
  • Capital:Gwangju
  • Mayor:Yoon Jang-hyun
  • Total Population, Persons:1 515 992 (2014)
  • Area, Sq. Km:501,00 (2010)
  • Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:2 945,6 (2010)
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Total Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:1,17 (2013)
  • Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1,000 Population:8,7 (2013)
  • Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 100,000 Persons:4,7 (2013)
  • GDP, current prices, million won:29 646 229 (2013)
  • Gross disposable income, billion won:35 615 (2013)
  • GDP per capita, current prices, thousand won:20 844 (2013)
  • Gross disposable income per capita, thousand Won:24 534 (2013)


Все наборы данных: R
  • R
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 ноября, 2023
      The Regional Database contains annual data from 1995 to the most recent available year (generally 2014 for demographic and labour market data, 2013 for regional accounts, innovation and social statistics).   In any analytical study conducted at sub-national levels, the choice of the territorial unit is of prime importance. The territorial grids (TL2 and TL3) used in this database are officially established and relatively stable in all member countries, and are used by many as a framework for implementing regional policies. This classification - which, for European countries, is largely consistent with the Eurostat classification - facilitates greater comparability of regions at the same territorial level. The differences with the Eurostat NUTS classification concern Belgium, Greece and the Netherlands where the NUTS 2 level correspond to the OECD TL3 and Germany where the NUTS1 corresponds to the OECD TL2 and the OECD TL3 corresponds to 97 spatial planning regions (Groups of Kreise). For the United Kingdom the Eurostat NUTS1 corresponds to the OECD TL2. Due to limited data availability, labour market indicators in Canada are presented for a different grid (groups of TL3 regions). Since these breakdowns are not part of the OECD official territorial grids, for the sake of simplicity they are labelled as Non Official Grids (NOG).