
  • Президент:Tharman Shanmugaratnam
  • Премьер-министр:Lawrence Wong
  • Столица:Singapore
  • Языки:Mandarin (official) 36.3%, English (official) 29.8%, Malay (official) 11.9%, Hokkien 8.1%, Cantonese 4.1%, Tamil (official) 3.2%, Teochew 3.2%, other Indian languages 1.2%, other Chinese dialects 1.1%, other 1.1% (2010 est.)
  • Правительство
  • Статистическое агентство
  • Население, человек:5 812 461 (2024)
  • Площадь, кв км:718
  • ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:84 734 (2023)
  • ВВП, млрд. долл. США:501,4 (2023)
  • Индекс Джини:No data
  • Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:2

Все наборы данных: S
  • S
    • Июль 2019
      Источник: International Labour Organization
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 августа, 2019
      This indicator conveys the annual growth rates of labour productivity. Labour productivity represents the total volume of output (measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product, GDP) produced per unit of labour (measured in terms of the number of employed persons) during a given time reference period. The indicator allows data users to assess GDP-to-labour input levels and growth rates over time, thus providing general information about the efficiency and quality of human capital in the production process for a given economic and social context, including other complementary inputs and innovations used in production. For further information, see the SDG Indicators Metadata Repository or ILOSTAT's indicator description.