Al Mahrah

  • Capital:Al Ghaydah
  • Languages:Arabic
  • First Person:Rajeh Said Bakri
  • Population (thousands):118,00 (2014)
  • Area 405 (2012)
  • Population Density (persons per,43 (2014)
  • Sex ratio (males per 100 females):119,80 (2014)
  • Number of households:17,99 (2013)
  • Registered Births:4 389 (2013)
  • Registered Deaths:161 (2013)
  • Number of Schools:130 (2013)
  • Number of enrolled students:23 995 (2013)
  • Number of Poor People:8,85 (2006)
  • Number of Hospital Beds:208 (2014)
  • Total Diseases (Male):2 317 (2013)
  • Total Diseases (Female):2 125 (2013)
  • Number of Vehicles:95 (2013)
  • Total Number of accidents:63 (2013)

Все наборы данных: D E H L T W Y
  • D
  • E
  • H
    • Июль 2019
      Источник: Central Statistical Organisation Yemen
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 сентября, 2020
  • L
  • T
  • W
    • Сентябрь 2015
      Источник: Water FootPrint Network
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 октября, 2015
      Data cited at: The Water Footprint Network Topic: Product water footprint statistics Publication: Reference: Mekonnen, M.M. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011) The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(5): 1577-1600. License:    
    • Сентябрь 2015
      Источник: Water FootPrint Network
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 октября, 2015
      Data cited at: The Water Footprint Network Topic: Product water footprint statistics Publication: Reference: Mekonnen, M.M. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011) The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(5): 1577-1600. License:  
  • Y
    • Август 2021
      Источник: World Health Organization
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 августа, 2021
      Date range has been considered following date range.  Date RangeDateCumulative (27/04/2017 to 20/05/2018)20-May-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 13/05/2018)13-May-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 06/05/2018)6-May-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 29/04/2018)29-Apr-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 24/04/2018)24-Apr-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 15/04/2018)15-Apr-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 08/04/2018)8-Apr-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 01/04/2018)1-Apr-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 25/03/2018)25-Mar-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 18/02/2018)18-Feb-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 11/02/2018)11-Feb-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 28/01/2018)28-Jan-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 21/01/2018)21-Jan-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 14/01/2018)14-Jan-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 07/01/2018)7-Jan-18Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 31/12/2017)31-Dec-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 17/12/2017)17-Dec-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 26/11/2017) 26-Nov-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 19/11/2017) 19-Nov-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 6/8/2017)6-Aug-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 27/8/2017)27-Aug-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 3/9/2017)3-Sep-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 10/9/2017)10-Sep-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 17/9/2017)17-Sep-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 24/9/2017)24-Sep-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 1/10/2017)1-Oct-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 15/10/2017)15-Oct-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 29/10/2017)29-Oct-17Cumulative (27/04/2017 to 5/11/2017)5-Nov-17Cumulative (27 April to 16 July 2017) 16 July 2017Cumulative (9 to 15 July 2017) 15 July 2017