
  • Capital:Miercurea Ciuc
  • Президент:Csaba Borboly
  • Population, persons:305 709 (2017)
  • Land area, sq.km:6 596,0 (2014)
  • Population density, persons/sq. km:46,3 (2017)
  • Official web-site of the region
  • Net migration rate, %:-4,9 (2016)
  • Rate of natural population change, %:-1,1 (2016)
  • GDP, millons of euro:1655 (2015)
  • GDP per capita, euro:5400 (2015)
  • GDP per cap., % of EU average:18 (2015)
  • Unemployment rate (age 15 or over), %:12,3 (2009)

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