
  • Languages:Macedonian
  • Municipalities:9
  • Settlements:343
  • Population (persons):230771 (2015)
  • Area in (2012)
  • Population Density (persons/,9 (2015)
  • Live Births (number):2301 (2015)
  • Fertility Rate (children per woman):1,5 (2015)
  • Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births):10,4 (2015)
  • Marriages (number):1385 (2015)
  • Number of schools:175 (2012)
  • Number of pupils per school:114 (2012)
  • Number of pupils per teacher:10 (2012)
  • Employment Rate (%):52,2 (2015)
  • Unemployment Rate (%):21,1 (2015)
  • Local Road Network (km):1261 (2016)
  • GDP in million MKD:58412 (2014)
  • Agricultural Area (ha):262880 (2012)
  • Electricity in GWh:170 (2013)
  • Number of Households:4074 (2014)

Все наборы данных: A B C D G I M N O P R S T W
  • A
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    • Сентябрь 2021
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 25 августа, 2022
      Demographic Statistics of Macedonia
    • Июнь 2020
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 июня, 2020
      Methodological explanationsSymbols used Source: State Statistical Office Year 2014 As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia 2014 ('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo. 2015 As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia 2015 ('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo. 2016 As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia 2016 ('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo. 2017 As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia 2017 ('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo.
  • G
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    • Июль 2022
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 июля, 2022
      Methodological explanationsSymbols usedSource: State Statistical OfficeYear2014As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia2014('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo.2015As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia2015('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo.2016As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia2016('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo.2017As a result of the implementation of the Law on Territorial Organisation of the Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia2017('Official Gazette' No. 10/2014), the municipalities Zajas, Oslomej, Drugovo and Vranestica became part of Kichevo.
    • Январь 2023
      Источник: Numbeo
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 04 января, 2023
      Data cited at: (
  • N
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    • Ноябрь 2022
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 ноября, 2022
      Railway transport AD SkopjeRailway stations - total1)/Passengers departed, in '000 - totalRailway stations - total1)Only stations with reaffic of passengers are covered
    • Ноябрь 2016
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 марта, 2019
      Methodological explanationsSymbols usedSource: State Statistical Office( ) - less precise estimate - use with caution ( ) - less precise estimate - use with caution Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2004 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2005 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2006 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2007 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2008 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2010 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2011 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2012 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Vardar , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2012 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2007 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2008 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2009 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2010 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2011 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2012 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: East , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southwest , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2009 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southwest , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2010 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southwest , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2012 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southwest , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southwest , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2004 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2005 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2006 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2007 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2008 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2009 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2010 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2011 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2012 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Southeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Pelagonia , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Pelagonia , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Pelagonia , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 0-2 , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Pelagonia , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Pelagonia , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Pelagonia , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2015 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2004 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2005 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2006 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2007 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2008 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2009 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Polog , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2010 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2004 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2005 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2006 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2007 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2008 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2009 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2010 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2011 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2012 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2013 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2014 () Status: Unemployed , Region: Northeast , Level of education - ISCED: ISCED 5 nad above , Year: 2015 ()
    • Июнь 2021
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 июня, 2021
      Symbols usedSource: State Statistical OfficeThe data for Skopje remain part and Sopishte for 2016 by sex and age with a total of 337276 persons has been corrected and amounts to 325763 persons'Skopje remain part and Sopishte' are included the data for the municipalities of: Aerodrom, Butel, Kisela Voda, Centar, Chair, Shuto Orizari i Sopishte. The data for the period between 2005 and 2013, for the municipalities of Vraneshtica, Drugovo, Zajas and Oslomej are included in the data for the municipality of Kicevo according to the change in the territorial division in 2014.
    • Июнь 2021
      Источник: State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 июня, 2021
      Symbols usedSource: State Statistical Office'Skopje remain part and Sopishte' are included the data for the municipalities of: Aerodrom, Butel, Kisela Voda, Centar, Chair, Shuto Orizari i Sopishte.
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    • Сентябрь 2015
      Источник: Water FootPrint Network
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 октября, 2015
      Data cited at: The Water Footprint Network Topic: Product water footprint statistics Publication: Reference: Mekonnen, M.M. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011) The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(5): 1577-1600. License:    
    • Сентябрь 2015
      Источник: Water FootPrint Network
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 октября, 2015
      Data cited at: The Water Footprint Network Topic: Product water footprint statistics Publication: Reference: Mekonnen, M.M. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011) The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(5): 1577-1600. License: