
  • Capital:Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to
  • Governor:Naoki Inose
  • Total Population (Thousand Persons):13300 (2013)
  • Total Land Area (,67 (2013)
  • Population Density (Population per 503,4 (2012)
  • Gross Prefectural Product (Million Yen):92387777 (2011)
  • Annual Increase Rate of Gross Prefectural Product (%):1,0 (2011)
  • Prefectural Income per Person (Thousand Yen):4373 (2011)
  • Annual Increase Rate of CPI (%):-0,5
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Unemployment Rate (%):5,9 (2010)
  • Wages, Male (Monthly Average, Thousand Yen):438,9 (2011)
  • Wages, Female (Monthly Average, Thousand Yen):317,9 (2011)
  • Monthly Living Expenditure per Household (Thousand Yen):313,7 (2011)
  • Passenger Cars for Private Use per 1,000 Persons (Number):232,2 (2013)
  • Total Fertility Rate (Children per Woman):1,13 (2013)
  • Crude Death Rate (Per 1,000 Persons):8,31 (2013)
  • Rate of Natural Increase of Population (%):0,03 (2010)
  • Elementary School Pupils per Teacher (Persons):18,58 (2011)
  • Total Real Length of Major Roads (Km per 1,00 (2012)
  • Crime Rate (per 100,000 Persons):114,7 (2010)


Все наборы данных: A E G H I L M N P S
  • A
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_ses10_rbns The Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is a 4-yearly survey which provides EU-wide harmonised structural data on gross earnings, hours paid and annual days of paid holiday leave, which are collected every four years under Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1738/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1916/2000 as regards the definition and transmission of information on the structure of earnings. The objective of this legislation is so that National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States and other countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES 2010 provides detailed and comparable information on relationships between the level of hourly, monthly and annual remuneration, personal characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and their employer (economic activity, size and economic control of the enterprise). Regional data is also available for some countries and regional metadata is identical to that provided for national data.
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_gr_nace2 This data collection has been discontinued in 2012. Data is only available up to reference year 2011. Annual data on average gross earnings and related employment are included in the Gross earnings - Annual data collection. Data are available for EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. Data are also broken down by: From reference year 2008 onwards average gross annual earnings per employee are providedby economic activity (NACE Rev.2 aggregates and sections B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, B_TO_E, B_TO_F, B_TO_N, B_TO_S_NOT_O, B_TO_S, G_TO_J, G_TO_N, G_TO_S_NOT_O, K_TO_N, P_TO_S and O_TO_S)for enterprises with 1+ and for enterprises with 10+ employees for the following breakdowns:FTU= full-time units, FT=full-time workers, PT=part-time workers by Total, Men and Women. Before 2008: data is broken down by economic activity (NACE Rev. 1.1 for Sections C to K and the C-E, C-F, G-I, J-K, G-K, C-K and for some Member States L, M-O, L-O and also C-O aggregates)FTU= full-time units, FT=full-time workers, PT=part-time workersgenderoccupation (ISCO-88 classification, one-digit level and the 1-5 and 7-9 aggregates)The data relate to the staff of enterprises having at least 10 employees in most countries. Countries provide these annual data using several statistical sources mainly the four-yearly SES, the EU Labour Force Survey and/or administrative data.
  • E
    • Январь 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 мая, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:trng_cvts07 CVTS2, CVTS3 and CVTS4 data were collected with reference year 1999, 2005 and 2010 in order to provide harmonised, reliable and relevant statistical information on continuing vocational training in enterprises.CVT stands for continuing vocational training i.e. education and training occurring during paid working time or paid at least partially by employers (if training activities are organised outside paid working time). CVTS 2, 3 and 4 provide statistics on incidence of training in enterprises, participation of employees and volume of CVT courses, CVT costs as well as CVT strategies of enterprises including on Initial vocational training (IVT, i.e. apprenticeship). The section "past series on lifelong learning" presents tables which are no longer available in the same format or at the same level of precision as CVTS 4. The CVTS1 was the first survey on continuing vocational training in enterprises carried out on the EU level in a co-ordinated form (outline questionnaire, common definitions, and common recommendations with the respect to the fieldwork). The survey was of pioneering nature, and is not any longer disseminated due to lack of comparability with the following waves.
    • Июль 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 августа, 2015
      Eurostat Dataset Id:bop_fdi_pos_r2 Eurostat uses as a base for its work the OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment Third Edition, a detailed operational definition fully consistent with the IMF Balance of Payments Manual, Fifth Edition, BPM5. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the category of international investment made by an entity resident in one economy (direct investor) to acquire a lasting interest in an enterprise operating in another economy (direct investment enterprise). The lasting interest is deemed to exist if the direct investor acquires at least 10% of the voting power of the direct investment enterprise. FDI statistics record separately: 1) Inward FDI (or FDI in the reporting economy), namely investment by foreigners in enterprises resident in the reporting economy. 2) Outward FDI (or FDI abroad), namely investment by residents entities in affiliated enterprises abroad. FDI statistics record both the initial investment and all subsequent investment made by the direct investor, either in the form of equity capital, or in the form of loans, or in the form of reinvesting earnings. Investment made through other affiliated enterprises of the same group of the direct investor should also be recorded according to the international methodology. There are three main indicators: FDI flows, stocks and income. The indicators described in more detail below are presented in the complete tables with a breakdown by partner country or region and a breakdown by the kind of activity in which FDI is made. In the table called "Main indicators" there is a reduced breakdown by partners and data for total activity only. See the part on classification system for more detail. See also the User's guideon the structure on the database and for practical information on data downloading. 1) FDI flows denote the new investment made during the period. FDI flows are recorded in the Balance of Payments financial account. Total FDI flows are broken down by kind of instrument used for making the investment:Equity capital comprises equity in branches, all shares in subsidiaries and associates (except non-participating, preferred shares that are treated as debt securities and are included under other FDI capital) and other contributions such as the provision of machinery.Reinvested earnings consist of the direct investor's share (in proportion to equity participation) of earnings not distributed by the direct investment enterprise. Reinvested earnings are an imputed transaction. Reinvested earnings are also recorded with opposite sign among FDI income (see below). This recording represents not distributed income as being earned by the direct investor and reinvested in the direct investment enterprise at the same time.Other FDI capital (loans) covers the borrowing and lending of funds, including debt securities and trade credits between direct investors and direct investment enterprises. Debt transactions between affiliated financial intermediaries recorded under direct investment flows are limited to permanent debt. 2) FDI stocks (or positions) denote the value of the investment at the end of the period. FDI stocks are recorded in the International Investment Position. Outward FDI stocks are recorded as assets of the reporting economy, inward FDI stocks as liabilities. Similarly with flows, FDI stocks are broken down by kind of instrument. However, there are only two categories instead of three:Equity capital and reinvested earnings is the value of the own capital of the enterprise, including the value of own reserves that are accumulated from past reinvested earnings. Reserves corresponding to reinvested earnings are not shown separately from other equity capital as in the case of flows.Other FDI capital is the stock of debts (assets or liabilities) between the direct investors and the direct investment enterprise. 3) FDI income is the income accruing to direct investors during the period. FDI income is recorded in the current account of the Balance of Payments. Total FDI income is broken down by kind of income. The categories of FDI income available are linked to the breakdown of FDI flows and stocks by kind of instrument, namely:Dividends Dividends payable in the period and branch profits remitted to the direct investor, gross of any withholding taxes. Dividends include payments due on common and preferred shares.Reinvested earnings See definition under FDI flows.Interest on loans Interest accrued in the period on loans (other FDI capital) with affiliated enterprises, gross of any withholding tax. 4) FDI intensity Out of FDI annual data, an indicator useful to measure EU market integration is also calculated and disseminated in the domain Structural Indicators:FDI intensity as % of GDP: Average of inward and outward FDI flows divided by GDP. A higher index indicates higher new FDI during the period in relation to the size of the economy as measured by GDP. If this index increases over time, then the country/zone is becoming more integrated with the international economy.
  • G
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 февраля, 2024
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_gr_gpgr2ag The unadjusted Gender Pay Gap (GPG) represents the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees. From reference year 2006 onwards, the new GPG data is based on the methodology of the Structure of Earnings Survey (COUNCIL REGULATION EC No 530/1999 of 9 March 1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs) which is carried out every four years. The most recent available data refers to reference years 2002, 2006 and 2010. Whereas the GPG figures for 2006 and 2010 are directly computed from the 4-yearly SES, for the intermediate years countries provide annual estimates which every 4 years are revised, benchmarked on the SES results in the two respective years. Some countries calculate the annual GPG on a yearly SES and hence their data needs no further adjustment or revisions as the majority of the others. Data are broken down by economic activity (NACE: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community), form of economic and financial control (public/private) of the enterprise, working profile (full-time / part-time) and age classes (six age groups) of employees.
