Sibensko-kninska zupanija

  • Capital:Šibenik
  • Župan:Goran Pauk
  • Population, persons:103 608 (2016)
  • Land area, 984,0 (2015)
  • Population density, persons/sq. km:35,0 (2015)
  • Net migration rate, %:-6,3 (2015)
  • Rate of natural population change, %:-7,4 (2015)
  • Official web-site of the region
  • GDP, million euros:850,00 (2014)
  • GDP per capita, euro:8100 (2014)
  • GDP per Capita, % of EU Average:29,00 (2014)
  • Crude Birth Rate, per 1'000 Inhabitants:7,90 (2015)
  • Crude Death Rate, per 1'000 Inhabitants:15,30 (2015)
  • Rate of Total Population Change, per 1'000 Inhabitants:-13,70 (2015)
