United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNECE's major aim is to promote pan-European economic integration. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. However, all interested United Nations member States may participate in the work of UNECE. Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.

Все наборы данных: R
  • R
    • Январь 2025
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 января, 2025
      For European Union member states, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland the source of data from year 2005 is CARE database.Country: LatviaPersons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or within 7 days; persons who die later are recorded as injured.Country: Moldova, Republic ofBreak in series: From 2007 a regulation has made it compulsory for police inspectors to enter data about road accidents. For years prior this is not the case.Country: NetherlandsInjured persons refer to persons who were hospitalized.Country: PortugalPersons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or during or immediately after transport from the scene of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured.Country: SpainPersons are recorded as killed who die within 24 hours as a result of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured.Country: TurkeyUntil year 2015 figures on persons killed include the deaths only at the accident scene; however since year 2015 figures on persons killed also include the deaths within 30 days after the traffic accidents due to related accident and its impacts for people injured and sent to health facilities.Country: United KingdomData refer to Great Britain.
    • Август 2023
      Источник: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 25 августа, 2023
      Source: UNECE Transport Division Database. Definition:Killed: Any person who was killed outright or who died within 30 days as a result of the accident. Injured: Any person, who was not killed, but sustained one or more serious or slight injuries as a result of the accident. Please note that country footnotes are not always in alphabetical order. .. - data not available For European Union member states, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland the source of data from year 2005 is CARE database. Country: Latvia Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or within 7 days; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Moldova, Republic of Break in series: From 2007 a regulation has made it compulsory for police inspectors to enter data about road accidents. For years prior this is not the case. Country: Netherlands Injured persons refer to persons who were hospitalized. Country: Portugal Data refer to continent only. Country: Portugal Persons are recorded as killed who die at the scene of the accident or during or immediately after transport from the scene of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Spain Persons are recorded as killed who die within 24 hours as a result of the accident; persons who die later are recorded as injured. Country: Turkey Data by day of week cover accidents only at Police responsibility areas between 2000-2011 whereas between 2012-2015 data cover both Police and Gendermarie responsibility areas. Data on fatalities and injured persons cover both Police and Gendermarie responsiblity areas. Until 2015 figures on persons killed include the deaths only at the accident scene. Since 2015 figures on persons killed also include the deaths within 30 days after the traffic accidents due to related accident and its impacts for people injured and sent to health facilities. Country: United Kingdom Data refer to Great Britain.