
  • Year Settled:1668
  • First Person Name:Gretchen Whitmer
  • First Person Title:Governor
  • Period:2019-2023
  • Capital:Lansing (2019)
  • Largest City:Detroit (2019)
  • Land Area in Square Miles:56538,9 (2021)
  • Total Population in Thousands:10050,811 (2021)
  • Population per Square Mile:177,8 (2021)
  • Fertility Rate in Births per 1000 Women:58,5 (2018)
  • Median Age:39,9 (2019)
  • GDP, Millions of Current $:536 888,3 (2019)
  • GDP per capita, Current Prices:47 448,00 (2019)
  • Real GDP at Chained 2009 Prices:440 341 (2017)
  • New Private Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits:1688 (2017)
  • Per capita Personal Income:31 713 (2019)
  • Total Employment, Thousands of Jobs:5 728,60 (2018)
  • Unemployment Rate (SA),%:5,0 (2019)
  • People of All Ages in Poverty, %:14,4 (2019)
  • Official Web-Site of the State


Все наборы данных: I
  • I
    • Август 2023
      Источник: Inc.
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 25 августа, 2023
      Year represents, for any particular company, the time series of that particular company. For example xyz company has data for 10 years (2007-2016) then in "year" it shows 10, if another company ABC has time series of 5 years (2007-2011) then it shows 5.   Note: Before 2007, data is not available but it has been counted under "Year".