Mexico State

  • Capital:Toluca
  • Governor:Eruviel Ávila Villegas
  • Area in 357 (2015)
  • Population, persons:16 187 608 (2015)
  • Population Density, persons per,06 (2015)
  • Life expectancy at birth:74,9 (2013)
  • Total fertility rate:2,20 (2013)
  • Number of Births:304 178 (2012)
  • Number of Deaths:69 384 (2012)
  • Official Web Site of the Region
  • Medical Staff, persons:19 433 (2011)
  • Population with primary education, 5 years and older :4 457 432 (2010)
  • Economically active population:6 681 184 (2013)
  • GDP at constant price 2008 (mln. US$):1 174 948 (2012)
  • GDP at constant prices Primary Sector 2008 (mln. US$):15 458 (2012)
  • GDP at constant prices Secondary Sector 2008 (mln. US$):385 648 (2012)
  • Sales value of electricity (thousands of dollars):26 438 312 (2011)
  • Total harvested area (hectares):668 583 (2011)
  • Total sown area (hectares):872 271 (2011)


Все наборы данных: M T
  • M
    • Апрель 2022
      Источник: Apple, Inc.
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 апреля, 2022
      We define our day as midnight-to-midnight, Pacific time. Cities represent usage in greater metropolitan areas and are stably defined during this period. In many countries/regions and cities, relative volume has increased since January 13th, consistent with normal, seasonal usage of Apple Maps. Day of week effects are important to normalize as you use this data. Data that is sent from users’ devices to the Maps service is associated with random, rotating identifiers so Apple doesn’t have a profile of your movements and searches. Apple Maps has no demographic information about our users, so we can’t make any statements about the representativeness of our usage against the overall population. This information will be available for a limited time during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
  • T
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: OpenTable
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 июля, 2024
       Change in seated diners by month / day, 2024 vs. 2023 This table measures the volume of seated diners on a daily/monthly basis in 2024 vs. 2023. For example, in Berlin on January 8, 2024, seated diners were up 8% compared to 2023. In the monthly view, data for the current month shows the YoY change in seated diners for the month-to-date (up until one day prior to the current date). For example, if the date is January 10, 2024, the data compares January 1 – 9, 2024 to the same range in 2023.