Until a few years, the ago Rwandan Constitution allowed presidents to seek only two terms in office, but according to the constitutional amendment in 2015, Paul Kagame could potentially remain in power until 2034. Under his leadership, rebels saved the country from genocide in 1994 during which more than 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were massacred by Hutu extremists. According to the Rwandan National Electoral Commission Twitter, President Kagame won more than 6.65 million votes in the August election, or approximately 98.6 percent of the voting population.


After the genocide, Rwanda needed to create strong governance institutions, particularly in the spheres of human, financial, and institutional resources. The African Governance Index suggests that Rwanda has made spectacular strides under Paul Kagame:

  • Rule of law. The country has a low level of corruption, with a stable index score between 2006 and 2014.
  • Level of accountability. Rwanda's score has increased by 29.9% since 2006. The current government publicly promotes transparency and accountability, the assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including administrative oversight.
  • National security. Rwanda's score has weakened, implying that the government has not adequately protected the population against crises, including, for example, political power, diplomacy, economic power, and military strength.
  • Level of participation and human rights. The government is encouraging active participation in the government decision-making process, leading to a rising score during the 2006-2015 period.
  • Level of sustainable economic opportunity. This measure shows continuous growth, particularly in terms of average annual gross domestic product.
  • Level of human developmentRwanda has made the most progress of all ranked countries during the last 25 years.


After winning his third consectuive presidential term in August, President Kagame said he would work to sustain economic growth. Despite local and international criticism in regard to human rights, oppostition management and other social issues, Kagame has built an economic lion.

  • Rwandan economic growth exceeds 8 percent annually, according to the World Bank, making it one of the astest growing economies in Central Africa.
  • Although the Rwandan inflation rate has fluctuated substantially in recent years, it trended downward through 2008, ending at 7.1 percent in early 2017. The rate of unemployment has remained stable since 2009, fluctuating within the 2.2  to 3.4 percent range.
  • Rwanda's economic freedom score is also rising, leading to Rwanda scoring as the most-improved economic environment and, in 2012, ranking Rwanda third among African countries on the Economic Freedom Index.


As terrorism and conflict data show, the number of fatalities in Rwanda significantly decreased relative to the Bizigumbu presidency. Injuries spiked, however, during the violent prelude to the 2010 elections.



Tourism receipts of Rwanda increased from $6 million in 1996 to $407 million in 2015 growing, an annual average growth rate of 31.75 percent.


Global Standing

Rwanda has transitioned from desolate to hopeful during the last two decades for the reasons already described. But local social and living conditions have not experienced a similar rebound. In 2016, Rwanda was ranked 151 of 155 countries by level of happiness, with the happiness rating declining between 2015 and 2016. Discussion continue about democracy in Rwanda as well, with Rwanda scoring last in the Democracy Index.

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