Statistics Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) enables people to have debates on social issues on the basis of reliable statistical information.The mission of CBS is to publish reliable and coherent statistical information which responds to the needs of Dutch society. The responsibility of CBS is twofold: firstly, to compile (official) national statistics and secondly to compile European (community) statistics.

Все наборы данных: D
  • D
    • Ноябрь 2019
      Источник: Statistics Netherlands
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 октября, 2020
      Data cited at:  CBS StatLine databank Publication: Deaths; accidents, residents License:   This table contains information about Dutch residents who died in the given year due to an accident (mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning). The accident may have taken place abroad and/or in the previous year, the date and place of death is the criterion. The data is split by sex and age of the victim. The ICD-10 codes that belong to accidents are V01-W77, W80-X59, Y10-Y19, Y34 en Y85-Y86. Since 2013 Statistics Netherlands is using IRIS for automatic coding for cause of death. This improved the international comparison of the data. The change in coding did cause a considerable shift in the statistic. Since 2013 the (yearly) ICD-10 updates are applied. For accidents no changes in coding have taken place however. The persons who died in the MH17 crash in 2014 are not categorised as an accident with an airplane, but as an operation of war (ICD-10 code Y36). These persons are not part of this accidents table. Data available from: 1996 Status of the figures: The figures up to and including 2017 are final. Changes as of December 20th 2018: Provisional figures for 2017 have been made final. When will new figures be published: In the third quarter of 2019 provisional figures for 2018 will be published.