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 февраля, 2024
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_gr_gpgr2wt The unadjusted Gender Pay Gap (GPG) represents the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees. From reference year 2006 onwards, the new GPG data is based on the methodology of the Structure of Earnings Survey (COUNCIL REGULATION EC No 530/1999 of 9 March 1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs) which is carried out every four years. The most recent available data refers to reference years 2002, 2006 and 2010. Whereas the GPG figures for 2006 and 2010 are directly computed from the 4-yearly SES, for the intermediate years countries provide annual estimates which every 4 years are revised, benchmarked on the SES results in the two respective years. Some countries calculate the annual GPG on a yearly SES and hence their data needs no further adjustment or revisions as the majority of the others. Data are broken down by economic activity (NACE: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community), form of economic and financial control (public/private) of the enterprise, working profile (full-time / part-time) and age classes (six age groups) of employees.
    • Июнь 2013
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 апреля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e2gfcfr2 Branch accounts include data on gross value added, compensation of employees, gross fixed capital formation, total employment and number of employees. The legal base for the collection of branch accounts data is the European System of Accounts ESA95. The ESA95 data are sent to Eurostat by the National Statistical Institutes. The units for these variables are: Millions of national currency and millions of Euro for gross value added, compensation of employees and gross fixed capital formation. 1000 persons for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 3 1000 hours worked for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 2 Geographical coverage comprises all EU Member States and some Candidate countries down to Nuts 3 level (Nuts = "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics" - see Eurostat's classification server "RAMON") for the variables gross value added, total employment and number of employees. Compensation of employees, employment in hours worked and gross fixed capital formation are only collected down to Nuts 2 level. For further information about sources and collection methods in the Member States, please refer to National Statistical Institutes (select Services - Links).
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 апреля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:nama_r_e3vab95r2 Branch accounts include data on gross value added, compensation of employees, gross fixed capital formation, total employment and number of employees. The legal base for the collection of branch accounts data is the European System of Accounts ESA95. The ESA95 data are sent to Eurostat by the National Statistical Institutes. The units for these variables are: Millions of national currency and millions of Euro for gross value added, compensation of employees and gross fixed capital formation. 1000 persons for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 3 1000 hours worked for total employment and number of employees at NUTS level 2 Geographical coverage comprises all EU Member States and some Candidate countries down to Nuts 3 level (Nuts = "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics" - see Eurostat's classification server "RAMON") for the variables gross value added, total employment and number of employees. Compensation of employees, employment in hours worked and gross fixed capital formation are only collected down to Nuts 2 level. For further information about sources and collection methods in the Member States, please refer to National Statistical Institutes (select Services - Links).
  • H
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_n08hour_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Декабрь 2013
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:trng_cvts27 CVTS2, CVTS3 and CVTS4 data were collected with reference year 1999, 2005 and 2010 in order to provide harmonised, reliable and relevant statistical information on continuing vocational training in enterprises.CVT stands for continuing vocational training i.e. education and training occurring during paid working time or paid at least partially by employers (if training activities are organised outside paid working time). CVTS 2, 3 and 4 provide statistics on incidence of training in enterprises, participation of employees and volume of CVT courses, CVT costs as well as CVT strategies of enterprises including on Initial vocational training (IVT, i.e. apprenticeship). The section "past series on lifelong learning" presents tables which are no longer available in the same format or at the same level of precision as CVTS 4. The CVTS1 was the first survey on continuing vocational training in enterprises carried out on the EU level in a co-ordinated form (outline questionnaire, common definitions, and common recommendations with the respect to the fieldwork). The survey was of pioneering nature, and is not any longer disseminated due to lack of comparability with the following waves.
    • Январь 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:trng_cvts22 CVTS2, CVTS3 and CVTS4 data were collected with reference year 1999, 2005 and 2010 in order to provide harmonised, reliable and relevant statistical information on continuing vocational training in enterprises.CVT stands for continuing vocational training i.e. education and training occurring during paid working time or paid at least partially by employers (if training activities are organised outside paid working time). CVTS 2, 3 and 4 provide statistics on incidence of training in enterprises, participation of employees and volume of CVT courses, CVT costs as well as CVT strategies of enterprises including on Initial vocational training (IVT, i.e. apprenticeship). The section "past series on lifelong learning" presents tables which are no longer available in the same format or at the same level of precision as CVTS 4. The CVTS1 was the first survey on continuing vocational training in enterprises carried out on the EU level in a co-ordinated form (outline questionnaire, common definitions, and common recommendations with the respect to the fieldwork). The survey was of pioneering nature, and is not any longer disseminated due to lack of comparability with the following waves.
