
  • Capital:Callao (Bellavista District)
  • Mayor:Félix Moreno
  • Population, Persons:969 170 (2012)
  • Area, Sq. Km:147 (2012)
  • Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:6 593,9 (2012)
  • Annual Average Growth Rate of Population, %:1,40 (2016)
  • Crude Birth Rate, per 1,000 Persons:14,99 (2016)
  • Crude Death Rate, per 1,000 Persons:5,12 (2016)
  • Net Migration Rate, per 1,000 Persons:No data
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Unemployment Rate, %:6,51 (2012)
  • Gross Value Added, Thousand PEN:No data
  • GVA Growth Rate, %:No data
  • Agricultural Production, Mln. PEN:No data
  • Poverty Rate, %:No data
  • Life Expectancy at Birth, Years:78,37 (2016)
  • Illiteracy Rate of Population, %:2,3 (2012)
  • Gross Enrollment Rate in Education, %:94,95 (2010)
  • Annual Average Temperature, Degrees Celsius:No data

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