United States Postal Service

The United States Postal Service is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States, including its insular areas and associated states.

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  • U
    • Ноябрь 2020
      Источник: United States Postal Service
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 августа, 2021
      The Postal Service delivers more mail to more addresses in a larger geographical area than any other post in the world. We deliver to nearly 159 million addresses in the country — covering every state, city and town. Everyone living in the United States and its territories has access to postal products and services and pays the same for a First-Class Mail postage stamp regardless of their location. First-Class Single Piece Mail volume - Mail bearing postage stamps — bill payments, personal correspondence, cards and letters, etc. Shipping/Package volume - Includes Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, First-Class Packages, Package Services, Parcel Return Service and Parcel Select.