
  • Capital:Al Karak
  • Languages:Arabic
  • Governor:Jamal Al Fayez
  • Population (persons):341 900 (2018)
  • Area in sq.km:3 495 (2018)
  • Population Density (persons per sq.km):97,8 (2018)
  • Number of Schools:378 (2014)
  • Number of Students:71 733 (2014)
  • Crude Birth Rate (Per 1000 population):33,2 (2009)
  • Crude Death Rate (Per 1000 population):3,3 (2009)
  • Infant Mortality Rate (Deaths per 1000 live births):10 (2017)
  • Beds in Hospitals:455 (2009)
  • Unemployment Rate:16,0 (2009)
  • Number of Road Accidents:1 714 (2009)
  • Average Household Size:5,3 (2013)

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