
  • Население, человек:460 869 (2024)
  • Площадь, кв км:5 270
  • ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:32 963 (2023)
  • ВВП, млрд. долл. США:15,1 (2023)
  • Индекс Джини:No data
  • Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:66

Все наборы данных: I P
  • I
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 августа, 2024
      Sport and its spill-over effects in manufacturing, services and as well in international trade are gaining the growing impact in the worldwide economies and societies. As a consequence, sport has been awarded a significant role in numerous European programs and policies like Erasmus+. The comparable statistics on number of jobs created by sport related sectors, value added generated by sport related industries and services or impact of the trade of sport goods on total international trade volume are only few indicators that can assess the relative contribution of sport to the economic growth. The international trade in sport goods is the indicator enabling to measure the weight of trade of sport goods in the whole external trade of a given country or at EU-28 level as the Eurostat international trade domain provides the imports and exports values of goods traded among Member States and internationally. "Goods" in this particular case means all movable property, in other terms products having a physical dimension. So, external trade in licenses and copyrights is not included. Data source International trade statistics are stored in the administrated by Eurostat database on international trade - Comext. Comext contains statistics on goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). The trade values for other political or geographical entities like EFTA and Candidate countries are as well collected. Comext database is built around 6 main dimensions:REPORTERPARTNERFLOWPRODUCTTIMEINDICATOR The Reporter dimension includes country declaring commercial transactions. In the Partner dimension the trade partners of declaring country are included. This dimension lists all the countries of the world. The Flow dimension distinguishes exports and imports. The Indicator dimension specifies the value or volume of traded products. The Product dimension contains the items by HS, CN or SITC depending on the dataset Concerning Time, both annual and monthly breakdowns are available. The Comext data are updated regularly and the CN classification undergoes a regular revision to ensure it is kept up to date in the light of changes in the technology and international trade patterns. Sport goods The frames for the establishment of the list of sport goods provided the Vilnius Definition, the Study on the Contribution of Sport to Economic Growth and Employment in the EU and UNESCO in its framework for cultural statistic. In the final selection of the list of sport goods Eurostat took into account the 'sport content' and ' sport intensity' of the codes identified within the Harmonised Systems (HS) nomenclature. The retained in the sport scope items are explicitly sport related – they are manufactured in sport manufacturing sector and they correspond explicitly to major sport disciplines or equipment. The identified codes by HS (6 digit) are aggregated in the meaningful groups  (see below):Skis and related equipmentSkatesWater sportGolfRacket sport (tennis and badminton)BallsGymnastic, athletic and swimming equipmentFishingBicyclesParachutesSportswearFootwearShotguns Detailed list of codes according to HS composing the aggregates can be found in the Annex 1 of Metadata. Based on the number of dimensions available in Comext, the following indicators can be extracted and then calculated for imports and exports of sport goods.Trade value in thousands of euroPercentage of total national trade (only for total of sport goods)Percentage of total EU-28 tradePercentage of total trade of sport goods Then the data are compiled for the following trade partners:Intra EU-28Extra EU-28 WorldMain trading partners
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 августа, 2024
      Sport and its spill-over effects in manufacturing, services and as well in international trade are gaining the growing impact in the worldwide economies and societies. As a consequence, sport has been awarded a significant role in numerous European programs and policies like Erasmus+. The comparable statistics on number of jobs created by sport related sectors, value added generated by sport related industries and services or impact of the trade of sport goods on total international trade volume are only few indicators that can assess the relative contribution of sport to the economic growth. The international trade in sport goods is the indicator enabling to measure the weight of trade of sport goods in the whole external trade of a given country or at EU-28 level as the Eurostat international trade domain provides the imports and exports values of goods traded among Member States and internationally. "Goods" in this particular case means all movable property, in other terms products having a physical dimension. So, external trade in licenses and copyrights is not included. Data source International trade statistics are stored in the administrated by Eurostat database on international trade - Comext. Comext contains statistics on goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). The trade values for other political or geographical entities like EFTA and Candidate countries are as well collected. Comext database is built around 6 main dimensions:REPORTERPARTNERFLOWPRODUCTTIMEINDICATOR The Reporter dimension includes country declaring commercial transactions. In the Partner dimension the trade partners of declaring country are included. This dimension lists all the countries of the world. The Flow dimension distinguishes exports and imports. The Indicator dimension specifies the value or volume of traded products. The Product dimension contains the items by HS, CN or SITC depending on the dataset Concerning Time, both annual and monthly breakdowns are available. The Comext data are updated regularly and the CN classification undergoes a regular revision to ensure it is kept up to date in the light of changes in the technology and international trade patterns. Sport goods The frames for the establishment of the list of sport goods provided the Vilnius Definition, the Study on the Contribution of Sport to Economic Growth and Employment in the EU and UNESCO in its framework for cultural statistic. In the final selection of the list of sport goods Eurostat took into account the 'sport content' and ' sport intensity' of the codes identified within the Harmonised Systems (HS) nomenclature. The retained in the sport scope items are explicitly sport related – they are manufactured in sport manufacturing sector and they correspond explicitly to major sport disciplines or equipment. The identified codes by HS (6 digit) are aggregated in the meaningful groups  (see below):Skis and related equipmentSkatesWater sportGolfRacket sport (tennis and badminton)BallsGymnastic, athletic and swimming equipmentFishingBicyclesParachutesSportswearFootwearShotguns Detailed list of codes according to HS composing the aggregates can be found in the Annex 1 of Metadata. Based on the number of dimensions available in Comext, the following indicators can be extracted and then calculated for imports and exports of sport goods.Trade value in thousands of euroPercentage of total national trade (only for total of sport goods)Percentage of total EU-28 tradePercentage of total trade of sport goods Then the data are compiled for the following trade partners:Intra EU-28Extra EU-28 WorldMain trading partners
  • P
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 декабря, 2023
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 декабря, 2023
      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.