
  • Население, человек:26 581 446 (2024)
  • Площадь, кв км:7 692 020
  • ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:64 821 (2023)
  • ВВП, млрд. долл. США:1 728,1 (2023)
  • Индекс Джини:34,3 (2018)
  • Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:14

Все наборы данных: F P
  • F
    • Февраль 2020
      Источник: Australian Bureau of Statistics
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 февраля, 2020
      Australia: Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T20 Family Blending by Family records (LGA) Time Series comparison of Census 2016 LGA based data for Family Blending by Family records across 2016, 2011 and 2006.
    • Июль 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 25 июля, 2023
      In view of the strong demand for cross-national indicators on the situation of families and children, the OECD Family Database was developed to provide cross-national indicators on family outcomes and family policies across the OECD countries, its enhanced engagement partners and EU member states. The database brings together information from various national and international databases, both from within the OECD and from external organisations. The database classifies indicators into four main dimensions: (i) structure of families, (ii) labour market position of families, (iii) public policies for families and children and (iv) child outcomes. Detailed information on the definitions, sources and methods used in the construction of the database can be found on the OECD Family Database webpage.
    • Март 2009
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 29 ноября, 2015
      The tables presented in the Census 1990/91 round cover the total population and housing for 19 countries. Five main topics are covered: structure of population, active population, education level, households and dwellings. The level of completeness of the tables depends largely on the availability of data at the respective national statistical institutes.
    • Октябрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 октября, 2023
      Residence permits statistics refers to third-country nationals (persons who are not EU citizens) receiving a residence permits or an authorisation to reside in one of the EU or EFTA Member States. The definitions used for residence permits and other concepts (e.g. first permit) are presented in the section 3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions. The detailed data collection methodology is presented in Annex 8 of this metadta file. LEGAL FRAMEWORK - Residence data contain statistical information based on Article 6 of Council Regulation (CE) No 862 of 11 July 2007.  This legal framework refers to the initial residence permits data colection with 2008 first reference period (e.g. first residence permits; change of immigration status or reason to stay; all valid residence permits in the end of the year and long-term residence permits valid in the end of the year) and it provides also a general framework for newer data collections based on speciffic European legal acts (e.g. statistics on EU Blue Cards and statistics on single permits) or provided on voluntary basis (e.g. new long-term residence permits issued during the year and residence permits issued for family reunification with beneficiaries of  protection status). DATA SOURCE - Data are entirely based on administrative sources with the exception of the United Kingdom1 and are provided mainly by the Ministries of Interior or related Immigration Agencies. Data are generally disseminated in June and July in the year following the reference year. AVAILABLE DATASETS I. Residence permits statistics by reason to stay, citizenship and permit's lenght of validity based on Article 6 of Council Regulation (CE) No 862 of 11 July 2007. These statistics are avilable from 2008 reference year.     First Permits - see the definition in the section 3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions. First permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resfirst)2. The totals presented in this tables are depended on data availability in the following four tables migr_resfam + migr_resedu+ migr_resocc+ migr_resoth.First permits issued for family reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resfam)First permits issued for education reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resedu)First permits issued for remunerated activities by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resocc)First permits issued for other reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resoth)     Residence Permits issued with the occasion of changing the immigration status or reason to stay Change of immigration status permits by reason and citizenship (migr_reschange)               Residence permits valid in the end of the year All valid permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_resvalid)Long-term residents by citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_reslong)     Share of long term residence permitsLong-term residents among all non-EU citizens holding residence permits by citizenship on 31 December (%) (migr_resshare) II. Residence permits statistics by age (5-year age groups) and sex collected on voluntary basis. These statistics are avilable from 2010 reference year. First permits by reason, age, sex and citizenship (migr_resfas)  All valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_resvas)               Long-term residents by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_reslas) III. EU Blue Cards data collection based on Article 20 of the Directive 2009/50/EC. These statistics are avilable from 2012 reference year2. EU Blue Cards by type of decision, occupation and citizenship (migr_resbc1)       Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders by type of decision and citizenship (migr_resbc2)EU Blue Cards holders and family members by Member State of previous residence (migr_resbc3) IV. Single Permit data collection based on Art 15 Directive 2011/98/EU. These statistics are avilable from 2013 reference year. Single Permits issued by type of decision, length of validity (migr_ressing)  V. Pilot data collections collected on voluntary basis. These statistics are avilable from 2016 reference year and the data quality assesment is ongoing. Long-term residence permits issued during the year (migr_resltr)First permits issued for family reunification with a beneficiary of protection status (migr_resfrps1)Permits valid at the end of the year for family reunification with a beneficiary of protection status (migr_resfrps2) VI. New statistics on Intra-Corporate Transfers and Seasonal Workers New data collections with 2017 first reference period are in the preparetion phase to be released in 2018: Intra-Corporate Transfers data collection under Art 24 of Directive 2014/66/EU and Seasonal Workers data collection under Art 26 Directive 2014/36/EU.   