African Tax administration Forum

ATAF databank is a synopsis of the one of the ATAF’s online data platform called the African Tax Outlook (ATO) data portal which displays and describes tax administrative, customs, and macroeconomic data of a wide array of African countries. This data is used every year to produce the annual editions of the ATO publication and related research papers. The ATO data portal launched on 22 November 2017, provides ATAF members and non-members with the unique opportunity to collect a harmonized set of national-level information and data on tax and customs administration. This data portal aims to improve the comparability, analysis, consistency, quality and accessibility of revenue data for participating countries in Africa. The ATO data platform is a tool that not only allows participating tax administrations to simplify the collection of their tax statistics but also gives them an opportunity to conduct their own analysis with the view to improving their efficiency and effectiveness.

Все наборы данных: A
  • A
    • Май 2022
      Источник: African Tax administration Forum
      Загружен: Shylesh Naik
      Дата обращения к источнику: 25 августа, 2022
      Data cited at: ATAF Databank, the African Tax Administration Forum