Наборы данных
Accommodation services, distribution of sales by type of service provided, Canada
Accommodation services, e-commerce sales, Canada
Advertising and related services, e-commerce sales, Canada
Advertising and related services, industry expenditures, Canada
Advertising and related services, sales by type of client, Canada
Advertising and related services, summary statistics, Canada
Amusement and recreation, e-commerce sales, Canada
Amusement and recreation, summary statistics, Canada
Architectural services, distribution of operating sales by type of service, Canada
Architectural services, industry expenditures, Canada
Architectural services, sales by type of client, Canada
Architectural services, summary statistics, Canada
Automotive equipment rental and leasing, e-commerce sales, Canada
Automotive equipment rental and leasing, sales by type of client, Canada
Automotive equipment rental and leasing, summary statistics, Canada
Book publishers, detailed financial statistics by country of control, Canada
Book publishers, electronic sales, Canada
Book publishers, industry expenditures, Canada
Book publishers, net value of book sales by customer category, Canada
Book publishers, new titles published by commercial category, authorship breakdown, Canada
Book publishers, new titles published by commercial category, country of control, Canada
Book publishers, sales by nationality of authors, Canada
Book publishers, sales of books by language of printing, Canada
Book publishers, summary statistics, Canada
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, industry expenditures, Canada
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, sales by type of client, Canada
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, summary statistics, Canada
Consulting services, summary statistics, Canada
Consumer Confidence by Age, Finland
Consumer Confidence by Level of Education, Finland
Consumer Confidence by Person's Socio-Economic Status, Finland
Consumer Confidence by Region, Finland
Consumer Confidence Survey on India's Macroeconomic Indicators
Consumer Confidence: Outlook and Changes, Finland
Consumer Confidence: Response Distributions and Changes, Finland
Consumer goods rental, e-commerce sales, Canada
Consumer goods rental, summary statistics, Canada
Consumer Survey, Belgium
Credit and Charge Cards, Annual, Singapore
Egg production in millions, Uganda
Employment services, e-commerce sales, Canada
Employment services, industry expenditures, Canada
Employment services, sales by type of client, Canada
Employment services, sales by type of goods and services, Canada
Employment services, summary statistics, Canada
Engineering services, industry expenditures, Canada
Film and video distribution, distribution revenue, Canada
Film and video distribution, industry expenditures, Canada
Film and video distribution, industry profile, Canada
Film and video distribution, summary statistics, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, industry expenditures, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, industry profile based on domestic and foreign sales, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, industry profile based on type of revenue, Canada
Film, television and video post-production, summary statistics, Canada
Film, television and video production, industry expenditures, Canada
Film, television and video production, production revenue by type of production, Canada
Film, television and video production, summary statistics, Canada
Food services and drinking places, distribution of total sales, Canada
Food services and drinking places, e-commerce sales, Canada
Food services and drinking places, industry expenditures, Canada
Food services and drinking places, summary statistics, Canada
Newspaper publishers, advertising and circulation sales by type of paper, Canada
Newspaper publishers, advertising sales by type of format, Canada
Newspaper publishers, breakdown of total operating expenses by type of paper, Canada
Newspaper publishers, breakdown of total sales, Canada
Newspaper publishers, circulation sales by type of format, Canada
Newspaper publishers, sales by type of advertising, Canada
Newspaper publishers, summary statistics, Canada
Performing arts, detailed sources of revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, e-commerce sales, Canada
Performing arts, industry expenditures, Canada
Performing arts, performances and attendance, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of performance revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of private sector revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of public sector grants, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, sources of revenue, not-for-profit, Canada
Performing arts, summary statistics, Canada
Periodical publishers, advertising, circulation and custom publishing revenue, Canada
Periodical publishers, breakdown of published titles by language, Canada
Periodical publishers, industry expenditures, Canada
Periodical publishers, print circulation by channel of distribution, Canada
Periodical publishers, print circulation by type of publication, Canada
Periodical publishers, published titles by type of publication, Canada
Periodical publishers, sales by activity, Canada
Periodical publishers, summary statistics, Canada
Real estate agents and brokers, industry expenditures, Canada
Real estate agents, brokers and appraisers, summary statistics, Canada
Real estate rental and leasing and property management, summary statistics, Canada
Repair and maintenance services, industry expenditures, Canada
Repair and maintenance services, sales by type of client, Canada
Repair and maintenance services, summary statistics, Canada
Results of the Survey of the GDSEI on Consumer Credit, Belgium
Software development and computer services, e-commerce sales, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, industry expenditures, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, revenue from sales of recordings based on musical category, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, sales based on format of musical recordings, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, summary statistics, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, total sales of recordings based on nationality of artists, Canada
Sound recording and music publishing, total sales of recordings by country of control, Canada
Specialized design services, distribution of sales by type of service provided, Canada
Specialized design services, e-commerce sales, Canada
Specialized design services, sales by type of client, Canada
Specialized design services, summary statistics, Canada
Spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries, e-commerce sales, Canada
Spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries, industry expenditures, Canada
Spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries, summary statistics, Canada
Travel arrangement services, distribution of sales by type of service provided, Canada (discontinued)
Travel arrangement services, e-commerce sales, Canada
Travel arrangement services, industry expenditures, Canada
Travel arrangement services, sales by type of client, Canada
Travel arrangement services, summary statistics, Canada