South West

  • Area, sq km:23 838 (2016)
  • Population, persons:5 616 381 (2019)
  • Popilation density, persons per sq km:236 (2019)
  • Capital City:Bristol
  • Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:Boris Johnson
  • Name of Local Authority Leaders' Board:South West Councils
  • Official Web Site of the Region
  • Total GVA, £ million:139 381 (2018)
  • Median gross weekly earnings, £:628,6 (2020)
  • Employment rate, %:61,6 (2019)
  • Unemployment rate, %:2,6 (2019)
  • Average weekly household expenditure, £:572,9 (2018)
  • Recorded crime offences per 1,000 population:63,6 (2020)


Все наборы данных: N
  • N
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 февраля, 2024
      These are statistics concerning the civil use of nuclear energy. The variables are: enrichment capacity,production capacity of fresh fuel elements,production capacity of MOX fuel fabrication plants,production of fresh fuel elements,production of MOX fuel elements,production of nuclear heat,annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements,production of Uranium and Plutonium in reprocessing plants andproduction capacity of Uranium and Plutonium of reprocessing plants. Data collection covers in principle Member States of the European Union, Iceland and Norway. However, only 14 EU Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and UK) operate nuclear reactors. EU-28 aggregate is shown for all variables (except for annual average burnup or those with confidential data)