Share of long-tem residence permits The indicators presented in the table 'Long-term residents among all non-EU citizens holding residence permits by citizenship on 31 December (%)' are produced within the framework of the pilot study related to the integration of migrants in the Member States, following the Zaragoza Declaration. The Zaragoza Declaration, adopted in April 2010 by EU Ministers responsible for immigrant integration issues, and approved at the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 3-4 June 2010, called upon the Commission to undertake a pilot study to examine proposals for common integration indicators and to report on the availability and quality of the data from agreed harmonised sources necessary for the calculation of these indicators. In June 2010 the ministers agreed "to promote the launching of a pilot project with a view to the evaluation of integration policies, including examining the indicators and analysing the significance of the defined indicators taking into account the national contexts, the background of diverse migrant populations and different migration and integration policies of the Member States, and reporting on the availability and quality of the data from agreed harmonised sources necessary for the calculation of these indicators". These indicators are produced on the basis of residence permit statistics collected by Eurostat on the basis of Article 6 of the Migration Statistics Regulation 862/2007. As a denominator data on the stock of all valid permits to stay at the end of each reporting year are used. As a numerator data on the stock of long-term residents are used.  Two types of long term residents are distinguished in accordance with the residence permit statistics: EU long-term resident status (as regulated by the Council Directive 2003/109/EC) and the National long-term resident status (as regulated by the national legislation in the Member States). Data for some countries may be a subject of revisions due to certain inconsistencies between categories.   Data consistency between tables The data providers should use the same methodological specifications provided by Eurostat and some tables from Resper statistics should be consistent between them according to this methodology.  However, consistency issues between tables exist due to some technical limitations (e.g. different data sources) or different methodology applied to each table (see the quality information from below or the national metadata files) or different point in time of producing each tables.   1Please note that the statistics for the United Kingdom use different data sources to those used in other Member States. For that reason, the statistics on residence permits published by Eurostat for UK may not be fully comparable with the statistics reported by other countries. Statistics for the United Kingdom are not based on records of residence permits issued (as the United Kingdom does not operate a system of residence permits), but instead relate to the numbers of arriving non-EU citizens permitted to enter the country under selected immigration categories. According to the United Kingdom authorities, data are estimated from a combination of information due to be published in the Home Office Statistical Bulletin 'Control of Immigration: Statistics, United Kingdom' and unpublished management information. The 'Other reasons' category includes: diplomat, consular officer treated as exempt from control; retired persons of independent means; all other passengers given limited leave to enter who are not included in any other category; non-asylum discretionary permissions. 2 The EU Blue cards issued during the year are collected in two datasets: 1. in the table migr_resocc countig the EU Blue Cards issued as "first permits" and 2. in the EU Blue Cards counting all EU Blue Cards issued. The diference between these two categories is represented by the EU Blue cards that are not first permits. However these two tables might be updated/revised at a different point in time and the consistency between tables might be affected.
  • P
    • Октябрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 октября, 2023
      Residence permits statistics refers to third-country nationals (persons who are not EU citizens) receiving a residence permits or an authorisation to reside in one of the EU or EFTA Member States. The definitions used for residence permits and other concepts (e.g. first permit) are presented in the section 3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions. The detailed data collection methodology is presented in Annex 8 of this metadta file. LEGAL FRAMEWORK - Residence data contain statistical information based on Article 6 of Council Regulation (CE) No 862 of 11 July 2007.  This legal framework refers to the initial residence permits data colection with 2008 first reference period (e.g. first residence permits; change of immigration status or reason to stay; all valid residence permits in the end of the year and long-term residence permits valid in the end of the year) and it provides also a general framework for newer data collections based on speciffic European legal acts (e.g. statistics on EU Blue Cards and statistics on single permits) or provided on voluntary basis (e.g. new long-term residence permits issued during the year and residence permits issued for family reunification with beneficiaries of  protection status). DATA SOURCE - Data are entirely based on administrative sources with the exception of the United Kingdom1 and are provided mainly by the Ministries of Interior or related Immigration Agencies. Data are generally disseminated in June and July in the year following the reference year. AVAILABLE DATASETS I. Residence permits statistics by reason to stay, citizenship and permit's lenght of validity based on Article 6 of Council Regulation (CE) No 862 of 11 July 2007. These statistics are avilable from 2008 reference year.     