District of Columbia

  • Year Settled:1600
  • First Person Name:Muriel Bowser
  • First Person Title:Mayor
  • Period:2015-2019
  • Capital:Washington (2019)
  • Largest City:Washington (2019)
  • Land Area in Square Miles:61,05 (2021)
  • Total Population in Thousands:670,05 (2021)
  • Population per Square Mile:10 975,4 (2021)
  • Fertility Rate in Births per 1000 Women:51,3 (2017)
  • Median Age:34,2 (2019)
  • GDP, Millions of Current $:143 389,3 (2019)
  • GDP per capita, Current Prices:178 442,00 (2019)
  • Real GDP at Chained 2009 Prices:110 763 (2017)
  • New Private Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits:277 (2017)
  • Per capita Personal Income:56 147 (2019)
  • Total Employment, Thousands of Jobs:915,64 (2018)
  • Unemployment Rate (SA),%:6,3 (2019)
  • People of All Ages in Poverty, %:16,2 (2019)
  • Official Web-Site of the State


Все наборы данных: D E
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    • Август 2022
      Источник: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
      Загружен: Kamloi Chin
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 октября, 2022
      The Veteran Population Projection Model 2020 (VetPop2020) provides the latest official Veteran population projection from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  VetPop2020 is a deterministic projection model developed by the office of Predictive Analytics to estimate and project the Veteran Population from Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 to FY2050. Using the best available Veteran data at the end of FY2020 as the base population. VetPop2020 projects living and deceased Veteran counts by key demographic characteristics such as age, gender, period of service, and race/ethnicity at various geographic levels for the next 30 years
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