
  • Capital:Gangtok
  • Languages:Limbu
  • First Person:Ganga Prasad (Governor)
  • Second Person:Prem Singh Tamang (Chief Minister)
  • Population (persons):677000 (2021)
  • Area (2022)
  • Population Density (persons/,810925559015 (2021)
  • Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 males):890 (2011)
  • Gov Website
  • Literacy rate (age 7+) (%):81,40 (2011)
  • Work Participation Rate (%):50,5 (2011)
  • Child Workers Population (5-14 years):16457 (2001)
  • Children aged 11-14 years Attending school (%):84,8 (2001)
  • Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds (%):83,3 (2001)
  • Gender gap in literacy rate (Male-Female) (%):11,0 (2011)
  • Households holding below Poverty Line Ration cards:48,6 (2008)


Все наборы данных: E T
  • E
    • Октябрь 2019
      Источник: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, India
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 июня, 2020
      Title: Estimates of Wastelands in India   Description: The data refers to data on estimates of wastelands in India, comprising Non-forest Degraded area and Forest Degraded area. it also includes estimates of non-forest wastelands in India comprising Saline and Alkaline lands, Wind eroded area and Water eroded area.   Released Under: National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP)   Contributor: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation   Keywords: Enviroment; Alkaline; land; Degrade; area; Forest; sale; Wind; Eroded; Water   Group: Environment and Forest   Sectors: Statistics; Environment and Forest   Note: NA: Not Available; Data values are in 000 hectare; one sq. km = 100 hectares; Original Source: Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and also published in statistical year book 2016 by MOSPI.
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