 15-64, change in percentage points on three years previously - Long-term unemployment rate, % of active population aged 15-74, change in percentage points on three years previously - Youth unemployment rate, % of active population aged 15-24, change in percentage points on three years previously The additional indicators are: - Real effective exchange rate, index - Share of world exports, % - Nominal unit labour costs, index - Households credit flow as % of GDP - Non-financial corporations credit flow as % of GDP - Household debt as % of GDP - Non-financial corporations debt as % of GDP - Activity rate, % of total population aged 15-64 - Youth unemployment rate, % of active population aged 15-24 Data available from: first quarter of 2006. Status of the figures: Annual and quarterly data are provisional. Changes as of 8 January 2019: For all indicators except the long-term unemployment, figures for the third quarter of 2018 have been added. For the long-term unemployment the figure for the second quarter of 2018 have been added. Furthermore, some figures have been adjusted: - Net international investment position have been adjusted starting 2011. - All Figures have been adjusted for the Private the private sector debt. When will new figures be published? New data are published within 120 days after the end of each quarter. The first quarter may be revised in October, the second quarter in January. Quarterly data for the previous three quarters are adjusted along when the fourth quarter figures are published in April. This corresponds with the first estimate of the annual data for the previous year. The annual and quarterly data for the last three years are revised together with the publication of the first quarter in July.
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 мая, 2018
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: GDP, output and expenditures; changes, QNA, 1995-2017 License:   It contains quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions of The Netherlands. The above mentioned macroeconomic variables are presented in: - Percentage volume changes on corresponding quarter of previous year. - Percentage volume changes on previous period. - Percentage value changes on corresponding quarter of previous year. - Percentage value changes on previous period. - Percentage price changes on corresponding quarter of previous year.
  • R
    • Декабрь 2018
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 февраля, 2019
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Regional key figures; national accounts 2010-2016 License:   Regional accounts give a description of the volume of the economic process in the various regions of a country consistent with national accounts. Elements in the economic process distinguished in national accounts are production, distribution of income, spending and financing. Regional accounts focus on the description of the production processes in the various regions. Data available from: 2010 Status of the figures: The figures of the period 2010 - 2014 are final. Data of the year 2015 are also final, but the figures on jobs, labour years and hours worked by self-employed persons and total employed persons are an exception, due to the late availability of annual data on self-employed persons. These final figures are published a year after. Changes as of February 1st 2018: The figures of the topics GDP, GDP per capita and Value added for the year 2016 have been corrected for the 4 groups of provincies. The figures of the 4 groups of provincies were not correct. Now they sum up to the National total of these topics. When will new figures be published? Provisional and final data will be published in October 2018.
  • S
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 декабря, 2023
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, National Accounts License:   This table provides an overview of some non-financial transactions and balancing items of the institutional sectors of the Dutch economy. The data is presented both seasonally and working day adjusted and unadjusted. Adjustments for seasonal effects and working day effects assist in the drawing of conclusions on quarter-to-quarter developments and help to reveal trends. The non-seasonally adjusted data are identical to (sums of) the non-consolidated data from the table 'current transactions by sector'. For total government revenue and expenditure the data are identical to sums of consolidated data. Data available from first quarter 1999. Status of the figures: The figures from 1999 up to and including 2015 are final. Data of 2016, 2017 and 2018 are provisional. Changes as of September 21st 2018: Data of the second quarter 2018 have been added to this table. When will new figures be published? The first quarterly estimate is available 85 days after the end of each reporting quarter. The first quarter may be revised in September, the second quarter in December. Should further quarterly information become available thereafter, the estimates for the first three quarters may be revised in March. If (new) annual figures become available in June, the quarterly figures will be revised again to bring them in line with the annual figures.