South West

  • Area, sq km:23 838 (2016)
  • Population, persons:5 616 381 (2019)
  • Popilation density, persons per sq km:236 (2019)
  • Capital City:Bristol
  • Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:Boris Johnson
  • Name of Local Authority Leaders' Board:South West Councils
  • Official Web Site of the Region
  • Total GVA, £ million:139 381 (2018)
  • Median gross weekly earnings, £:628,6 (2020)
  • Employment rate, %:61,6 (2019)
  • Unemployment rate, %:2,6 (2019)
  • Average weekly household expenditure, £:572,9 (2018)
  • Recorded crime offences per 1,000 population:63,6 (2020)


Все наборы данных: F P U W
  • F
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 апреля, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_watres_r2 Yearly data on freshwater resources, water abstraction and use, wastewater treatment (connection rates of resident population to wastewater treatment and treatment capacities of wastewater treatment plants), sewage sludge production and disposal, generation and discharge of wastewater collected biennially by means of the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters. Data aggregation: national territories.
  • P
    • Январь 2017
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 февраля, 2017
      Eurostat Dataset Id:env_watpop_r2 Yearly data on freshwater resources, water abstraction and use, wastewater treatment (connection rates of resident population to wastewater treatment and treatment capacities of wastewater treatment plants), sewage sludge production and disposal, generation and discharge of wastewater collected biennially by means of the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters. Data aggregation: national territories.
    • Март 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 марта, 2018
      This indicator is defined as the percentage of the population connected to waste water treatment systems with at least secondary treatment. Thereby, urban waste water is treated by a process generally involving biological treatment with a secondary settlement or other process, resulting in a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal of at least 70% and a chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of at least 75%.   The indicator is a Sustainable Development Indicator (SDI). It has been chosen for the assessment of the EU progress towards the targets of the Sustainable Development Strategy.   tsdnr320's table: Eurobase > Tables by themes > Environment and Energy > Environment > Water > Population connected to urban wastewater treatment with at least secondary treatment (tsdnr 320) tsdnr 3020's table within the SDI set: Eurobase > Tables on EU policy > Sustainable development indicators > Natural resources > Fresh water resources > Population connected to urban wastewater treatment with at least secondary treatment (tsdnr 320).
    • Май 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 24 июля, 2020
      Eurostat Dataset Id:med_en47 The focus of this domain is on the following countries:Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia. Data are provided for over 1000 indicators depending on the country.   The data for the Mediterranean partner countries are supplied by and under the responsibility of the national statistical authorities  of each of the countries or territories. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the  expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the  legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its frontiers. Â
  • U
    • Декабрь 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 декабря, 2015
      Eurostat Dataset Id:med_en46 The focus of this domain is on the following countries:Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia. Data are provided for over 1000 indicators depending on the country.   The data for the Mediterranean partner countries are supplied by and under the responsibility of the national statistical authorities  of each of the countries or territories. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the  expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the  legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its frontiers. Â
  • W
    • Август 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 августа, 2022
      The indicator presents i) the annual total fresh water abstraction in a country as a percentage of its long-term annual average (LTAA) available water from renewable fresh water resources; ii) the annual groundwater abstraction as a percentage of the country’s long-term annual average groundwater available for abstraction; and iii) the annual surface water abstraction as a percentage of the country’s long-term annual average surface water resources available for abstraction. The latter is calculated as the total fresh water resources (external inflow plus precipitation less evapotranspiration) less groundwater available for abstraction. Total fresh water abstraction includes water removed from any fresh water source, either permanently or temporarily. Mine water and drainage water as well as water abstractions from precipitation are included, whereas water used for hydroelectricity generation (in situ use) is excluded. The minimum period taken into account for the calculation of LTAA is 20 years. The warning threshold of 20% for this indicator distinguishes a non-stressed from a water scarce region, with severe scarcity occurring where the WEI exceeds 40%. However the indicator is limited for several reasons: Firstly, the total fresh water abstraction does not distinguish between abstracted water that is redirected after use (and after appropriate treatment) back to the water body or if it is used for irrigation purposes with inevitable evaporation. Secondly, the abstraction and WEI are national data and disregard regional and seasonal changing conditions during the course of the year (water bodies/river basins with different level of water scarcity and hot spots in summer time). Eurostat is in maintaining more differentiated data but coverage is not yet considered sufficient. As soon as the more advanced indicator WEI+ is established, it will replace the WEI. More information can be found in Statistics Explained.
    • Май 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2020
      Eurostat Dataset Id:med_en44 The focus of this domain is on the following countries:Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia. Data are provided for over 1000 indicators depending on the country.   The data for the Mediterranean partner countries are supplied by and under the responsibility of the national statistical authorities  of each of the countries or territories. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the  expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the  legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its frontiers. Â