  • I
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 марта, 2024
      Eurostat Dataset Id:sbs_sc_ind_r2 SBS covers the Nace Rev.2 Section B to N and division S95 which are organized in four annexes, covering Industry (sections B-E), Construction (F), Trade (G) and Services (H, I, J, L, M, N and S95). Financial services are covered in three specific annexes and separate metadata files have been compiled. Up to reference year 2007 data was presented using the NACE Rev.1.1 classification. The SBS coverage was limited to NACE Rev.1.1 Sections C to K. Starting from the reference year 2008 data is available in NACE Rev.2. Double reported data in NACE Rev.1.1 for the reference year 2008 will be available in the first and second quarter of 2011. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category:Business Demographic variables (e.g. number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables               - labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked)               - goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases)               - capital input (e.g. Material investments) Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4 digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' in NACE Rev 1.1 sections H, I, K have been aggregated. Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available. Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009.  For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by N°1614/2002 and N°1669/2003. SBS data are collected primarily by National Statistical Institutes (NSI). Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provides the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE  Rev 1.1 Section J). 
  • L
    • Август 2013
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_n08costot_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Март 2011
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 апреля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08cost_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Ноябрь 2013
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 июля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_an_cost_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Annual labour cost data published here cover the core labour cost variables "average hourly labour costs" and "average monthly labour costs" as well as the breakdown of labour costs by main categories (wages and salaries; other labour costs). Average hourly and monthly labour costs as well as the structure of total annual labour costs per employee by economic activity are provided for enterprises with 1+ and for enterprises with 10+ employees.Data  are available for the EU Member States and partly for Iceland and Switzerland. The data are either collected by the National Statistical Institutes or, more frequently, estimated by them on the basis of their four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), the Labour Cost Index (LCI) and additional up-to-date - though sometimes partial - information. Coverage of statistical units, thresholds and other methodological aspects are identical to that of the four yearly LCS.
  • M
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 августа, 2024
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_mw_avgr2 The basic national minimum wage is fixed at an hourly, weekly or monthly rate, and this minimum wage is enforced by law (the government), often after consultation with the social partners, or directly by national intersectoral agreement. The national minimum wage usually applies to all employees, or at least to a large majority of employees in the country. Gross wages are reported. Information is available on:Monthly minimum wages in euro, Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) and, for non euro area countries, national currencies.Monthly minimum wage as a proportion of average monthly earnings in the business economy and in industry, construction and services (except activities of households as employers and extra-territorial organisations and bodies) (Nace Rev. 2, data from 2008 onwards).Monthly minimum wage as a proportion of average monthly earnings in industry and services (NACE Rev. 1.1, data 1999-2009). Minimum wage statistics published by Eurostat refer to monthly national minimum wages. For countries where the national minimum wage is not set monthly (e.g. hourly or weekly) the rates are converted into monthly rates (see also 20.6). The data collection excludes countries which do not have a national minimum wage (see 3.7 for details).
  • N
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_gr_empnac2 This data collection has been discontinued in 2012. Data is only available up to reference year 2011. Annual data on average gross earnings and related employment are included in the Gross earnings - Annual data collection. Data are available for EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. Data are also broken down by: From reference year 2008 onwards average gross annual earnings per employee are providedby economic activity (NACE Rev.2 aggregates and sections B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, B_TO_E, B_TO_F, B_TO_N, B_TO_S_NOT_O, B_TO_S, G_TO_J, G_TO_N, G_TO_S_NOT_O, K_TO_N, P_TO_S and O_TO_S)for enterprises with 1+ and for enterprises with 10+ employees for the following breakdowns:FTU= full-time units, FT=full-time workers, PT=part-time workers by Total, Men and Women. Before 2008: data is broken down by economic activity (NACE Rev. 1.1 for Sections C to K and the C-E, C-F, G-I, J-K, G-K, C-K and for some Member States L, M-O, L-O and also C-O aggregates)FTU= full-time units, FT=full-time workers, PT=part-time workersgenderoccupation (ISCO-88 classification, one-digit level and the 1-5 and 7-9 aggregates)The data relate to the staff of enterprises having at least 10 employees in most countries. Countries provide these annual data using several statistical sources mainly the four-yearly SES, the EU Labour Force Survey and/or administrative data.
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 июля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_n08num1_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Сентябрь 2011
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 апреля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08num1_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years��2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_n08num2_r2 Labour cost statistics provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), which provides details on the level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. All EU Member States together with Norway and Iceland (2004 onwards), Turkey and Macedonia (2008), as well as Serbia (2012) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (for larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (for non-euro-area countries) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees.
