
  • Capital:Singerei
  • Languages:Romanian;Ukrainian;Russian
  • Raion President:Gheorghe Meaun
  • Gov Website
  • Population (persons):91962 (2017)
  • Area in (2012)
  • Population Density (persons/,0 (2017)
  • Marriages (number):552 (2016)
  • Total Fertility Rate (births per woman):1,7 (2016)
  • Live Births (number):1061 (2017)
  • Crude Death Rate (per 1000 people):10,8 (2016)
  • Infant Mortality (deaths per 1000 live births):6,8 (2016)
  • Number of Doctors:125 (2014)
  • Number of Students:9470 (2015)
  • Pupils per Teacher Ratio:13 (2014)
  • Crimes (number):633 (2014)

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