First Permits - see the definition in the section 3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions. First permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resfirst)2. The totals presented in this tables are depended on data availability in the following four tables migr_resfam + migr_resedu+ migr_resocc+ migr_resoth.First permits issued for family reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resfam)First permits issued for education reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resedu)First permits issued for remunerated activities by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resocc)First permits issued for other reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship (migr_resoth)     Residence Permits issued with the occasion of changing the immigration status or reason to stay Change of immigration status permits by reason and citizenship (migr_reschange)               Residence permits valid in the end of the year All valid permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_resvalid)Long-term residents by citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_reslong)     Share of long term residence permitsLong-term residents among all non-EU citizens holding residence permits by citizenship on 31 December (%) (migr_resshare) II. Residence permits statistics by age (5-year age groups) and sex collected on voluntary basis. These statistics are avilable from 2010 reference year. First permits by reason, age, sex and citizenship (migr_resfas)  All valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_resvas)               Long-term residents by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year (migr_reslas) III. EU Blue Cards data collection based on Article 20 of the Directive 2009/50/EC. These statistics are avilable from 2012 reference year2. EU Blue Cards by type of decision, occupation and citizenship (migr_resbc1)       Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders by type of decision and citizenship (migr_resbc2)EU Blue Cards holders and family members by Member State of previous residence (migr_resbc3) IV. Single Permit data collection based on Art 15 Directive 2011/98/EU. These statistics are avilable from 2013 reference year. Single Permits issued by type of decision, length of validity (migr_ressing)  V. Pilot data collections collected on voluntary basis. These statistics are avilable from 2016 reference year and the data quality assesment is ongoing. Long-term residence permits issued during the year (migr_resltr)First permits issued for family reunification with a beneficiary of protection status (migr_resfrps1)Permits valid at the end of the year for family reunification with a beneficiary of protection status (migr_resfrps2) VI. New statistics on Intra-Corporate Transfers and Seasonal Workers New data collections with 2017 first reference period are in the preparetion phase to be released in 2018: Intra-Corporate Transfers data collection under Art 24 of Directive 2014/66/EU and Seasonal Workers data collection under Art 26 Directive 2014/36/EU.   Share of long-tem residence permits The indicators presented in the table 'Long-term residents among all non-EU citizens holding residence permits by citizenship on 31 December (%)' are produced within the framework of the pilot study related to the integration of migrants in the Member States, following the Zaragoza Declaration. The Zaragoza Declaration, adopted in April 2010 by EU Ministers responsible for immigrant integration issues, and approved at the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 3-4 June 2010, called upon the Commission to undertake a pilot study to examine proposals for common integration indicators and to report on the availability and quality of the data from agreed harmonised sources necessary for the calculation of these indicators. In June 2010 the ministers agreed "to promote the launching of a pilot project with a view to the evaluation of integration policies, including examining the indicators and analysing the significance of the defined indicators taking into account the national contexts, the background of diverse migrant populations and different migration and integration policies of the Member States, and reporting on the availability and quality of the data from agreed harmonised sources necessary for the calculation of these indicators". These indicators are produced on the basis of residence permit statistics collected by Eurostat on the basis of Article 6 of the Migration Statistics Regulation 862/2007. As a denominator data on the stock of all valid permits to stay at the end of each reporting year are used. As a numerator data on the stock of long-term residents are used.  Two types of long term residents are distinguished in accordance with the residence permit statistics: EU long-term resident status (as regulated by the Council Directive 2003/109/EC) and the National long-term resident status (as regulated by the national legislation in the Member States). Data for some countries may be a subject of revisions due to certain inconsistencies between categories.   Data consistency between tables The data providers should use the same methodological specifications provided by Eurostat and some tables from Resper statistics should be consistent between them according to this methodology.  However, consistency issues between tables exist due to some technical limitations (e.g. different data sources) or different methodology applied to each table (see the quality information from below or the national metadata files) or different point in time of producing each tables.   1Please note that the statistics for the United Kingdom use different data sources to those used in other Member States. For that reason, the statistics on residence permits published by Eurostat for UK may not be fully comparable with the statistics reported by other countries. Statistics for the United Kingdom are not based on records of residence permits issued (as the United Kingdom does not operate a system of residence permits), but instead relate to the numbers of arriving non-EU citizens permitted to enter the country under selected immigration categories. According to the United Kingdom authorities, data are estimated from a combination of information due to be published in the Home Office Statistical Bulletin 'Control of Immigration: Statistics, United Kingdom' and unpublished management information. The 'Other reasons' category includes: diplomat, consular officer treated as exempt from control; retired persons of independent means; all other passengers given limited leave to enter who are not included in any other category; non-asylum discretionary permissions. 2 The EU Blue cards issued during the year are collected in two datasets: 1. in the table migr_resocc countig the EU Blue Cards issued as "first permits" and 2. in the EU Blue Cards counting all EU Blue Cards issued. The diference between these two categories is represented by the EU Blue cards that are not first permits. However these two tables might be updated/revised at a different point in time and the consistency between tables might be affected.