    • Сентябрь 2011
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 апреля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08num2_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_n08stu_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Сентябрь 2011
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_r08stu_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
  • P
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 мая, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:trng_cvts15 CVTS2, CVTS3 and CVTS4 data were collected with reference year 1999, 2005 and 2010 in order to provide harmonised, reliable and relevant statistical information on continuing vocational training in enterprises.CVT stands for continuing vocational training i.e. education and training occurring during paid working time or paid at least partially by employers (if training activities are organised outside paid working time). CVTS 2, 3 and 4 provide statistics on incidence of training in enterprises, participation of employees and volume of CVT courses, CVT costs as well as CVT strategies of enterprises including on Initial vocational training (IVT, i.e. apprenticeship). The section "past series on lifelong learning" presents tables which are no longer available in the same format or at the same level of precision as CVTS 4. The CVTS1 was the first survey on continuing vocational training in enterprises carried out on the EU level in a co-ordinated form (outline questionnaire, common definitions, and common recommendations with the respect to the fieldwork). The survey was of pioneering nature, and is not any longer disseminated due to lack of comparability with the following waves.
  • S
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 марта, 2024
      Eurostat Dataset Id:sbs_sc_1b_se_r2 SBS covers the Nace Rev.2 Section B to N and division S95 which are organized in four annexes, covering Industry (sections B-E), Construction (F), Trade (G) and Services (H, I, J, L, M, N and S95). Financial services are covered in three specific annexes and separate metadata files have been compiled. Up to reference year 2007 data was presented using the NACE Rev.1.1 classification. The SBS coverage was limited to NACE Rev.1.1 Sections C to K. Starting from the reference year 2008 data is available in NACE Rev.2. Double reported data in NACE Rev.1.1 for the reference year 2008 will be available in the first and second quarter of 2011. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category:Business Demographic variables (e.g. number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables               - labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked)               - goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases)               - capital input (e.g. Material investments) Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4 digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' in NACE Rev 1.1 sections H, I, K have been aggregated. Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available. Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009.  For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by N°1614/2002 and N°1669/2003. SBS data are collected primarily by National Statistical Institutes (NSI). Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provides the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE  Rev 1.1 Section J). 
    • Март 2012
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 июня, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_n08struc_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Structural information on labour costs is collected through four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCSs), which provides details on level and structure of labour cost data, hours worked and hours paid. LCS results are available for the reference years 2000, 2004 and 2008. All EU Member States together with Norway, Iceland and Croatia (2004, 2008), Turkey and Macedonia (2008) participated in the LCS. As far as available data and confidentiality rules permit, all variables and proportions are further broken down by enterprise size category, economic activity and region (larger countries only). The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes in most cases on the basis of stratified random samples of enterprises or local units, restricted in most countries to units with at least 10 employees. The stratification is based on economic activity, size category and region (where appropriate). Regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for national data. Some countries also complement the survey results with administrative data. Monetary variables are expressed in EUR, national currencies (if different) and Purchasing Power Standards (PPS). Labour costs are quoted in total and per year, per month and per hour, as well as per capita and per full-time equivalents (FTE). Information on staff, hours worked and hours paid is quoted in aggregate and separately for full- and part-time employees. Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs.
    • Май 2013
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 декабря, 2015
      Eurostat Dataset Id:lc_an_struc_r2 Labour cost statistics constitute a hierarchical system of multi-annual, yearly and quarterly statistics, designed to provide a comprehensive and detailed picture of the level, structure and short-term development of labour costs in the different sectors of economic activity in the European Union and certain other countries. All statistics are based on a harmonised definition of labour costs. Annual labour cost data published here cover the core labour cost variables "average hourly labour costs" and "average monthly labour costs" as well as the breakdown of labour costs by main categories (wages and salaries; other labour costs). Average hourly and monthly labour costs as well as the structure of total annual labour costs per employee by economic activity are provided for enterprises with 1+ and for enterprises with 10+ employees.Data  are available for the EU Member States and partly for Iceland and Switzerland. The data are either collected by the National Statistical Institutes or, more frequently, estimated by them on the basis of their four-yearly Labour Cost Surveys (LCS), the Labour Cost Index (LCI) and additional up-to-date - though sometimes partial - information. Coverage of statistical units, thresholds and other methodological aspects are identical to that of the four yearly LCS.
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 13 декабря, 2015
      Eurostat Dataset Id:naio_kp15_r2 The EU27 consolidated Supply, use and input-output tables describe by product and industry the production processes and the transactions in products of the European Union economy with great detail. The consolidated supply, use and input-output tables for the EU27 describe the aggregation of the 27 Member States data, from which the intra trade data has been treated. Data are presented in million Euro in current prices (basic prices and a transformation into purchaser's prices for the supply side). Geographic coverage: Member States of EU27 National accounts are compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 1995. The data is presented in a framework where the domestic part corresponds to the area of EU27, the import part corresponds to imports from outside of the area EU27. Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the transmission of national accounts data.